Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 393 Conspiracy

The city of Sydney, located in Western Australia, is the last city that humans existed on the Australian mainland. Since the star group blocked the entire Australian continent, it has almost become a military city. Not long ago, about 500,000 soldiers boarded a transport plane to go to North America for support. Now there are less than 200,000 in the entire city. People are on guard. Judging from the actual situation, a complete withdrawal from the Australian mainland has become a foregone conclusion.

Darke, the former deputy commander of the African Military Region, is the supreme commander of the Australian frontline army at this time. dangerous position. But this is exactly the life he wants. In his words, only living on the battlefield will not let his blood go cold. Since he took over this position, he has been fighting mutant beasts. Although the scale is not very large, it has given Dak a new understanding of the entire war between humans and mutant beasts.

So after the 500,000 troops were transferred to support North America, he started his own arrangement: "Everyone, move, bring all the things that can be brought, we must be prepared to evacuate at any time, and let us All the early warning planes have taken off to alert the area within a radius of 500 kilometers of Sydney." At this moment, there seemed to be a voice in Dak's heart telling him: "Go, if you don't go, you won't be able to go." But now the military department has not issued an order. The order to retreat, so he can only prepare in advance, otherwise 200,000 people will not be able to resist the impact of the tide if they prepare again at that time.

So the whole city of Sydney moved, and all the supplies began to be loaded into the transport planes under the command of relevant personnel, while other troops were very vigilant guards on the city walls. But what was supposed to come came back, and a roar came from the depths of the Australian continent.

"Alarm alert." There was a mess in the command center in Sydney for a while.

"Report, according to the latest information from the early warning aircraft, a beast swarm is forming 100 kilometers southeast of Sydney City. At present, there are more than 1,000 mutant beasts above the fifth level of beast soldiers detected along the path, and the most powerful one is the beast general." Level or so." Colonel Intelligence Officer Reported.

"Legion Commander, we only have 200,000 troops. If all of them are distributed on Chen Qiang outside the city of Sydney, our troops are too scattered, and we can't bear it at all. I think we can abandon the outer city walls and move all Put all the mutant beasts in and cover all the buildings besides the airport with various high explosives, and when the whole city is full of mutant beasts, we will detonate them.” The chief of staff of the legion pointed at the entire map After looking at it for a while, I came up with my own solution.

"Okay, now our army has a total of three nuclear bombs with an equivalent of 10 million tons of TNT, and we will use them together at that time. We can't do it." Dak was also a little bit ruthless.

"Reporting to the commander, there is a flood in Australia, and it will hit the city of Sydney about an hour later. According to the report of General Dake in Sydney, the number of mutant beasts has exceeded one million, and the number of mutant beasts above level five exceeds a thousand. "The military headquarters in Starry Sky City is also in dire straits at this time, because according to the latest radar detection, all the mutant beasts at the level of beast generals around the world have already started their activities, and they seem to be gathering together.

"It seems that the mutant beasts in Australia intend to keep all of Sydney's army. You must know that the strongest mutant beast in Australia is the third-level beast general, but now it is the first-level beast general who is commanding the entire beast tide. I am sure that if Sydney If the army intends to withdraw, then the transport plane will definitely be shot down." MacArthur analyzed.

"This possibility is very high, but I always feel that they are waiting for something." Zhukov said with a frown. And Chen Qiang also had a headache at this time, until he saw the virus spreading area on the virtual map in front of him, he suddenly understood, so he hurriedly said: "Order Wu Wudi to bring the strongest force of the Warriors Association to deal with the Australians." The army provides support, no matter what, I want to see 200,000 people come out safely. In addition, let the police stations of all base cities clean up the large beasts around their cities, including various small animals, within the next week Within, no animals can appear in any base city."

After what Chen Qiang said, Zhukov and MacArthur instantly understood what these mutant beasts were waiting for. There are many fortresses in the world that have been opened, and there are generally only two ways to open such tough fortresses. One is to have One type can ignore the defense of this fortress, and the second type is to break it from the inside. Obviously, these mutant beasts are waiting for a new round of global mutation. As long as the animals in the human living area have 10% of the mutation, then it will be harmful to humans. The Shanghai caused is far more terrifying than that caused by a hundred beast generals.

"Also, we have indiscriminately attacked the gathering place of the fifth-level mutant beasts in advance, and issued a global conscription order. In this decisive battle, if we lose this decisive battle, we will really have nothing. "Chen Qiang looked at the virus on the virtual map that had spread over half of the earth and said with determination.

"Yes." No one refused this order. This is indeed a decisive battle concerning the survival of human beings.

As a result, all the electronic screens in the 800 base cities were replaced with conscription information and information about cleaning up all animals within a radius of 50 kilometers around the base city in one second. In an instant, the entire human race was in an uproar, because the amount of conscription this time was 100 million, and the strength was still unlimited, which showed that the situation had reached the most dangerous time, otherwise the Starry Sky Group would not have issued such an order.

The brutal war in North America was not reported by Star Group in the first time, but the Internet is connected in the world, so the information of these wars is basically available on the Internet. Of course, some specific situations are not available, but many people especially People who have experienced life and death in virus-infected areas hold a pessimistic attitude, but human beings have a nature that is to gamble. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they dare to bet everything on it, and the current situation is simply not the case. Selected case.

First of all, the residents of North America who responded to the call for conscription registered their conscription information one after another. Compared with other regions, the review of recruitment information in North America is much faster, and the distribution of troops is also very fast, because there are no soldiers to guard on the eastern battlefield at this time, although the power of dozens of nuclear bombs makes The beast horde directly caused a fault, but a new batch of beast horde was gathering again, so now the Eastern Front needed a lot of people.

This is already a typical refueling tactic, but there is no way to do this. Originally, Claudy planned to give up the Eastern Front directly, because all the beast hordes on the Eastern Front were mutated by creatures in the sea. Gill-breathing animals cannot live on land at all, but after dissecting those mutated beasts at the military research institute, it was found that the gills of these mutated beasts have been mutated, and they have a small water storage system. Can survive on land for about three days. This is terrifying. Taking the mutant beast of the fifth level of the beast soldier as an example, it can already travel across the entire North America in three days, from the east coast to the west coast. So Claudine must now organize the army on the Eastern Front.

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