Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 386: Ordinary People

The Government Affairs Council has started to close the net, and all the space shuttles that have appeared on the cleanup list have been intercepted by the military. Even if the high-level officials of the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer Guild went to negotiate, no one would show any kindness. In other words, it was only at this moment that the family alliance in Moon City realized that Star Group's blow had arrived.

In just one day, the Star Group arrested more than 4,000 political personnel, and about 30% of them were intercepted on the space shuttle. And this time the operation basically wiped out all the administrative staff in 800 cities.

"General Zhukov has now arrested more than 4,000 people. I think the construction of the northern border wall facilities is sufficient. It is better for us to stop further arrests. After all, we have already arrested all serious cases. Arrested." Yang Zhicheng looked at the list in front of him and was a little shocked. Except for Xingkong City, the middle and high-level managers of all cities were basically wiped out.

"Mr. Yang, this is not up to me. You can contact Mr. Chen. If Mr. Chen agrees, then our army will immediately withdraw from the arrest." Zhukov did not agree, but tactfully Said, and he really does not have the right to decide this matter, but he can also buy face for Yang Zhicheng by saying this. After all, although they belong to two systems, there are still opportunities for cooperation in the future.

"Then thank you, General Zhukov." Yang Zhicheng also understood what Zhukov meant, and immediately called Chen Qiang for instructions.

"More than 4,000 people are enough, so let's stop, but the Government Affairs Council needs to improve the law as soon as possible, and then re-establish the entire market to suppress the family power in each city. There will be no talk of family territory in every base city." After receiving Yang Zhicheng's request, Chen Qiang agreed, and this time the attack was only to cleanse the existing regime, and also to attack the various families. He didn't want to clean up these families quickly in this attack.

The clean-up operation ended in a short period of time, and after the end, the Government Affairs Council announced that all government employees would be included in the welfare system of the Star Group, and all civil servants were filed. This makes all civil servants very happy. This is a big adaptation. The treatment of part-time workers and regular staff is completely different. This unspoken rule is applicable at any time. Although there is a saying of adding dates to a big stick, everyone agrees. After all, people still have to survive.

"Dad, Mom, the school gave us nerve cell activation liquid. I didn't drink it. You should drink it. The effect should be similar to that of low-level cell activation liquid. The outbreak of the zombie virus is coming. Your body can be stronger. "A high school student in school uniform shouted loudly after entering the home.

"Brat, is it true that your dad doesn't use the Internet? Nerve cell activation liquid is a medicine that can expand the brain area issued by the Ministry of Education of the Government Affairs Council to all students. Each person can only have one chance to absorb it once in a lifetime. If you want to develop your brain again, you need to use more advanced potions, what do you think the two of us will use this for?" The man sitting on the sofa said seriously. But there is a kind of distress in his eyes. The relief funds distributed by the Star Group to everyone can only ensure that the family can live a nourishing life, but in this era, this amount of money is not enough at all. You must know that the three people in the family now Everyone needs to strengthen their physique. Only a strong physique can withstand the next virus outbreak. But even if the family saves as much as possible every month, they can’t save much money. As for the cell activation solution, I can’t even think about it. I can only buy biotin drinks for exercise. Every student has a lot of resources, and he will feel even more guilty in his heart.

"Dad, you won't get any results from practicing like this. The dragon and tiger body training technique is not used by anyone outside the infected area at all, and although the "Basic Exercise" can absorb vitality in the air, it is now in the air. The concentration of vitality is not very high, the final effect of the group is not as good as the effect of using biotin drink and starry sky training, what can I do, I don't want you to leave me." The boy started to cry while talking .

"Yu Xing, your father and mother's physical fitness has reached six or more, they can survive, and don't we have a defensive shield, the virus can't get in at all." The man's eyes were full of guilt, he couldn't To give his son a better life and make his son worry about himself, he felt very uncomfortable as a father.

"Yuxing, Guodong is eating." A woman said as she placed three dishes on the table in the living room.

"Mom, I'm going to cook." He Yuxing put it in his schoolbag and ran to the kitchen.

The three dishes on the table are very simple, one is fried pork with chili, one is fried shredded potato and one is cold cucumber. This is the dinner for He Yuxing and his family. In fact, meat is not expensive at all, because it is all served by Star Group. The use of collective breeding technology, coupled with specific catalysts, makes meat very cheap now, but this kind of catalyzed meat is not welcomed by the people at all, only some families can’t afford the mutant animal meat. I will only buy it, but compared to the previous life, the dishes in front of me are not simple.

"Guodong, I found a job. I mainly take care of those children in the Starry Sky Orphanage. There will be a low-level cell activation solution every month for less than 500 star coins. I can't take care of it here." The woman faltered about her affairs while eating, and it was obvious that she really wanted to go.

"Chunmei, you can go if you want. The Starry Sky Orphanage will not be dangerous. Five hundred star coins per month plus a low-level cell activation solution is 1,500 star coins. This is already It's a big sum, don't worry about things at home, I can handle it." He Guodong obviously paused for a while, but he still agreed, although he has machismo in his heart, but He can't find a job at all, and he doesn't like playing games too much, so he doesn't have many skills now. Since he has such a good opportunity, he can't give up.

Whoops, I forgot to post yesterday, forgive my brothers

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