Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 427 Area No. 2

Perhaps it was a matter of the commander's intuition. Under the "willingness to go his own way" of Denitz and Guderian, the power of this assassination was concentrated in the No. 2 area. Everyone was dissatisfied with this result, because the people who went this time were all dead, and no one was willing to bear such a huge burden.

But in the end, after Denitz and Guderian sent their sons to the assassination team, all the voices of opposition disappeared. They were all betting that there was a mutant beast king in the second area, and betting that the people sent out this time could Successfully killed the mutant beast king.

"Soldiers, I don't hide it from you. This time the mission is very difficult, or it can be said that this time the mission is life-or-death. So now I will give you a chance to choose. All those who do not want to participate in this operation You can all stand up, and I won't blame you." Guderian asked with sore eyes looking at the hundreds of young faces.

No one stood up, not even the sons of Guderian and Dönitz, who were temporary Latin men. They have already prepared for this, because since they enjoy a better environment and material than ordinary people, they have to bear more severe tasks than ordinary people.

"Okay, boys, let's go." Guderian walked up to everyone and tidied everyone's clothes, then patted his shoulder, and finally stared at the person in front of him for ten seconds. This was probably his last chance to see these kids, so Guderian forced himself to remember all of them. After staring at the last person for ten seconds, he turned his face and gave the order to set off decisively.

The high-speed transport plane took off slowly, and left with the hope of the entire Western European battlefield. But Guderian looked at the direction in which the high-speed transport plane left for a long time. His son had only recently had his own grandson, but he was guilty of being sent to the battlefield before enjoying the family happiness. But he had to, because he was the commander of the entire European military area, and he was responsible for billions of people behind him.

The word family and country is heavy. He has been fascinated by the history books of Hua country during this time. There are too many things he can learn in it, and he also appreciates a kind of family and country feeling that he has never had before. He always felt that there would be no such cruel people in this world when he read the generals who fought in the history books, but now he realized that some things were forced and beyond his control.

Guderian wiped away a teardrop hanging on his face, then restored his serious and tough face and began to enter the headquarters office. This is the only chance. If there is a mutant beast king in the second area, as long as this army kills the mutant beast king, then all sacrifices will be worthwhile. If there is no Mutant Beast King, then all of this would be useless. But if there is a mutant beast king and he escapes from the assassination team's encirclement, or kills the assassination team on the spot, then the entire western front will face the anger of the mutant beast king.

Dönitz had already started the arrangement. After he reported to Guderian, he sent all the troops to the defensive wall except for the three reserve teams of 500,000 people, and those martial spirits above the high level The powerhouses were also assigned to their respective areas, and their purpose was to kill or lead the high-level mutant beasts out of the battlefield.

For high-level mutant beasts, all low-level mutant beasts are their food or cannon fodder for attacking humans. In the relationship between their entire races, the king holds all the rights including the death of his own subordinates. This is a bit like the era of human slavery. Therefore, low-level mutant beasts don't have much wisdom at all, and all their orders come from high-level mutant beasts.

"Report to Captain Dong, we have arrived at the destination, and you can land now." The pilot of the high-speed transport plane reported on the call channel.

"Okay." Dong Xiuwen, the deputy captain of the fourth brigade, is also the captain of this assassination operation, and his strength is a high-level general. His strength also made everyone sitting here have an inexplicable sense of security. This strength would not have participated in this kind of death-sending action, but when his parents and wife were torn to pieces and eaten by mutant beasts, He vowed to turn all mutant beasts in the world into pieces. So he joined the assassination this time. For some people, life is more terrifying than death, and Dong Xiuwen is such a person.

"Everyone, please remember that we will search in teams according to the pre-arranged order. As long as we find the traces of the beast king, we will report it immediately, and don't rush forward by ourselves. Also, if we encounter a large-scale beast horde, we will retreat immediately. Our only goal is the Beastmaster, not these little miscellaneous fish, do you understand?" Dong Xiuwen once again instructed all the team members in the communication channel.

"Understood." A unanimous answer came from Dong Xiuwen's earphones.

"Depart immediately." Dong Xiuwen was the first to jump out of the plane after giving the order. For people of their strength, it is still possible to stay in the air for a short time, and this time the pilot of the transport plane is not flying high, and they can land safely at a distance of more than 100 meters.

The high-speed transport plane did not leave, but stretched into the high-level atmosphere after everyone left the cabin, and they needed to meet these heroes who were not afraid of life and death to return in triumph.

While the atmosphere on the front lines in Western Europe was tense, the Suez Canal, which is also the front line against mutant beasts on the African continent, was also extremely tense at this time. Because they saw an animal they had never seen before, the body of the plesiosaur was the lower body of a seal, which was very strange. But its huge body made the soldiers on the north side of the canal feel like the sky was falling. If it weren't for the strong Chu Jianhua confronting the mutated beast emperor in the sky, many people would pee their pants here.

This has nothing to do with the humiliation of the soldiers. Unless they are extremely powerful people, ordinary people should kneel or kneel in the face of such a behemoth, and they should still urinate.

"Humans, you are indeed very good. If possible, I hope to live in peace with you, but we are destined to be hostile. There can only be one force on this planet, and this force will be us." A very old voice came When it came out, it was so clear in Chu Jianhua's mind.

"No, we can only be the masters of this planet. You are still in the age of blowing hair and drinking blood. Do you know what technology is?" Chu Jianhua retorted directly.

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