Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 424: Stupid People

"Five, four, three, two, one acceleration." Zhao Shichu watched the ice crystal meteorite gradually approaching the acceleration point, and then counted down. Following his order, the operator in the hall also pressed a red button.

"The meteorite started to accelerate."

"Engine afterburner normal."

"Engine sensor OK."

Everyone was staring at the numbers on the big screen, and a person in the hall was also reading: "Fifty, seventy-eight, ten"

The speed of the ice crystal meteorite cannot be too fast or too slow, 1,000 kilometers per hour, which is the result calculated by the Mars project team. If the speed is too slow, the impact effect will not be achieved at all, but if the speed is too fast, when the meteorite passes through the atmosphere of Mars, it will rub violently with the atmosphere and may explode.

"The ice crystal meteorite reached the gray heart synchronous orbit, and it is expected to enter the atmosphere of Mars in 30 seconds. The speed is too slow." The operator reported in a trembling voice.

"Immediately start the engine self-destruct procedure, and the No. 4, No. 5, and No. 7 engines will immediately expose themselves." Zhao Shichu said calmly.

"Yes, start the self-destruct procedure of engines four, five, and seven."

"The self-destruct procedure can already be activated."

"Fourth, fifth, and seventh engines have self-destructed, and the speed of the ice crystal meteorite has reached 1,020 kilometers per hour, reaching the predetermined speed." There was a hint of survival in this voice.

"The ice crystal meteorite began to enter the atmosphere of Mars, and it is expected to hit Mars at the predetermined location in a minute." This matter is over here, because the rest is beyond their control. However, everyone still applauded and celebrated after the words that the ice crystal meteorite hit Mars came out.

The entire Mars project project team was established five years ago, and the experimental team for this project was established three years ago. In the past three years, hundreds of people have been working on the design plan for this meteorite hitting Mars day and night. Now it finally has the result, and the suffering I have suffered these days has turned into tears of joy at this moment.

"Well done, you are doing a great job. Although this is the first step, it is also the most important step." Chen Qiang was also very happy today, so he actually delivered a speech in front of the public. You must know that he has not spoken in front of so many people for a long time, so many people present are not used to it. But then they burst into applause again, and this was the first time that Big Boss Chen could make an exception.

The news that Mars was hit by a huge meteorite soon appeared in the news everywhere. Although there are not many astronomical institutions on the earth now, there are many people who come and go for mining in the universe, especially some large space mining companies. It has its own astronomical institution. But many people regard this collision as an accident, but some companies don't think so.

Although the atmosphere of human society has become extremely solemn, normal business activities are still going on. In particular, mining companies in space have not been affected at all. The profit of space mining is too high, and no capitalist is willing to give up this profit, even if mankind is about to face a war now.

As a result, many companies began to inquire about Star Group's actions in this regard. The concept of interstellar immigration is now well known. Now the number of human beings living in space is as many as one million if the Star Group is not included.

At this time, the five major airports of Zeus, Xuanyuan, Czar, Alexander, and Elizabeth have become a permanent living base under the construction of various operating companies, and they have surpassed the starting point of the Star Group in terms of advancement and scale. Although these five major airports are all in the geosynchronous orbit of the earth, no one is opposing the establishment of the space station. On the contrary, some companies that have not obtained the five major airports have begun to build their own permanent living space stations and airports.

But the establishment of a space station requires a lot of various talents. Even though the learning of knowledge is no longer a process that requires a long time to accumulate, the requirements for talents are even higher. Therefore, there are not many companies with such strength. Among the world's top 500 companies, the top ten companies possess such strength, but Xiaomi, which ranks tenth, does not yet have such strength, but its huge strength and considerable talent pool are considered to have this ability by default.

So now there are less than seven residential space stations successfully established on the synchronous orbit, and the number of people that can accommodate is about one million. No one is not afraid of death, so the price of houses on the space station has become sky-high. In the face of such a huge demand, the space station has begun to be included in their strategic plans by many companies. Some companies even started to raise funds for the construction of the space station by selling off-plan properties.

Sometimes, the greed of human beings is endless, especially the greed of capitalists. The role of the government is to use rules to limit these capitalists within a certain range. Therefore, the Government Council immediately stopped all projects for the construction of the space station, whether it was under construction or planned to be built.

But at this time, there are only two that have been established. The construction companies of these two space stations are Pearl Aerospace and Interstellar Aerospace. The Government Council's suspension of the construction of all space stations has also caused the prices of housing on the already built space stations to skyrocket. Hundreds of thousands of stars per square meter is nothing at all, and the price per square meter of housing in some core areas has risen to millions of stars.

This number cannot be converted into Chinese dollars or U.S. dollars, because it is an astronomical figure. Even the richest person in the world may only be able to buy a house of 100 square meters, and this is the result of converting all his real estate into movable property.

But for people nowadays, it is very simple. The cheapest thing in the whole world now is food. If the quality of life is not counted, one star coin is enough for a person to live a full week. And now the world's richest man (excluding the big boss, of course) is worth tens of billions of star coins, and what matters in the end is that these assets are liquid assets rather than immovable assets. Because it is impossible to buy immovable assets on the earth under the control of Star Group, and these immovable assets are worthless.

No one is not afraid of death, so in this tense atmosphere, many people began to go bankrupt and buy a house in the seven permanent living space stations. For these people, Star Group and Chen Qiang used a mentality of watching a show Watching them jump up and down.

Vision determines the future. All the people on the rich list do not have their own houses in space. On the contrary, those middle-class people or those who have just a little money are frantically buying houses on the permanent base. This may be the best proof that vision determines the future. You must know that the famous big families in the world left the earth and established a living base on the moon, but they have now become history. So there are lessons learned from the past, and no one is stupid.

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