Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 388 Vitality Test

There will always be some coincidences in the world. Just when Chen Qiang was about to dissect the beautiful woman in front of him, Chen Qiang received a call from the research institute. Afterwards, he focused his research on viruses, and now his research is on vitality.

"Mr. Chen, we have discovered a very remarkable thing, that is, when a baby is born, there will be part of the vitality in the body. This part of the vitality is very pure, and this part of the vitality will always exist in us. in our bodies, but we can't use them anyway, and what's strange is that people can survive even if they don't have part of the vitality, but these people are born with defects." Jin Zhanqiang said a lot in a series .

"What exactly are you going to say, can you say the key points." Chen Qiang was speechless.

"We have researched the detection method and conversion method of vitality. According to the methods and methods we have mastered, we can make the concentration of vitality in a certain space reach a hundred times the standard concentration, and the standard of concentration of vitality is based on the low-level cell activation solution. Standard." Jin Zhanqiang was actually very excited, he had already set up a small vitality training room in their laboratory, and the strength of their entire laboratory staff improved rapidly.

"This is indeed good news. You should first build a large-scale vitality cultivation area with a concentration of 100 times in Starry Sky City. I still have things to do here. I will arrange other things after I am done." Chen Qiang thought in his heart at this time. He was very anxious, so he just ordered casually and hung up the phone.

"Shouldn't this be good news?" Jin Zhanqiang muttered to himself when he saw his boss hang up his phone.

"Boss, I think we have come up with a good solution now. What Jin said just now is that people will have a part of vitality when they are born, and this part of vitality cannot be used, and my understanding is that this part The vitality is the vitality of the mother inherited by the baby. This part of the vitality is not compatible with the baby's inadvertent biomagnetic field, so it cannot be used by the baby. I think we can use this principle to create a human clone. Instruments. Clones have not gone through the process of mother-fetal gestation, so their bodies should not contain this part of vitality, let Jin's team come over and do a test on this clone, I think this is an opportunity." George Wittig put down the scalpel in his hand and said, this is him as a result.

Although Chen Qiang felt that it was very unreliable, because all the phenomena up to now could be described by science, but this matter could not be described by science at all. Is this the inheritance of blood, and it is also the transmission of matrilineal. Human beings have always been a very contradictory creature, and they will attribute all unexplainable things to a series of things conceived by humans such as theology and supernatural phenomena.

"Okay, I'll call Jin Zhanqiang right now and ask them to come over and test this person." Chen Qiang finally compromised. Although he was bloody now, he still didn't want to personally give such a living person to him. Anatomy, though she's a clone.

The ethical issue of cloning is the biggest obstacle to the entire human cloning project. Whether it is the cultural inheritance of all countries in the world or the formation of ethics and morals, human beings are unique and cannot be copied, and cloning completely overthrows this code. Moreover, in the human code, this cloned 'thing' has all the characteristics of human beings, which means that this 'thing' is not an item. If harm is imposed on these cloned people, it represents the ethical concept of human beings. It has collapsed, which is a terrible thing for human beings.

Jin Zhanqiang was very puzzled. He was hung up by the big boss just now. When he was depressed, the big boss called him again and asked him to help him in the laboratory of Xingkong Hospital. Although he was full of doubts, since the big boss was calling, he couldn't hesitate to ask the other personnel in the laboratory to bring all the equipment and get on the anti-gravity flying vehicle that had been prepared before arriving at the Starry Sky Hospital .

"Senior brother is here, let your researchers first test whether this woman has the vitality that you said came from the mother's womb." Chen Qiang ordered without any hesitation after Jin Zhanqiang entered the laboratory.

"Ah, you two big men are guarding a delicate woman. You have families." Jin Zhanqiang approached and said in surprise after seeing the person on the operating table.

"Jin, hurry up, this is not a real person, she is a clone." Georg Wittig was also a little anxious.

"Ah, clone, isn't this Mr. Chen's secretary? How could it be a clone?" Before he finished speaking, Jin Zhanqiang thought of an impossible possibility, so he hurriedly greeted the research institute behind him and the person in front of him. Delicate people perform detection.

The whole instrument is very huge, adding up to more than two tons, but the five researchers started to assemble it as if there was nothing to do. Chen Qiang looked at the very agile researchers and nodded involuntarily. The strength of these people is above that of a martial artist, and people with this strength can basically bear about five tons, so this thing is a piece of cake for them.

After half an hour of testing, Jin Zhanqiang finally confirmed the final conclusion that there is no vitality from the mother's fetus in the exquisite human body in front of him. Hearing this news, Chen Qiang and George Wittig breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, can this instrument be miniaturized, and how many people in the world do not have this kind of vitality from the mother's womb." Chen Qiang asked quickly.

"This instrument is a new type of instrument, and it has many functions. If it is only to detect the vitality in the human body, it does not need such a large area at all, and it can be carried by a human hand. As for the human world that does not contain the vitality from the mother's womb If this person is conceived and born after ten months, then he will definitely contain it. Of course, some people have a relatively small number and need more sensitive instruments to detect. Of course, this kind of cloned person does not have a trace vitality." Jin Zhanqiang explained that he can now basically confirm what he just thought. He had participated in the human cloning project within Starry Sky Group. Chen Qiang, who was the host of the entire project, stopped the project when the original embryos were differentiated and cultivated, but he knew very well that although the project was stopped, the human body The cloning project doesn't have any technical problems at all now, but what he's curious about now is which faction pushed Mr. Chen's secretary in.

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