Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 422 The Battle Horn

"Touch." Zhukov slammed his fist on the table, and then ordered: "Immediately send a space shuttle to search and rescue the fourth team of the first brigade, no matter what life or death you want to see."

"It seems that the big war is coming, and the Eagle King is actually involved. The mutant beasts don't seem to be as scattered as we saw." MacArthur said with a frown, because they found mutants based on the information summarized by their staff. The Three Emperors and Ten Kings of the Beast don't communicate much, which seems normal to them. Beasts follow the law of the jungle where the weak prey on the strong, so they all have their own territory and their own pride, and they have no concept of cooperation and help at all. But what happened in front of them overturned all their judgments.

"Time is running out. The Snake King may be a kind of temptation for those mutant beasts. If they are killed now, they will be able to stop for a while, but our battle preparations are about to begin." Chen Qiang also said with a frown. It's not easy to have the current situation, so he is a little bit reluctant. Now that the bottles and cans are finally ready, I am reluctant to smash them.

In Xingkong Hospital, Dai Ziang was already receiving treatment in the hospital at this time, and Dai Ziang who was sent here shocked all the doctors in Xingkong Hospital, because every piece of flesh on his body was eroded by venom. It was an extremely painful punishment, but what I didn't expect was that this person's thinking was still clear.

However, Sun Shuang, Lian Yuan, and He Xin who sent Dai Ziang over were very anxious, but what they were anxious was not Dai Ziang but their comrades in arms, that is, the fourth team. They have been paying attention to the battle situation of the captain and the others. After seeing the Snake King being eliminated in the end, they were happy to celebrate, but after receiving the news that the captain and the others went directly into space without protective measures, they became more and more uneasy. strong.

"Haha." Tang Rui, who is the most powerful, woke up immediately and gasped for breath. Going into space naked like this without protective measures would do great harm to the human body. If it weren't for his strong physical fitness , he was already dead.

"Uncle Qi, wake up quickly." As the captain, he quickly checked his teammates after recovering a bit of strength, and tried to wake them up after he felt that they were still breathing, but no matter how he called his teammates They just don't wake up. Slowly, his breathing became more and more short, because the transport plane was completely sealed at this time, and there was no so-called oxygen circulation system, so the air he was breathing now was only the air that existed in the entire sealed space.

So he came to the cab with difficulty, where he saw the scorched nose and glass. He quickly checked the driver. The driver was fine and fainted by the huge pressure. As the oxygen became thinner and thinner, Tang Rui needed to send out his position as soon as possible. God hoped that they would survive, because the instruments of the transport plane were not damaged, so he quickly sent out his position information. , and then fainted once.

"The report, the release target, is on the earth's low orbit one thousand kilometers above us." The military's search team has been in the sky for a long time, but the vastness of space makes it impossible for them to come here bit by bit. So they came to the position where the transport plane lifted off, but they didn't find it. , so they can only start to look around here slowly, and the signal transmission system on the transport plane is turned off, and they have no way to accurately locate the transport plane.

"Rush over there as quickly as possible." The commander of this search was Yao Shuang, the captain of the First Battalion. He volunteered because the soldiers above were his soldiers, and he didn't want to see his soldiers so useless. death.

As for the Eagle King of the hunting transport plane, he was arranging his scorched feathers in his lair at this time, but the fierceness in his eyes was very strong.

In this battle, the humans lost a low-level military general, Dai Ziang, and most of the fourth squad whose lives were uncertain, while the mutant beasts lost a snake king. From then on, the Three Emperors and Ten Kings will become the Three Emperors and Nine Kings. Judging from the overall strategy, this war was won by human beings, because the threat of a snake king to human beings is too great. But from a tactical point of view, both humans and mutant beasts will suffer.

The military department also summarized this battle, and finally found that it can be seen from the current human strength compared with this war. The next large-scale battle will start in the near future, and if human beings want to stop this powerful global wave of beasts, they will need at least 100 million troops and 500,000 high-level powerhouses above the middle level of martial arts.

But Chen Qiang felt that this matter was not as simple as that, so he increased the number in this conscription document, and the final result was 150 million troops and 1 million high-level powerhouses above the middle level of martial arts. And he felt that the direction of Africa was very strong, so he sent Wu Wudi to the Arabian Peninsula to assist the military in guarding the border. A Suez Canal can't stop the attack of mutant beasts.

It has been almost four years since the last war, and the war on the Eastern Front of America is still in front of people's eyes, and the millions of soldiers who died also caused millions of families to lose own relatives. However, after the military issued a call-up notice, anyone who met the requirements participated in the registration. In just one week, the number of applicants worldwide exceeded 800 million, but this time the military recruited up to 100 million soldiers, and 30 million of them were reserve soldiers.

Maybe some people signed up because of face, but the vast majority of people really want to defend their homeland from the battlefield. Everyone understands what it means to have eggs under the nest, and the words that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country are deeply imprinted in everyone's mind. Now is the most critical time, so basically all qualified people participated in this military recruitment.

Chen Qiang was very moved and gratified by the military's final statistical results, because according to statistics, more than one billion people around the world responded to the military's military service recruitment, and the high-level powerhouses above the Wuling level responded to the recruitment without fail, and the number reached 1.2 million people. At this moment, all ethnic conflicts, national conflicts, and religion have been put aside, and all the current goals are to kill mutant beasts, and use their best ability to kill mutant beasts.

After the recruitment of military personnel was completed, these military resources were quickly distributed to various border defense points, especially North America and the Arabian Peninsula. According to the prediction of the staff department, this place will become the main battlefield of the war between the two sides.

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