Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 432: Heavy Loss

The entire European front was fighting fiercely at this time. This was the heaviest war in human history. In just six days, the defenders on the European defensive wall lost a total of 1.3 million people. 1.3 million people have no bones left. The commander-in-chief Zhukov was full of distressed feelings after hearing the news. You must know that the battle with the most casualties in history was the Battle of Leningrad. The total casualties in this war exceeded 4.5 million.

But the war lasted from August 1941, when the Wehrmacht reached the outskirts of the city, to January 1944, when the siege ended. The entire duration was almost forty-one months, one hundred and seventy-six weeks. But the European battlefield now has a loss of 1.3 million people a week, which has become the bloodiest and cruelest battle in human history.

Every soldier on the European battlefield went to the battlefield after writing his suicide note, and none of them flinched. Because this is their responsibility, and the team of masters dispatched by the military to the European military region has also suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of thousands of warriors whose strength is above the high level of martial arts have lost more than 60% after these six days. There will be more than 30,000 people.

But to Zhukov and Chen Qiang's surprise, even if Europe is in this way, the Three Emperors and Ten Kings did not take any action. This made them uneasy, which was one of the reasons why Chen Qiang agreed to use the lethal virus. Sometimes what is on the bright side is not scary, but what is scary is what is in the dark.

"Commander, today is the seventh day. The Government Affairs Council and the military department have issued an order to retreat. Let's quickly retreat to the second-line fortifications. The casualties of the brothers are too great. There were 200,000 people yesterday. There are no bones left, and counting those who have lost combat effectiveness, our permanent attrition exceeds 2.2 million." Doenitz said with a haggard face.

"Everyone on the front line retreats immediately and activates the self-destruct device of the defensive wall. Since we are about to retreat, we will leave a gift for the mutant beasts." Guderian seemed to put a stone in his heart. More than two million casualties occurred in his hands, and it was within a short week. No general would think that this is something to show off, because he is not a cold-blooded person, once the general is successful, he will never be able to do it.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Denitz fainted after finishing speaking. The seven-day busy day and night exhausted his mental energy, and now he suddenly relaxed, and the instinctive reaction of his body made him Suddenly passed out. In fact, not only Dönitz, but thousands of people in Europe and the military fainted because of this war, but no one complained. Because they know that this is working for the future of mankind, and it is their current situation to continue working after waking up after fainting.

The soldiers on the defensive wall in Europe breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the order to retreat. In the past six days, they did not know how many comrades in arms died, and then how many comrades made up for it, and finally died again. If a person has survived on this defensive wall for three days, then this person will become the battalion commander, and even directly become the regimental commander in places where the fighting is fierce.

The war is so cruel, even those who are used to seeing life and death can't help but feel apprehensive in the face of such a hellish city wall. But the idea of ​​defending their home and country made them lose their fear, and some only had to fight with life and death as a disregard.

After the troops withdrew, the city wall was very quiet, but the mutated beasts had been testing the movement above the city wall from below the city wall. The seven-day battle gave these mutated beasts some understanding of the various organs of human beings, so the city walls without laser spray for a moment made them feel very uneasy.

But beasts are still beasts after all, and they don't have a deep understanding of human wisdom. So after a series of trials, the mutant beasts began to attack the defensive wall crazily, and almost all the mutant beasts began to celebrate crazily, even the wolf king who was hiding in the group of mutant beasts and directed the overall situation also appeared at this time.

But what the wolf king didn't know was that a large amount of high explosives were loaded under these defensive walls when they were built. This is the latest version of high explosive, which is very powerful and is based on a research project in the United States. According to the research institute's experiment, as long as there are 100,000 kilograms, the energy of 5 million tons of TNT can be achieved.

The people are very concerned about the battlefields on the European front. When they saw the soldiers on the defensive wall changing quickly one after another, everyone's blood was aroused, and many people even began to ask the military to Increase the number of reserves in military districts, they want to join the army. Even children know that going to the battlefield to kill mutant beasts can be said to be the request of the whole people to participate in the war.

But as the supreme leader of the entire earth, Chen Qiang did not agree with these people's demands. The reason he did this was to leave an opportunity for mankind to rise again. The battle between humans and mutant beasts will definitely cause heavy losses to humans, especially those young adults. You must know that the age for conscription this time is over thirty-five years old, and the life span of human beings has exceeded one hundred and fifty years old, and those in their thirties are considered young.

However, it is very difficult to adapt people's folk customs, so men above this age are already married and have children. Inheritance in the entire development of mankind has always been a matter that is valued by everyone, and Chen Qiang is also a very traditional person. In his heart, most of these people who are recruited this time will fall on the battlefield. If these people have A family and children will at least leave no regrets.

The first defensive wall in Europe exploded across the board, and the energy generated by the huge explosion caused a crack to appear on the entire European plate through western Europe, and this crack immediately became the second line of defense for humans to stop mutant beasts. As for the mutated beasts near the defensive wall, at this time and those piled up corpses turned into a sea of ​​flames, and then blazingly burned to become the line of defense to stop a new wave of beasts.

Guderian was in a very bad mood at this time. Before the war started, he had eight million troops and hundreds of thousands of high-level warriors in his hands. But now only more than 5 million troops and more than 30,000 high-level warriors have retreated from the battlefield. Moreover, there are many wounded by these troops and soldiers. Although there are more than ten million soldiers on the second line of defense in Europe, Guderian has no idea at this time.

The wolf king also turned into ashes, which was the only good news Guderian heard this week. His mood at this time has a kind of pleasure of revenge, but also a kind of infinite hatred.

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