Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 394 Gene Fixation

"Mom, can we not send Xiaobai away?" A little girl looked at her mother and the white puppy in her hands with tears in her eyes in the base city of Chengdu in the west of Huaguo.

Although her heart was about to break seeing the tears in her daughter's eyes, she still gritted her teeth and left the house with the cage in hand. Children can understand, but as an adult, she can't understand. Now there are virus infection countdowns on the tallest buildings in all base cities in the world. It will be a matter of time before animals mutate. She doesn't want her children to live in danger.

And her husband was sent to the front line to defend against these mutant beasts. Now she suffers from insomnia every night. As long as she closes her eyes, she will dream of her husband being carried back by the military. Although the treatment given by the army to the sacrificed people is good enough for the mother and daughter to live, the family is still intact.

This kind of situation is constantly happening in the 800 base cities around the world. The Star Group has reported on the front line very frequently during this period, especially after the North American Eastern Front was completely broken through. Everyone in the world understands that the Star Group is not omnipotent. The future world will be a tough survival, so during this period of time, the military's recruitment has always been full, and no one is going to escape. If anyone escapes, they will be despised by the whole city.

Not only the pets and stray animals in each base city, but also the animals in the breeding bases of each city have begun to be slaughtered. The task of all base cities is to kill all animals in the base except humans before the virus spreads to the base city. Clean up.

There is no one in the world who is not afraid of death, especially the treatment given to everyone in the base city built by the Star Group is not very low. This kind of life is unimaginable even in the era of the country, so everyone respects the orders of the Star Group. obey.

"Zhukov, have the troops from eastern North America been dispatched?" Chen Qiang hurriedly entered the headquarters and asked.

"It has been dispatched. Australia's 300,000 troops plus the newly recruited 700,000 have a total of 1 million troops, and the eastern city wall has also been repaired. However, such refueling tactics will be somewhat disadvantageous for us." Zhukov reported. , he has not slept for two days.

"How is the situation in Australia?" Chen Qiang has been spending the past few days in the laboratory solving some problems with the research institutes. Now the best way to improve human strength is weapons.

"It's not very good. Wu Wudi brought the warrior guild to support. There have been three small-scale wars. The warrior guild has sacrificed a lot. Basically, our three warriors can fight against mutant beasts of the same level. I My suggestion is to withdraw the Australian troops immediately, and use the strength of Wu Wudi, Warrior Guild, and the military to forcibly tear a hole in the existing encirclement before the mutated beasts are ready for the encirclement." Zhukov pointed to the virtual map Sydney, Australia above said.

"Then withdraw." Chen Qiang actually doesn't want to withdraw from this place in Australia, because this place is the front line for humans to fight against mutant beasts, and as long as humans have troops in Australia, they can effectively fix part of the mutant beasts in this place. , Maybe the beasts also saw this situation, so they directly opened up two battlefields, one in North America and the other in Australia.

"Mr. Chen, I hope to carry out an all-round saturation attack on the Australian continent after the army withdraws. At present, our military department has a total of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs. I hope to use 5,000 nuclear bombs to plow the entire Australian continent." MacArthur Ask for instructions.



They refused with one voice, the first voice was naturally Chen Qiang, and the second voice was Ouyang Mingyue who had just entered the military headquarters.

"Academician Ouyang, what's the matter with you?" Chen Qiang said in surprise.

"Mr. Chen, the latest conclusion drawn by our mutant animal research department is that the cell division ability of mutant beasts is very strong, and its ability to mutate is also very strong. According to our calculations, if nuclear bombs are used, the nuclear radiation per square meter A mutant beast of the level of a beast general may be born in the area, and we humans simply cannot bear the consequences." Ouyang Mingyue said, but in fact, these words were said to the people in the military department, and Chen Qiang knew it long ago.

"Academician Ouyang, according to the understanding of biology, the more complex a creature is, the more difficult it will be to mutate. Mutant beasts are no different from humans in terms of intelligence, so their mutation should be the same as ours. , doesn’t that mean that we humans can also use nuclear radiation to mutate.” The military department is about to use all means to resist the mutant beasts, so after listening to Ouyang Mingyue’s words, the first thing they think of is not that the mutant beasts mutated. threatening rather than enhancing human power.

"This method will not work at all. All mutations are carried out at the genetic level. Human genetic mutations are different from animal genetic mutations. Animal genetic mutations produce some genes that have never been there, while human genes are It is to eliminate some bad genes and useless genes. The simple explanation is that the mutation of human beings is reversion to ancestors, while the mutation of animals is to produce a new species." Ouyang Mingyue explained, the idea of ​​​​the military department she She understood, so she explained patiently.

"Ouyang, what's the matter with you this time?" Chen Qiang saw that MacArthur and Zhukov still had some questions, so he interrupted directly. He knew what questions these two would ask next, but Star Group had some research on this aspect. But it wasn't very deep, and it wasn't time to announce it, so he interrupted it directly.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, we recently discovered a mechanism that can curb the evolution of mutant beasts. We need an extremely large mutant area. I hope that the military department can cooperate with us to block Australia again for this experiment." Ouyang Mingyue went to the virtual map and blocked the entire Australian continent with a red line.

"What, what is the effect of curbing the evolution of mutant beasts?" Before Chen Qiang could ask, Zhukov asked first, and everyone in the headquarters focused their eyes on Ouyang Mingyue, which is a hopeless situation for human beings. hope.

"At present, it is only the first generation, and its principle is to directly fix the genes in the mutated beast, but the time is only half a year at most, and the effect will become weaker as the strength of the mutated beast increases, and this fixation is too fragile. If the beast is impacted by strong energy for a certain period of time, then the fixation of this gene will collapse." Ouyang Mingyue used his virtual bracelet to release the whole process in the form of animation, introducing.

"Half a year is enough time. Mr. Chen, I hope that this drug can be produced on a large scale. I hope that this drug can be sprinkled on every piece of land in the world." Zhukov and MacArthur were a little bit impatient, and hurriedly asked for instructions. .

"Ouyang, does this drug have any side effects?" Chen Qiang asked calmly. He knew that this matter was not that simple when Ouyang Mingyue said that the entire Australian continent would be blocked.

"It does have side effects. This drug also works on humans, and the effect is greater than that of mutant beasts. If the genes in humans are fixed, the energy needed to break through this shackle again is three times that of mutant beasts of the same level. The human body simply cannot bear this level of energy." Ouyang Mingyue said unwillingly.

"Then let's conduct experiments from Australia and North America, especially the Amazon. The military will send Dragon Tooth out to form an encirclement to cleanse the high-level mutant beasts in these places, and leave the corpses of the mutant beasts where they are and don't bring them back. " Chen Qiang looked at the map and drew a red circle in South America.

"Yes." Everyone was excited, because these two places are currently the places with the most high-level mutant beasts. Of course, the ocean was removed, at least Chen Qiang couldn't do it now, at least by spraying the drug in the ocean. If it really reached that point, it meant that humans planned to die with the mutant beasts.

Brothers, let’s officially start updating, 6,000 a day in January, this is a promise

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