Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 401 Reorganization of the Guild

"Mr. Chen, what do you want us to do?" In the conference room, Yang Zhicheng from the Government Affairs Council, Anderson from the Star Group, Kong Ru from the Research Institute, and Wu Wudi from the Warriors Guild were all there. Looking at Chen Qiang sitting in front, Anderson asked first. road. During this period of time, he rarely appeared in the eyes of the public, but this does not mean that his status in the entire star system has changed.

"I called you here today. I want to discuss with you a few things. The first thing is this technology transaction. Teacher, I plan to release some medicinal formulas developed by the research institute and Starry Sky Biology. What do you think? How is it?" Chen Qiang first asked Kong Ru.

"I think this matter is still a bit difficult. From the perspective of control, it is better to remember that the formula is in our hands, and the most important thing is that there is no company in the market that can analyze these formulas. , do you want the research institute and Xingkong Biology to teach them how to produce them hand in hand." Kong Ru is absolutely proud in the field of biotechnology.

"A drug called 'Potential No. 1' has recently been launched on the market. Its efficacy is basically similar to that of intermediate cells, but this drug is highly targeted to help people improve their physical fitness. I think we need to take care of it." Cultivate some of this market, as our grasp of the earth is getting stronger and stronger, we must not be able to control the market of some necessities and consumables. Otherwise, the whole company will become different." Chen Qiang expressed his thoughts, he The idea is very simple. The current Star Group is too large. From the perspective of market economy, such a powerful enterprise is not allowed to exist.

"Then it would be better for Star Group to take a share. After all, if the market in this area is released at once, it will cause chaos in the entire market." Anderson also expressed his opinion.

"No, the Star Group cannot continue to grow, even if it holds shares. And this time the war has completely emptied the Star Group's cash flow. Such wars will definitely become more and more frequent in the future, which is not very good for the Star Group. Good. I hope Star Group can get out of these things and develop its own business with peace of mind." Star Group is now a behemoth, and many fields on the earth are directly controlled by this behemoth. After learning about this situation, Chen Qiang is already considering splitting the Star Group.

When Anderson heard that Chen Qiang rejected his proposal, he was not disappointed at all. He was also trembling during this time. The current Xingkong Group is too large. Although the entire Xingkong system is now divided into four major departments, the remaining three departments basically report to the Xingkong Group on an administrative basis, and some important projects are also It is all promoted by the Star Group. In his opinion, the current Star Group is a very complete government, but for a professional manager, this is not a good thing at all.

"It's better to use the power of the Government Affairs Council to support a group of such enterprises. Now Starry Sky University has graduated a lot of students. These students were directly assigned to the research institute at the beginning. Why don't all of these people want to leave the research institute? Let them go into society, these people should have no problems with technology." Yang Zhicheng said suddenly at this time.

"Yes, but the specifics of this matter are left to the Star Bank. The Government Affairs Council only provides policy support. Teacher, you should also count the people who want to leave the research institute. Everyone can leave the research institute. Start a business, but the premise is that they can complete the work at hand." Chen Qiang agreed to this suggestion after thinking about it. However, the entire project was not handed over to the Government Affairs Council, but to the Star Bank, which also made Yang Zhicheng a little sad.

This matter was settled in this way, but what no one expected was that when the announcement was released, the entire research institute was boiling, especially some ambitious technical workers. And because such a group of entrepreneurs entered the society, the employment rate and economic recovery in the whole society grew rapidly.

"Okay, now let's discuss the second thing. I plan to convert the current Adventurer's Guild and Mercenary Guild into shares and sell them to various companies outside. What do you think?" Chen Qiang's words made many people present feel shocked. I was taken aback.

"No." Anderson, Wu Wudi, and Kong Ru decisively rejected the proposal immediately. And Yang Zhicheng looked at Chen Qiang with a tangled face, because he knew that he was dealing with this matter with the mentality of a superior, which was normal.

"Sell it, sometimes a monopoly is not a good thing, and the market needs the Adventurer's Guild and the Mercenary Guild." Chen Qiang said in a low tone. Everyone present also understood this person's thoughts at this moment, and Wu Wudi also completely understood, so he swallowed what he wanted to refute.

"Then sell it. Mr. Chen said that the market and human beings need adventurer guilds and mercenary guilds." Yang Zhicheng agreed, but he added a word of human beings to Chen Qiang's words.

"Let's leave this matter to the Government Affairs Council. Mr. Yang's plan is to sell these two guilds to a thousand forces, and the number of shareholders of each guild cannot be less than one hundred at any time. Can it be done?" Chen Qiang said directly, but Yang Zhicheng was a little sluggish at this time, because this meant that the management power of the three major guilds would be transferred from the military to the Government Affairs Council.

"Yes." Yang Zhicheng said a word after a long while.

He has considered for a long time about handing over the management of the guild to the Government Affairs Council. In his plan, the military will completely stop funding the guild in the future. Now the tasks of the three major guilds are issued by the military and Star Group Yes, and the structure of these guilds is still in the most elementary stage. This is a very unfavorable situation for the current form of human beings. A good guild can greatly improve the strength of human beings.

Moreover, any organization will have a relatively stagnant period, and the Martial Artists Guild, which has inherent advantages, will definitely come earlier in this period, so he plans to introduce the other two guilds into the power of the people so that they can complement the Martial Artists Guild.

Although there are only two issues, the impact on the world is huge. The efficiency of the Star Group is notoriously high, so after three days, various departments could not issue relevant plans. So some companies and forces started to go crazy. Of course, these things are really far away compared to the people, because all of these have a condition that you have to be very rich.

It's the end of the year again, and compared to the tension at the end of last year, this year is obviously much better. Chen Qiang also takes advantage of this time to stay at home with his children. There are too few opportunities for him to be alone with his children this year. However, as the actual highest authority of human beings, he has already lost this qualification.

One day, he was teaching his children boxing at home, but a message from the moon broke everything completely. There was an escape incident in Moon City, and a total of two spaceships left the moon, and the speed of these two spaceships was very fast, and they were not built by the Star Group.

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