Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 421: The Returning Encounter

"Roar" a tiger's cry made Tang Rui and others immediately speed up the siege of the snake king, but at this time the crazy snake king stopped consuming his last vitality and began to deal with Tang Rui and the others. If the Snake King started to use guerrilla tactics to delay time, the people in the fourth team would have nothing to do, because the body of snakes is inherently soft.

"Damn show me all the trump cards. We must let this beast stay here today." Tang Rui was burning with anger at this time. The appearance of the Tiger King was something they did not expect. This tiger king was killed alive. This one has been active in various battlefields between humans and mutant beasts, and no less than a thousand humans have died in its hands, and they are all humans with relatively high strength.

The Tiger King was also seriously injured and escaped in the human siege again and again, but it will appear on the battlefield again soon. However, because humans and mutant beasts had an agreement with the high-level, high-level wars can only be sieges of the same level against the same level, but no high-level wars against low-level wars, so humans have not kept the Tiger King. And Tiger King also rapidly improved his strength in battle after battle.

Mutant beasts are also using humans to hone themselves. Although humans and mutant beasts have always had the upper hand in the war, if they want to completely solve the mutant beasts on the entire earth, they cannot do it with the strength of the Star Group. Unless human beings no longer live on the earth, and then use a powerful biological weapon or energy weapon to destroy all the creatures on the entire earth and rebuild a new earth. But this is no different from giving up the earth, so Chen Qiang and the military are waiting for the perfect version of Ouyang Mingyue's containment agent to appear.

"Die to me." Tang Rui's Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spearmanship dances vigorously. This is not a set of inherited martial arts, but Tang Rui's own creation. As for the inspiration, it comes from Zhao Yun's spearmanship in Romance of the Three Kingdoms .

Tang Rui swept the Snake King's entire body away with a horizontal dragon swinging his tail, but his vitality was already a little exhausted at this time, and when other team members saw this opportunity, they used their strongest skills one after another. It was released, and two of them aimed at the snake king's eyes while the others aimed at Qicun.

"Hoo..." After a scream, the snake king fell from the air to the ground, and his whole body wriggled uncontrollably.

"This is an opportunity, throw me a grenade." Tang Rui supported his body, and quickly took out a giant coin-like object from his pocket while giving orders loudly while pressing on the coin, and then quickly Throw it to the Snake King. At this time, other people also started to take out the same thing and throw it at the Snake King with the same movement.

"Retreat, retreat immediately." Seeing that all the grenades had covered all the land around the Snake King, Tang Rui immediately ordered.

Immediately after Tang Rui and the fourth team boarded the plane, the high-speed transport plane quickly rose to the sky, and Tang Rui, who had calmed down a little at this time, pressed a button on his wrist. A mushroom cloud rose in the area where the Snake King was located. This is an energy grenade researched by the research institute. It was originally intended to be made into the shape of a grenade, but because this shape is a bit of a waste of materials, I finally compromised. The bottom is made into the shape of a coin. The lethality of each energy grenade is one-half of the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, Japan, that is, the equivalent is 15,000 tons of TNT explosives, and one-half is 7,500 tons of TNT explosives. Eggs hit rocks.

Not surprisingly, the Snake King would fly and annihilate under the bombardment of huge energy, and an angry beast roar resounded from the entire Australian continent. But what does it matter? During this period of time, the military has moved all the humans on the Australian mainland to the defense line, and all the border defense forces are also ready.

However, Tang Rui and the others were not having a good time, because at this time a huge eagle appeared outside the transport plane they were riding on. The huge transport plane could not even compare to a single wing in front of this person. This is one of the ten kings of mutant beasts. The Eagle King is also the only Beastmaster who can fly at high altitude. Because the Eagle King is so powerful, there is a special surveillance system in the military headquarters. As long as the Eagle King appears inside the defensive wall, he will be besieged by strong human beings.

"Captain Tang, we have been targeted by the Eagle King, what should we do now." The man who drove the transport plane was also from Longya, but it was also the first time he met the Eagle King, so he was still a little apprehensive.

"I remember that our transport plane can fly through the atmosphere, and immediately pull the plane out of the atmosphere." Tang Rui only heard about the Eagle King, and there was no substantive battle, but through some comrades who had fought According to their narrative, this person's strength is not inferior to the Lion King at all, and he has an unparalleled advantage in the sky.

"Captain Tang, if the high-speed transport plane passes through the atmosphere, the engine will definitely fail, and we won't be able to go back." The driver was a little confused. Although the high-speed transport aircraft had the function of flying through the atmosphere when it was designed, it was not good enough for the material of the airframe. Therefore, if it wants to travel through the atmosphere, a large amount of electricity is needed to form a protective film on the surface of the transport aircraft, but the protection of the stars is required. If the membrane is used, the engine of the transport plane needs to be overloaded, and coupled with the huge energy injection required to break away from the gravity of the earth, it is certain that the engine will be scrapped.

"Don't worry about it. If we do this, there is still a chance. If we don't do it, we will die. Hurry up and lift the transport plane, the Eagle King is coming." Tang Rui roared loudly, he had already got off the plane From the porthole, I saw Eagle King's body, which was originally on the same level as the transport plane, suddenly rose. Tang Rui was familiar with this scene, because eagles always swooped down to hunt.

The psychological quality of the pilot of the transport plane is also very high. After turning on the mode of the transport plane to fly through the atmosphere in an orderly manner, he even directly stretched the transport plane by 90 degrees. And said loudly: "It's done, space travel has begun." After speaking, he pulled up the afterburner of the aircraft engine, and pulled the afterburner to the maximum at once.

Tang Rui and the others sitting in the plane were suddenly pressed down on the chair by the acceleration of gravity. Their bodies are actually very strong, and they have no problem resisting the gravitational acceleration of more than a dozen Gs, but their bodies are not prepared at this time, so they accidentally suffered the devastation of gravity.

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