Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 407: Three Years

Time flies quickly, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye. After three years, human society has slowly recovered in all aspects, especially in terms of technology, it seems to have entered the interstellar era. In particular, space shuttles take off on the roofs of many buildings and then accelerate out of the earth. This busy scene makes human beings feel like they are in a dream.

The current space shuttle has been popularized to individuals. Basically, you only need to go to the wilderness a few times to buy a space shuttle with only four or five people. Now many adventurers in the whole world like to buy this kind of high-speed aircraft, and these space shuttle builders are those companies that have obtained the second-generation space shuttle technology of the Star Group. The market can always give some clear feedback. In the past, the market had to adapt to Star Group's products, which was a deformed market.

Three years has allowed humans to completely gain the upper hand against mutant beasts. Although three years have allowed the mutant beasts to appear as super mutant beasts with three kings, ten kings and thirteen ranks, there have also been a large number of high-level powerhouses on the human side. , and various special training camps were quickly established, and human beings' training of young people's strength has also entered a systematic era.

The Xingkong Group has also completely entered the dark in the past three years. Now the Xingkong Group sells very few items to the outside world. Except for Xingkong Medicine and Xingkong Bio, all other products have been replaced by products from other companies on the market. up. However, Xingkong Group controls the supply of raw materials, so basically the bulk of the profits of each product is still on Xingkong Group's side.

Interstellar mining has also restarted, but this time the interstellar mining team is much larger. The entire asteroid belt has become a place for humans to set foot. Moreover, the five major space ports built by the five major countries with all their efforts are now in operation, and the operations of the ports are all run by private companies. This is what Chen Qiang promised those businessmen three years ago.

Of course, the largest recipient of these resources is Star Group, so Star Bank has issued a large number of Star Coins in three years, and it has not caused inflation in the entire market. Perhaps this is the era of skyrocketing economic growth. In three years, the world's economic growth rate has reached an average of 130%. normal.

There are now more than 1,300 cities in the world, and the number of cities has increased by more than 500 in three years. This is also the need of the market and the people. Moreover, the three major guilds actually used their own power to establish a base city called the Expedition City in Amazon, which is a very complete military city. This is a very special city ruled by the Government Council. There is no permanent resident in this city. All the people who come to this city have one reason, that is, to venture into Amazon.

Amazon is now one of the three most dangerous places in the world, and it is also the most vigorous area in the world. However, the establishment of this city also sacrificed a lot of people, half of the regiment's strength was sacrificed by the military alone, not to mention the members of the three major guilds. The Martial Artists Guild didn't sacrifice too much because of Wu Wudi and Star Group's support, but the high-end combat power of the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer's Guild almost sacrificed half.

So this city is directly controlled by the three major guilds, and the taxes in this city are also extremely low. However, there is a price to pay for these. All the defenses of this city are the responsibility of the three major guilds. Mutant beasts are not fools, and they don't want humans to build a city here, so they basically have to fight mutant beasts every day when the city is built and just completed.

There was even an unusually high-level battle. The two sides were the high-level fighters of the Adventurer's Guild, Black Magery, and the Crocodile King. The two fought a day-long battle in the south of the expedition city. As one of the top fighters in the world, Blake Magery is very talented. Combining yoga with the "Basic Technique" released by the Starry Sky Group, and then creating a new type of vitality absorption method "Golden Sun Technique", its absorption speed is not much faster than that of "Starry Sky Art" .

Of course, being a crocodile king is not a vegetarian. Animals are more cruel than humans. Being able to stand out from so many crocodiles also shows that the crocodile king is also very talented. The final result was a loss for both sides, which was beyond everyone's expectations. The mutant beast was very intelligent. After seeing the strongest human being injured by his king, he even started to attack the city crazily, and another emperor in the Amazon forest also appeared in the sky above the entire expedition city, but the strong human side also responded in time. Arrived, and this made the crisis go away.

After that war, humans and mutant beasts seem to have reached an agreement that mutant beasts and humans above the level of generals and generals cannot join the war. Of course, there are some mutant beasts that don't seem to accept this treaty, but after humans turned all of these mutant beasts into corpses, some mutant beasts that were just about to move began to settle down.

The three major guilds have given their all for this city. Of course, this city has also made the strength of the three major guilds very strong. The strength is achieved, and the strong vitality here is also collected by the three major guilds from the people. The strength of the talented disciples has been greatly enhanced.

Things on Earth are now on the right track, and there is no need to worry about it at all, but things in space are just beginning now. Chen Qiang restarted the space fleet plan two years ago, and Bai Xinyuan, the builder of the entire plan, had already started a frenzied rampage at this time, and he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. A year ago, the Mars transformation plan was launched again, and this time the plan was quite crazy. The planners of the entire plan planned to complete the evolution process of millions of years in ten years.

"Mr. Chen, this is the flagship 'Tianlong' of the Space Fleet. It is the first battleship equipped with a space jump device. The theoretical jump distance is 0.5 light-years, but this is the result of the full operation of the jump device. And we are now It's just using this technology, but not fully mastering it." Bai Xinyuan introduced while walking.

"It's good to conduct technical verification in advance. We will discuss this technology after we have mastered the entire solar system. The jump distance of 0.5 light years is enough for the solar system." Chen Qiang touched the console of Tianlong and said.

"Our plan is the same. The current scientific research needs new theoretical support, and our scientific research system is simply unable to provide these." Bai Xinyuan is very anxious about this matter now.

"It's a matter of time. It's not so easy for a master to appear. Fifty percent of the projects in the research institute are about theory, and many of the previous problems have also been solved. Now we are working on the great unification of key forces. The formula, the effect is not bad." Chen Qiang said with a smile, he has no choice but what is in his mind now is that there is no way to guide the progress of the whole human being again, and human beings can only grope slowly now.

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