Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 428 Prelude to the Decisive Battle

"Your technology is indeed very powerful. No matter how powerful it is, it is only using external force in the end. It is stupid for you to do so. Strength can only be mastered by yourself, which is the most deterrent. Only your own The potential surprises are developed, and everything will appear, you have to believe that the body is our most precious wealth." Congo Dragon raised its huge head and said.

"Maybe, I don't want to continue to entangle with you on this issue. I'm curious how you, who have always kept a low profile, suddenly joined the battle." Chu Jianhua asked directly.

"Time is running out. I have a hunch that if we don't decide a winner quickly, the earth will be in disaster." Congo Dragon said leisurely after looking at the starry sky.

"Oh? Can you make it clearer?" Chu Jianhua asked hastily.

"I don't know, I don't understand, but I have such a thought in my mind." Congo Dragon's huge eyes were full of doubts.

At this time, Chen Qiang's eyes were also full of doubts, or he was thinking about what the Congo dragon said. In fact, such an idea appeared in his mind as early as half a year ago, and it has become more and more clear these days. So he has already started to turn on the radar covering the entire solar system on the starting point space, and monitors the entire solar system all the time. But the premonition in his mind did not disappear at all.

Perhaps only after the decisive battle will there be a result. Chen Qiang thought so, when he turned his eyes to the screen after thinking about all this, the Congo Dragon had already left the Suez Canal.

This is Chen Qiang's own feeling that the big invisible hand is covering and manipulating all of this. There are too many coincidences in the world, but the combination of these coincidences will not be a coincidence. But sometimes people have to learn to accept their fate, just like the current city wall, he has given up the opportunity to continue to understand this mystery, but completely set his sights on the next battlefield with the mutant beast.

The war will definitely be fought, and Chen Qiang doesn't have any estimates as to how far it will be fought, but on the other hand, the war pit this time will definitely be very tragic. So what he has to do now is to collect all the useful things now to ensure that human beings win this decisive battle at an extremely heavy price. So the entire Starry Sky Group started a big event again, and those people who had hugged the moon base received various tasks.

The moon base has now become the product and scientific research base of Star Group, and all the projects here are very forward-looking, such as the grand unified formula of force and so on. The top part of human beings gathered here, so after Chen Qiang passed the problems that could not be solved by the Earth Research Institute to the moon base, in less than half a month, these problems were completely solved.

Even the problem of the accuracy of the radar has probably been solved, why is it said that it is probably solved. That's because this kind of technology can't be solved quickly even by the moon base, which has touched the scope of basic scientific theory. And it is very important that this technology is only an application of human beings, and there is no exact theory, so it is very troublesome. But the moon has proposed a temporary solution to the problem.

This method is to launch a satellite in space that can change orbits frequently. This satellite has a high-quality detection system on it. Then each mutant beast master has a special satellite to be in charge, and human beings can know the location of these mutant beast masters and other information all the time.

From the great to the simple, this is the truth. Although this will increase the huge cost, for today's human beings, all this is just sprinkling water. Because all things can only be enjoyed or enjoyed, and as long as a person dies, he really has nothing.

So the research institute and the military used the space shuttle to deploy a hundred satellites that can change orbits frequently in space in just one week. Because of the hasty construction, the lifespan of these satellites is only five years, but five years is enough for the military and Chen Qiang.

Everyone is preparing, including all the people, even some people who are not very strong will leave the base city at this time and go to the wilderness to hunt the mutant beasts. They did this to adapt to the life that may appear in the future, and to practice their killing skills.

At this time, in the No. 2 area marked by the Western European Command, the assassination team that had been searching this area for almost two months was about to collapse. They face raids from mutant beasts every moment in this area. Although the strength of these mutated beasts is very low, long-term mental energy consumption has made them tired. This is because there is no cure for physical fatigue.

"Dong Xiuwen, I now order you to withdraw to me immediately. It seems that the enemy is very cunning. Twenty-three of your entire team have sacrificed in two months. That's enough. You have done enough." Guderian At this time, he said to the man with an even more haggard face with a haggard face.

"Commander, give us some more time, and we will definitely find it." Dong Xiuwen always had the feeling that their army was being tricked, so he was sure that the mutant beast king was in this area.

"Okay, I'll give you three more days, the last three days. After three days, you must immediately evacuate Area Two." Guderian has actually been under tremendous pressure for the past two months. This pressure comes from various aspects. Of course, it was also brought to him by the guilt in his heart. Compassion does not hold soldiers in this sentence Although it is very simple to say, it is really difficult to do it.

"Yes." Dong Xiuwen's eyes shot a ray of light at this time, and then he said directly to the internal communication channel: "Everyone retreat immediately, repeat, everyone retreat immediately, and immediately gather at the location I marked."

After Dong Xiuwen finished speaking, he left the place where he stood just now, and went to the place he had marked. But after he left, the stone he had just stood on began to change, and finally after removing the covering illusion, it turned out to be a snow-white fox.

And that fox looked at the direction Dong Xiuwen was leaving with a thoughtful look. As a fox, it has always been very cautious. It would not be an opponent at all if the far away humans fought alone, and it continued to create some illusions along the way, but this human's will was so firm that it had no chance to take advantage of it.

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