Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 425 Radar Flaws

Time is slowly passing by, and the atmosphere of human society is becoming more and more dignified. Especially in the border areas, the state of first-level combat readiness is basically every day, and the city guards and adventurers in the nearby cities of each base city have also begun to clean the surrounding areas frantically. The main purpose of doing this is to mobilize a large number of troops to the border area and place the entire battlefield in the border area.

"How are the current preparations going?" Chen Qiang, who had just come out of the laboratory, came to the military headquarters immediately, and asked the lieutenant colonel beside him as soon as he entered the military headquarters.

"The deployment of troops has been completed, and the third-level laser cannons have also been configured according to the number of three in a regiment. However, the upgrade of the Skynet system is not very good, because we lack a lens that can focus high-energy lasers. Bian has already started relevant research, but it will take time." Everyone in the military department hurried, including Chen Qiang and Lieutenant Colonel He.

"Don't worry about this issue, the military department. What you have to do is to make a plan. As long as this material is researched, the military department must use the shortest time to complete the replacement of more than 300 satellites of Tianwang. This is the most critical." Chen Qiang While walking to the war room, he gave orders, and the lieutenant colonel beside him kept recording the words of the big boss.

"Mr. Chen, you are here. The situation is not very good. Western Europe has experienced three animal swarms since yesterday, but the intensity is not very high, and the casualties on the military side are not large. But in the entire battlefield During the middle, our military radar found the figure of the Beast King, but we couldn’t tell which Beast King it was. Our staff analyzed that this might be a mutant beast training.” MacArthur saw the big boss push the door in and closed his eyes on the three-dimensional map Get up and say.

"Is it only in Western Europe? How about other regions?" Chen Qiang asked while looking at the map.

"Only Western Europe is facing the beast tide. However, North Africa, Zhennanguan in North America, and the borders of Southeast Asia have all been tempted by beast masters. However, because we have deployed a large number of masters in the border areas in advance, these beast masters have not discussed it. It’s good, but our staff department always feels that the mutant beasts are laying out a huge plan.” MacArthur replied that he hadn’t slept for a long time during this period, no matter how he predicted and deduced the war, he felt restless in his heart. Richer than the day.

"In fact, compared to the huge beast hordes, the most threatening to us are those high-level mutant beasts. I have seen your plan, which is to use the method of booby trapping to wipe out all the high-level mutant beasts first. This plan Not bad, but we now have a fatal flaw, that is, we don't have a precise radar that can detect mutant beasts. So your plan needs to use a large number of high-level powerhouses to lay a net against high-level mutant beasts, so now we only have One chance." Chen Qiang didn't want to put pressure on the military, but this was the best way for now.

During this period of time, he has been working with the radar project team in the research institute to develop a new type of sensitive radar, but the effect is not very good. Because the principle of traditional radar is that the transmitter of the radar equipment shoots the electromagnetic wave energy to a certain direction in space through the antenna, and the objects in this direction reflect the electromagnetic wave encountered; the radar antenna receives the reflected wave and sends it to the receiving device for processing. Extract certain information about the object (range of target object to radar, rate of change of range or radial velocity, azimuth, altitude, etc.).

This radar method is not applicable now, because reflected waves are too easy to simulate for mutant beasts. Therefore, the research institute used the bio-information and communication technology of the Star Group to monitor the magnetic field of the entire earth. As long as the magnetic field changes in a certain place, the greater the change, the stronger the strength of the mutant beast in that position. .

In the beginning, this method was very accurate in detecting mutant beasts, but since the mutant beasts noticed it, they began to control their own magnetic fields, so this kind of radar can't accurately measure the strength and exact type of a certain mutant beast now. Moreover, in previous wars, the mutant beast king actually used multiple mutant beasts to superimpose to create another phenomenon of the beast king, which made the military very tired.

Therefore, the demand for a more sensitive radar is even more urgent at this time. In fact, the research and development of this radar began after the military found that the existing radar could not meet the demand. It's just that there has been no progress, and quantum radar has been experimented with, but the effect has not met expectations. If it is the detection of a certain weapon, with the current radar technology, as long as it is on the earth, there will be very accurate data. But this method is obviously not suitable for mutant beasts with the same composition as humans.

However, because the opponent is a mutant beast, it is also made of flesh and blood, so although humans cannot detect it at a long distance, they can get detailed information on it within a radar radius of 500 kilometers. This is due to a new type of research achievement of the Institute - biological information simulation technology. The principle of this technology is developed on the basis of biological information communication technology, which can use the information in the biological information database to reveal the detected object through the data received in a certain range.

At the beginning, this technology could only be used within a radius of one kilometer, but after years of unremitting research, it finally reached a radius of 500 kilometers. But this method requires a lot of energy consumption just like biological information communication technology, so now only ten sets are arranged in the entire human living area, which can only cover all the border areas.

The current radar team of the research institute also uses this technology as the basic technology of future radar, so the first thing they need to do is to save energy, but this is not a very simple project, so there has been no more credible technical route.

After listening to the report from MacArthur, Chen Qiang returned to the research institute again. He needed to develop the radar with these people as soon as possible. After all, long-distance early warning is really important to human beings. The defect of the current imaging radar is too obvious. It can only detect approximate biological magnetic field information, but if exact information is needed, it will take time to interpret and visualize the magnetic field information. This process requires a lot of energy and time, and there is more than one high-energy biomagnetic field information in a beast swarm, but the radar can only display one at a time, so if the choice is wrong, it needs to be re-imaged. Time simply doesn't allow it.

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