Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 400 Beating

The war expenses of ten trillion star coins will be put on the Star Group sooner or later, and it will be overwhelmed sooner or later. If there are people to help bear it, that is another way of saying it. And now the folks are still very rich, and the top part of the world is leaving, but a large number of middle classes have stayed on the earth, and the funds of this part of the people are still on the earth, so the folks are still very rich of.

In the end, Chen Qiang still didn't give Mu Bing an accurate answer. Of course, Mu Bing also understood her husband's difficulties, so she didn't push too much. I heard that the group is going to release part of the technology again, and wait for this wave of blood to return. It is very likely that she will be able to apply again later.

After a big crisis, everyone in the world cherishes their current life very much, no matter how delicate life is. This also led to the rapid circulation of some commodities on the market, and even a luxury item began to appear. This is good news for the Government Affairs Council. But at this time, Yang Zhicheng, the head of the government affairs council, was reporting something to Chen Qiang in Chen Qiang's office.

"Mr. Chen, according to our statistics, the number of military sacrifices this time is 2,835,043, and more than 300 billion star coins need to be spent on pensions, plus various subsidies this time. We need to spend at least 500 billion yuan to carry it out, and I think we can reduce the scale a little bit." Yang Zhicheng said this sentence bravely, because he knew that it was very inappropriate to say such a thing at this time.

"Tell me, which piece do you plan to move?" Chen Qiang asked expressionlessly.

"What I mean is that the treatment of a set of third-level housing for all martyr families can be cancelled. There are not many third-level housing benefits in various cities. If we really want to distribute it, we need to build some third-level housing in some cities. This will be a burden for us." Yang Zhicheng said with dry lips.

"How much money can be saved if this part of the treatment is cancelled." Chen Qiang continued to ask.

"About 80 billion star coins." Yang Zhicheng felt more and more uneasy at this moment.

After the establishment of the Government Administration Council, the housing in all base cities was classified. The first grade is the low-rent housing that everyone can get, only 60 square meters, two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom; the second grade is relatively low-rent housing. It’s better, about square meters, three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom; the third level is the housing promised by the military to all martyrs, with a standard of 120 square meters, four bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen. The first, second, and third-level housing are the residences of all people below the Wuling level. No matter how rich you are, you can't live in a fourth-level or even fifth-level housing.

"Don't make any discounts on this matter. We can do whatever we want. We can't let the soldiers feel cold. Isn't it that taxes have already started? All the taxes will go to the base cities in half. It will be used for the renovation and expansion of the base city. Since housing is relatively tight now, let’s release this housing first, and wait for the government to build it for the families of these martyrs.” Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"But Mr. Chen will take time, what will happen when the family members of the martyrs start arguing." Yang Zhicheng said reluctantly.

"Give the Government Council half a year. I must see all the families of the martyrs live in tertiary housing. If the management of that city fails to achieve this goal, they will give me their houses for the families of the martyrs." Chen Qiang has A little angry, he can turn a blind eye to some things. After all, the Star Group provided little financial support to each base city before. I gave half of it, and I should be content.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Yang Zhicheng saw that Chen Qiang was a little angry, so he didn't dare to say any more. But the disappointment on his face is obvious. In his opinion, the power of the current Government Council is a bit small. This time, he finally has the right to collect taxes, but he was assigned to Xingkong by the boss and directly entered into Xingkong Bank, which made him Many plans were once again disrupted.

Chen Qiang couldn't help shaking his head watching Yang Zhicheng's leaving back. He knew what the old man needed, but he couldn't give it. If he really gave, then all this he maintained and insisted on would be meaningless, and the old man's ambition and desire to control were a bit too much.

When all power is concentrated in the hands of one person, there will definitely be civil and military disputes under this person, without exception. This problem has already appeared in the Star Group, and some frictions have begun between the Government Administration Council and the military. If it were not for the Government Administration Council's lack of financial power and the only violent force in its control, the police are now partly controlled by the military. penetrated.

However, the current Xingkong Group is very subtle. The Government Affairs Council, Xingkong Group, the military, and the research institute can be said to be four-legged. Although the Research Institute and the Star Group have always kept a low profile, compared to the Government Administration Council and the military, these two departments are obviously closer to the boss than they are, so the four major departments are now in a delicate balance. What maintains this balance is Chen Qiang and Xingkong, who used to have an office, but the office has existed in name only after Mou Bing left.

This incident passed like this, and after this incident, Yang Zhicheng's private actions began to become a little restrained, and it seemed that the beating still worked. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and now various small groups have appeared in the four major departments, and there is no way to avoid it. Therefore, Chen Qiang needs to beat the leaders of these small groups from time to time, otherwise sometimes he does too much and it will not end well. Now he has more and more a leader's temperament.

"Does the Great Elder really want to expand the area of ​​residential areas above the third level? This time, the permanent reduction of military personnel has reached more than 4 million. This is four million sets of third-level housing, which will greatly reduce the available economic land. .” A middle-aged man asked Yang Zhicheng who was sitting opposite.

The so-called economically available land is the land for building commercial areas. Compared with the commercial potential of the first- and second-level residential areas, the commercial potential of the third, fourth, and fifth levels is obviously much greater. Many cities have sold long-planned residential areas to various companies. The company has built a commercial area, and now suddenly the number of tertiary housing will be increased by more than 4 million units. This is a bolt from the blue for many cities whose land is almost sold out, so they are all frantically looking for it. People do some dredging.

"Zhou Tian, ​​you are also my old subordinate. I have already fought for what I should fight for, but Mr. Chen's tone is very tough. Don't think that I don't know your little Jiujiu. The current Mr. Chen is already very good. If this is the case before Mr. Chen, you people have already been killed. Do it well, and you must implement this matter meticulously. You go, I still have things to do here." Yang Zhicheng said very seriously, and he also had a premonition My report this time may have caused Chen Qiang discomfort.

Sometimes once a rift is formed, it is not easy to make up for it, so Yang Zhicheng regrets it now. The smooth sailing during this period has made him forget who the actual controller of this planet is. Moreover, he has not communicated with the old friends of the moon for a long time during this period, which makes him feel that a storm is about to come.

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