Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 387 Assassination and Cloning

"Mom, the Xingkong Orphanage is a good place. There are experts from the Xingkong Group to guard it." Apparently, He Yuxing knew a little more than his parents.

This is the living condition of most people on the earth now. Although they don't have to worry about food and clothing, they don't have many opportunities to improve their strength. Although they have all received a low-level cell activation given to everyone by the Star Group Liquid, but with the change of form, the body that has been upgraded by the low-level cell activation liquid is a little weaker, so now basically many people start looking for jobs and plan to buy low-level cell activation liquid to improve their strength. But now there is not so much work to do, and the most important thing is that the Star Group has closed the infected area, and adventurers can no longer take risks to obtain funds.

"Mr. Chen, the head of the Yan family of the family alliance and Mr. Rothschild, do you want to meet?" Secretary Song entered Chen Qiang's office to report.

"No, and you can leave too. Don't think that I don't know your identity. Your power is only really great. It took a lot of energy to arrange you by my side. Let's go." Chen Qiang raised his head to look at this lovely and lovely secretary and said directly, if she hadn't reported this time, he wouldn't have thought about it, after all, he had already given the opportunity. Originally, according to the normal procedure, Rothschild and the others should be the first to meet Lei Jun, then Mu Bing and finally themselves, and the report should be carried out by Mu Bing, but this time it turned out to be It was reported by Secretary Song, indicating that these people directly bypassed the Star Group and the office, and then sent him the news directly through this Secretary Song, so Chen Qiang had already given the opportunity to this secretary, but she did not catch.

"Mr. Chen, did I do something wrong? You fire me." Secretary Song's tears rolled in her eyes, and her watery eyes were full of despair. If Chen Qiang hadn't seen her panic at the beginning, he would have thought that he really wished for his secretary.

"You can go, and don't try to get close to me, or you will be shot dead on the spot." Seeing Secretary Song walking towards him, Chen Qiang warned, for the secretary in front of him, Chen Qiang still recognized her ability in his heart Otherwise, with his personality, it would be impossible to give this secretary a chance.

"Mr. Chen, I actually regret it. Can you forgive me one more time?" Secretary Song was already sobbing. The moment Chen Qiang exposed her, she felt that she had lost a lot of things.

"Xiao Song, I gave you a chance, you should know, don't let me do it, in fact, your ability is still good enough, you should have a good home in Moon City." Chen Qiang sighed, for He hasn't been in contact with this secretary for a long time, but Chen Qiang's ability caught his eye, so he plans to train her as a high-level executive of the Star Group. After all, many secretaries of company bosses are in high positions in the end. Yes, but because of his misunderstanding, he found out the relationship between the secretary and the family alliance.

"Then thank you, Mr. Chen, for taking care of me during this time." Secretary Song quickly walked a few steps ahead and bowed to Chen Qiang. Because of the professional attire, when Secretary Song bowed, the white snow on her chest appeared. In Chen Qiang's eyes, in such a short period of time, a laser shot out from Secretary Song's chest and flew directly towards Chen Qiang.

But to Secretary Song's disappointment, the blow she had prepared for so long was intercepted by a protective shield, but this boss Chen didn't suffer a single bit of damage.

"Tell me, who are you, who told you to do this, how many people like you are there in the Star Group." Chen Qiang fixed his eyes on Secretary Song's eyes, and there was a rare appearance on his forehead. There were beads of sweat, and there were still a lot of them. As for Secretary Song's eyes, his eyes began to relax.

"My name is Song Yuzhi Clone No. 1. I'm from the Song family. The Yan family sent me in. As for how many people like me are in the Star Group, I don't even know." Song Yuzhi replied mechanically.

"Clone No. 1? Are you Song Yuzhi's clone? How many clones like you are there? How long did your cloning process take? When did the cloning experiment start?" The five consecutive questions represented Chen Qiang's The panic in his heart at this time, he almost went crazy when he heard the word clone. The detection methods of the Starry Sky Group can't detect it at all. If the family alliance clones and replaces all the personnel of the Starry Sky Group, then the Starry Sky Group will be finished.

"We have a total of five hundred people in this group, and each batch of cloning takes about a year. As for the start time, according to the seniors in the cloning experiment base, which experimental base existed at the beginning of the 21st century." 'Song Yuzhi' had no resistance at all after being hypnotized, so Chen Qiang quickly got a lot of information from her.

Cloning is a taboo word, especially the cloning of the human body is a question that cannot even be raised. Moreover, according to the information Chen Qiang sent to 'Song Yuzhi', it can be known that the cloning technology mastered by the family alliance is already very advanced. It can transform a group of embryos into an adult within a year. It was a challenge from society, so Chen Qiang's heart was extremely cold at this time.

So now he needs to find a technology that can detect human clones, but there is no difference between clones and real people, even in the biomagnetic field, there is no doubt about this. As for why Chen Qiang knew about this, it was because he had done experiments in this area before, but the final clone was destroyed before being awakened. Since then, he has stopped all the research on human cloning in the Starry Sky Research Institute. experiments, even cloning of organs is not allowed.

Looking at 'Song Yuzhi' who was already lying on the operating table, Chen Qiang really didn't want to dissect such a delicate person. Since the family alliance has mastered the complete human cloning technology, they must have a way to clone human beings and real people , and according to his inference, it should be something similar to a chip, but he failed to find out the location of the chip by using a series of methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance, and this time the chief surgeon was George Wittig, and he was also very concerned about this chip. Cloning generated a lot of interest.

As for the invasion of clones, what Chen Qiang can trust is the person who issued the watch before. This watch is used to detect the human body through genes, and only he can unlock it. Therefore, the person who issued the watch before the outbreak of the zombie virus is He could trust, and Georg Wittig was one of them, and he needed the help of this doctor.

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