Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 433 The Appearance of Karma

With the breakthrough of the defensive wall in Europe, the war between humans and mutant beasts has also entered a short rest period. The mutant beast stopped attacking after breaking through the defensive wall, which was planned by the Starry Sky City Staff Department. Therefore, in the first moment of the truce, the staff and the research institute began to formulate a plan to use the lethal virus to attack the mutant beasts.

Chen Qiang also participated in it, but when people are unlucky, bad things will happen one after another. When he was in the office approving the list of victims and the compensation documents this time, the Qidian space station, which had not contacted him for a long time, actually used a top-secret communication line at this time.

"Mr. Chen, the surveillance radar has discovered that a huge aircraft has appeared near Pluto, and its target seems to be our earth." Feng Zhengminghui, who is carrying out the surveillance program of Qidian, reported.

"How long will it take to reach the earth?" Chen Qiang did not expect to appear at this time. After Xiaolong sent the coordinates of the earth, he had a premonition that this day would come, but he had no idea that the aliens would come at this time.

"It won't take more than a week. The size of the spacecraft is very large, almost half the size of the moon." At this time, Feng Zhengming couldn't find the feeling of strategizing before. He had been waiting for this day since he took over this task, but in his opinion, the human race still had a great chance of winning. But after seeing this big guy, the only pride in his heart was completely blown away.

"Immediately activate the No. 1 defense system, and send the Beluga to intercept them and ask them what they are going to do." Chen Qiang was also in a very restless mood at this time. Internal troubles and external difficulties are the current situation of human beings.

As the instigator of this incident over the years, he has been continuously building space defense facilities. It can be said that the general elites of the research institute are all on this project. So far, the Star Group Space Command has built more than 20 high-grade laser cannons and 200 large-caliber electromagnetic rail guns. Directly speaking, the area within the asteroid belt in the entire solar system is full, and the research institute has developed a bomb that can collapse the space based on the incomplete space jumping device. This is the last resort for humans to deal with aliens. .

"Hello everyone, I've called you here today to let you watch something. If we can't make it through, the human race may really disappear." Chen Qiang played a video on the virtual screen with a wry smile.

"Mr. Chen, this is impossible." Zhukov and Chen Shun were the first to lose their composure.

"Mr. Chen, please tell me this is the promotional video of the game." MacArthur was also very frustrated and even cried a little.

Except for Chen Qiang and Mou Bing, all the people present were full of despair at the moment. These days, the battle with mutant beasts has left everyone exhausted, but there is still hope in their hearts. But after seeing that such a huge spaceship has entered the solar system, the hope in everyone's heart has turned into despair.

None of the people present were fools. Star Group's newest battleship was the Beluga-class transport ship, but it was nothing compared to the one on the screen. I'm afraid that even if the spaceship in the video is kept still and let humans attack, it will be very difficult to destroy it.

"No, it's true. It will enter our defense circle in about a week. I plan to talk to them. The purpose of calling you here today is to let you pick some people who are going to use the few we have built. A few spaceships with space jumping devices left the earth." At this time, Chen Qiang wanted to raise his confidence and tell everyone present that there was hope of victory, but under the huge difference in strength, he didn't want to lie to himself and all the others. Humanity.

"Mr. Chen, does this matter need to be announced to all the people?" Wu Aiguo asked cautiously.

"No need, this matter is being carried out secretly. This time, there are ten Beluga-class transport ships equipped with space jumping devices, which can take away 800,000 people in total. Let this matter be left to the Government Affairs Council and the military. I hope you can complete this list within three days, and then hand it over to Zhu Jie, the person in charge of the lunar base, and let him make arrangements for everyone's cabins." Chen Qiang turned around and said to Zhukov and Wu Aiguo.

"Yes." At this moment, everyone was in a panic. What they were thinking about now was how to get enough places for their family to leave from the military and the Government Affairs Council.

"Also, the defense of the military department cannot be lowered. We must beware of another attack by mutant beasts. We must have one hope, that is, the aliens who visited the earth this time are peaceful, and they have no harm to us. What impact." Chen Qiang said in a serious tone.

This sentence completely suppressed the small thoughts of everyone present, because after working with Chen Qiang for so many years, everyone still knows him very well. If their scramble for power makes a mess of the entire human society at this time, then if the trip of aliens does not pose a threat to the earth, they and their families will completely lose everything they have now. Betrayal is the most intolerable thing in the Star Group, and it is not just talking about having the same blessings and sufferings in the Star Group.

"Mr. Chen, let me get in touch with the other party first, so it will be safer in the process." As the old man who followed Chen Qiang, although he has been keeping a low profile in recent years, no one will underestimate him. The titles of important minister of the emperor and butler of the emperor are not called for nothing.

"No, I'll go. If the spaceship is here to invade, then I can delay you for a while. After all, the two armies will not attack before the battle." Chen Qiang said with a sigh, and then waved his hand to signal Let everyone prepare.

There is nothing more to say, he has already set the general direction, and the rest will be handed over to the villains below. Only professionals in this area can do it with ease.

Chen Qiang did not continue to work in the office today, he went home after the meeting. Today is Saturday, so the two children are at home, watching the two children practice "Starry Sky Judgment" in the garden of their home, I can't help but burst into tears. He somewhat regrets his original curiosity and ambition. If it weren't for his original curiosity and ambition, the current earth would not be like this. At least in the next thousand or even tens of thousands of years, the earth will still exist peacefully, and human beings will not experience what is happening now.

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