Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 426 Western Europe where the flames of war spread

In fact, he not only participated in the radar project, but also participated in the containment agent project. Compared with the difficulty of the radar project, the results of the containment drug project are still very significant. Now the latest version of the containment drug can block the genes of mutant beasts for up to five years, and this drug will automatically dissipate at a high temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. So the harm to the human body is still very small. After all, if you want to cook the mutant beast now, you need at least 150 degrees of high temperature.

This is also Chen Qiang's best trump card now. If the mutant beasts and humans plan to have a long-term war, then he will definitely sprinkle this potion all over the earth. Five years is enough for humans to launch countless counterattacks, and it is also enough for the research institute to develop a more perfect containment agent.

Western Europe, once one of the greatest regions in human history, is now mired in war. As the commander-in-chief of the European military region, Guderian was supervising the battle at the front. Waves of mutant beasts rushed towards the defensive wall desperately, and then retreated again and again under the strong vitality of the army.

"Commander, we can't continue fighting like this. The army in front of us has changed, and the casualties of the troops have begun to rise, but the number of mutant beasts has not decreased at all." The deputy commander and chief of staff, Denitz frowned. Said with a frown.

"There is no way, we can only fight like this. Even if we analyze that this is a mutant beast training, we still have to accompany it. Because if we give up this defensive wall, what will happen to the billions behind us?" Gudeli An sat on the chair and looked at the map while smoking a cigarette, and then said.

"Commander, according to the detection of our radar station, this part may be the place where the mutated beast king exists. We can send a large number of unmanned reconnaissance planes to investigate these three places. If the beast king exists, we will directly send the third dragon tooth brigade Siege the king of beasts, capture the king first and keep the mutated beast at any cost." Doenitz said, pointing to the three areas with the highest magnetic field energy on the map.

"It's not the time to use the dragon teeth yet. If we wipe out all the dragon teeth at this time, what will we use to resist the impact of the high-level mutant beasts until the real battle?" Guderian immediately vetoed this suggestion.

"Commander, why don't we send a small team and a brigade of civilian high-end combat forces to go there." The casualties of the troops in front have exceeded 100,000, although there are not many cases compared to Europe with more than 5 million troops. But this is a real human life, and Doenitz really can't bear to let these children die.

"But have you ever thought that the team going to assassinate will face not only a mutant beast king, but also a large number of mutant beasts?" Guderian asked with piercing eyes.

"I know, Commander. I also know that it is very unlikely that these people will come back alive in the end, but Commander, this is a war, and it is just a test for both sides. If we sacrifice some people at this time and kill a beast king, it will affect the entire war in the future. It has a great impact. And I plan to personally lead the assassination this time." Doenitz wanted to say such a sentence.

"Not allowed, Chief of Staff Deng, don't forget your identity. I will organize an assassination this time, but you are not allowed to go." Guderian finally made up his mind. In fact, he did not want to see such a large casualty , Europe has always been in a very stable state before, and has never experienced such a war. So he didn't have a very intuitive understanding of the war with the mutant beasts, but now he really realized the cruelty of the mutant beasts, because many fighters had no bones left after death.

As a result, a large number of drones began to take off in the first military city in Europe, and went to the predetermined destination for reconnaissance. These drones are not simple reconnaissance drones, but actual armed drones, which are only used for reconnaissance.

In fact, the military also purchased a lot of reconnaissance drones at the beginning, but these drones have no power to fight back when facing the mutant beasts of birds, and they are often destroyed before they reach their destination. shot down, so the military directly purchased armed drones, and these drones were all suicide drones.

As long as the drone team is attacked by bird mutant beasts, some drones in the formation will launch incendiary missiles to attack these mutant beasts. If there are too many drones, some drones will completely expose themselves, and then trigger Burns the air in a radius of several kilometers.

Cloud bombs, this is the best weapon left to mankind from the age of the army. Because as long as the creatures living on the earth are just in need of oxygen, the army will often use a large number of cloud bombs to attack the mutant beasts in battle. But the cloud bomb is not without its shortcomings, and the indiscriminate attack is the defect of the cloud bomb. The use of a large number of cloud bombs will dry up the air within a few kilometers or even tens of kilometers near the explosion area in a short period of time, which will cause considerable harm to humans in this area.

"Report, our drone has entered the predetermined area, whether to start detection." A major in the European command reported while typing on the keyboard.

"What is the loss of our drones, and how many drones have entered the predetermined area?" Zhukov did not immediately issue an order, but asked.

"Report, a total of 230 drones from our side have entered the predetermined area, including 80 in No. 1 area, 105 in No. 2 area, and 45 in No. 3 area." The major continued to report.

"Start the investigation immediately, and don't let go of a corner." Zhukov frowned when he heard that only forty-five drones had reached the predetermined area in the third area. You must know that this time he sent 900 drones out, 300 in one area, and 45 were left in the end. It has to make people doubt the situation in this area, but there is still something strange in his heart. Feel.

"Report, the drones in our No. 1 area have been attacked, and now there are only 30 drones left that can work normally."

"Report, our drones in the No. 2 area have been attacked, and there are only 50 drones left that can work normally."

"Report, our drone in the No. 3 area has been attacked and the entire army has been wiped out."

"I think the Beastmaster should be in the third area. In this area, the loss of our drones is the most severe. As the important leader of the mutant beast, the Beastmaster should have the strictest defense." A staff officer first expressed his thoughts, Now is the time to use them.

"No, I think the Beastmaster should be in the first area, because the resistance in the third area is too obvious. From the perspective of distance, the third area is the closest, while the first area is the farthest." The entire European Command At this time, the staff department was arguing like a pot of porridge.

At this time, Guderian and Doenitz on the side fixed their eyes on the second area, which was their intuition as generals and commanders.

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