Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 408 Dark Web

The current human beings have completely stepped into the third-level civilization with one foot, but the other foot is outside. So Chen Qiang is not in a hurry at all now, the current earth really needs this time to accumulate some strength. But there is one bad thing, that is, the position of the earth may have been exposed.

After inspecting the moon, Chen Qiang plunged into the laboratory again. The Mars project is still very important to Star Group, to be precise, it is very important to people. The current human death rate has been greatly reduced, and even in the past two years, no one in the world has died of illness or normal death. The population growth rate has reached about 3%, which means that more than 200 million people are born on the earth every year. According to this level, the population on the earth will exceed 10 billion in ten years.

This number will be a burden for the earth, so interstellar colonization is a very normal thing, and Mars is obviously the best place. Of course, the moon is also available, but the moon has become Star Group's own place, and this place has already had its own plan.

Moreover, interstellar colonization will definitely become the norm in the future, so Chen Qiang directly vetoed it when he reported to the Government Administration Council that he planned to implement family planning. The current number of people is simply not enough for the future development of Starry Sky Group. Now that human beings have entered the interstellar era, it is a problem to preserve human strength, and the best way to preserve the strength of the entire human race is to divide human beings into multiple shares, so that even if the earth is occupied by aliens, humans on other planets can also survive.

"Mr. Chen, our research and development plan is almost done. Over the years, we have transformed tens of thousands of seeds and saplings. Finally, we have developed an atmosphere that can transform Mars with various gases. As long as the atmosphere is stable The entire climate of the country will become stable." Jin Zhanqiang came to Chen Qiang's office to report, and he has been leading the research team in the Mars program.

"Finally almost, but continue to improve this sapling. We are still under great pressure to complete tens of thousands of years of evolution in ten years. We must let the entire Mars have its own ecosystem. If we finally build Mars It is exactly the same as the earth, so the final convergence will cause great problems in the evolution of human beings." Chen Qiang emphasized.

"Yes, we are formulating a development plan for the Mars ecosystem." Jin Zhanqiang replied.

Turning your attention to the starting point space station, the current starting point space station has become the station of the star group space fleet, and all the scientific research projects in it have been relocated to the moon base, and the current starting point is basically a military city. Star Group's newly established space fleet has 100,000 people, but these 100,000 people are the most powerful part, and the lowest individual strength is Wuling.

And it is very important that this part of the army belongs directly to Chen Qiang, and no one can command it. Of course, if Chen Qiang dies, Mou Bing and the two children will be the new commanders of this army. The military actually belongs to his army, but not in name, but this space fleet actually belongs to him.

The reorganization of the army has also been very fast in recent years. Now there are four major military regions in the whole world, which are divided into the European, North American, Central, and West Asian military regions, and these military regions have become much more normal after this major reorganization. , Only the three-three system of military establishment was used. Originally, Chen Qiang planned to change this traditional organization, but after many trials, he found that this three-three system is the most suitable method for the current army.

As for the establishment of some heavy weapons, it is also carried out according to the three-three system, and now the weapons of the army tend to be simpler. Except for some weapons such as nuclear weapons, the army's weapons are prepared separately. Now there is no distinction between the three armies, the army, the navy, and the air force. Even the space has been distributed to each military unit. Each army will have a division of fighter units. The current army is like a mixed force.

Chen Qiang is very satisfied with the current environment, and he is slowly getting out of the tedious situation. Now he only needs to go to work in the laboratory on time and get off work on time every day, and then stay with his children at home. Chen Lu and Chen Yi are now in primary school. This is the time when the children are most naughty and they need the most care, so he started to take the children to school. As for the child's school, he just chose the one closest to home, and didn't do anything special. Because he understands very well that children need to learn many things by themselves. If the children are not interested, even if the parents try their best, it will not help.

Of course, he still has to do some government affairs supervision. Every week, he will set aside one day to browse some recent major events and government affairs.

However, he has been on fire recently, because through the starry sky, he learned that there are many families who were killed in the city in many cities. According to the information reported by the local area, he found that it was a felon who killed them. But he still found a trace of problems through the starry sky.

He is aware of the existence of the dark web. This network was split from the original Internet. This dark web began to exist after the Star Group controlled the entire earth's network. But in this catastrophe, the dark web suffered a huge impact, and then disappeared. But now there is a resurgence, and a killer group has formed here.

And the most unacceptable thing is that there is human trafficking in the dark net, which made him very angry, so he asked Xingkong to dig out everyone behind the dark net, but what he didn't expect These people also used a very powerful artificial intelligence to block Xingkong's exploration. Of course, Xingkong can also enter if Xingkong cracks it powerfully, but this will scare the snake, so he can only let Xingkong secretly investigate.

This investigation took a week. After getting all the information on the dark net, Chen Qiang was completely angry, because the tasks behind the dark net actually included the mayors of 16 base cities, and several big families that appeared now. . Moreover, population trading has spread all over the base cities, and incidents of robbery and looting have emerged endlessly.

So a global cleansing began again, and all the armies around the world acted quickly, directly arresting the people on the list. This time the purge also made the people a little confused, and many people felt that this time the purge was a bit reckless and trampled on the law. Especially on the side of the Government Affairs Council, there was a little bit of poverty and anger, but Chen Qiang didn't care about the yelling of these people at all, but directly told those who were arrested to be killed directly.

"Mr. Chen, if you do this, I will not be able to carry out administrative affairs at all. This has caused the prestige of our Government Affairs Council to drop to the lowest level. How can I lead this way?" Yang Zhicheng entered Chen Qiang's office angrily and shouted .

"Do you think you've done a good job? You've disappointed me so much. It seems that you really think that the earth belongs to you. Don't bring your old bureaucratic style here. Did you do a good job of deceiving yourself? " Chen Qiang said and threw a document to Yang Zhicheng, his current anger had accumulated to the extreme.

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