Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 402: Moon City Destroyed

He had ordered the blockade of Moon City back then, and he had always remembered it, but he hadn't considered how to deal with it yet. But now that there is an escape incident in Moon City, it means that those people in Moon City may still have a backup, so he must come up with a solution now.

So he directly dialed the number of the commander of the lunar blockade fleet after arriving at the office. The military department is just the military department of the earth. They don't have the strength to manage the space army. These troops in space are directly responsible to Chen Qiang.

"Mr. Chen, we have blocked the moon base for 173 days. Ten very special spaceships rushed out of the moon city at around 8 o'clock last night in Star City, and we intercepted and shot down eight of them. But two escaped. And these two spacecraft disappeared after leaving the lunar orbit. After we searched through the radar of the starting point, we did not find his trace, so we suspect that there may be space jumping devices on these two spacecraft. "Feng Zhengming had an unusually solemn face when he reported to Chen Qiang.

"Oh? Space jumping device, put me through the phone of Moon City. They have been trying to contact me for a long time." Chen Qiang said after thinking for a while.

"Yes." Feng Zhengming immediately ordered the people around him to handle the matter.

The call was connected after a while, but Chen Qiang was a little surprised by the two white-haired and haggard old men on the screen, but he still recognized them, so he said hello, "Mr. Rothschild, how are you, Master Yan?" .”

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Rothschild still had a certain demeanor, and he tidied up his spiritual greeting. But the head of the Yan family didn't have the same demeanor anymore. He directly questioned Chen Qiang: "Mr. Chen, why did you block the Moon City for no reason? Didn't we sign the agreement at the beginning?"

"Mr. Rothschild, can you tell me where your space jumping device comes from, and what is its longest distance?" Chen Qiang ignored the crazy old man and asked Mr. Rothschild.

"It was dismantled from other extraterrestrial spacecraft. In fact, our world has long been patronized by aliens, but we were just a worthless planet at that time, and these aliens After a short stay on the earth, they left, but they left a spaceship that could no longer fly on the earth, and this space jump technology came from this spaceship." Rothschild also knew It would be useless to hide it now, so he confessed directly.

"Since you have obtained a complete spaceship, you should have studied it thoroughly after so many years." Chen Qiang asked with some doubts.

"Mr. Chen, don't look down on us. The technology on this spaceship is very advanced, and we have no way to analyze many materials. If you hadn't led humans into the starry sky and directly mined minerals in the starry sky, we wouldn't have made these few materials." The material of the space jumping device." Rothschild said with a wry smile.

"I don't know what is the farthest distance of the space jumping device, can it reach one light year." Chen Qiang asked again.

"I don't know, we just built it according to the gourd drawing, and then installed it on the spaceship. We don't know how far he can jump." The head of the Yan family also interjected, and he was just like that. It's not a problem to hang out, so he took the initiative to intervene to answer this question.

"Then can I have a look at your drawings." Chen Qiang asked with a smile.



Obviously Rothschild and the head of the Yan family had a disagreement, but in the end the head of the Yan family backed down.

"This drawing of yours is not complete, and the material used is not hard enough, but you just use the method of circulation to disperse the entire pressure. This is a genius invention. It seems that there are still experts among you." Chen Qiang carefully After viewing the drawing of this space jumping device, I praised it.

"I also want to thank you, Mr. Chen. Huang Pusong was the one who turned this blueprint into a real thing. If you hadn't kicked him out of Starry Sky Academy, he wouldn't be able to work for us now." The head of the Yan family said. From time to time, a little embarrassment turned into anger, and it was the first time he was ignored like this. So there was a strong sense of sarcasm in his tone.

"Oh, Huang Pusong? Well, that child is indeed talented, but he was too independent at the beginning." Chen Qiang had a deep impression on this child, and he regretted it for a long time when he let him go. Never seen such a mechanically gifted man.

"Since Mr. Chen likes Huang Pusong, why don't we make a deal." Seeing Chen Qiang's regret, Rothschild planned to make a deal with him, but he shook his head and rejected it clearly.

In Chen Qiang's words, it means that rabbits don't turn their backs, and he also knows what the person in front of him is planning. The nation he belongs to is a recognized smart and cunning businessman nation.

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me your conditions?" Rothschild was about to get to the point, since he had already talked about everything he needed to talk about, it was time to get to the point.

"Actually, I haven't thought about it yet, but you have indeed touched my bottom line this time, and who knows if you have any other means, the earth is not peaceful now, and your troubles here will distract me a lot Yes." Chen Qiang also said truthfully.

"I understand Mr. Chen, but can I ask you one last question?" Rothschild suddenly seemed to be ten years older. At this moment, he no longer had any energy, like an old man who was about to die Same, but he cheered up and said.

"You ask." Chen Qiang was still willing to listen to the last words, after all, after fighting for so long, he felt a little sympathetic to each other.

"Didn't you get a technical document of an alien civilization, and there is an artificial intelligence in it." Rothschild asked with the last of his strength, his eyes were fixed on the screen at this moment of this man.

"Is it important, but what is certain is that human beings will gain a foothold in the entire star sea under my leadership." Chen Qiang said with a bright smile.

"Understood, we are short-sighted. Thank you, Mr. Chen, for clarifying the confusion. I hope you can lead humans to gain a foothold in this turbulent sea of ​​stars." Rothschild smiled and turned off the communication after finishing the last sentence.

"Feng Zhengming, I now order you to destroy Moon City immediately, and no one can leave Moon City." Chen Qiang immediately ordered Feng Zhengming.

"Yes." Without hesitation, the vitality of the fleet opened fire. Moreover, a large meteorite with a diameter of 100 meters rushed directly towards Moon City after being accelerated, so Moon City became history at this moment.

On the second day, the official media controlled by the Star Group released the news that the moon city was concentrated by meteorites and killed millions of people. All human beings once again realized the fragility of human beings. But some caring people obviously don't think so, but they don't dare to stand up now. From then on, it will be the era of Chen Qiang of the Star Group.

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