Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 434 Response

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, everything has a cause and effect. All benefits have to be paid for. Human beings can now enjoy technology that has been developed hundreds or even thousands of years ahead of their own time, so they must bear the consequences of this kind of thing.

"Dad, you came back so early today, come and help me see if I practiced right." Chen Lu saw her dad standing next to her right away, and hurried over to grab Chen Qiang's hand.

"Xiaolu is Saturday today. Why are you practicing "Starry Sky Art" if you don't go to play? Your body is not yet fully developed. If too much energy accumulates in your body now, our Xiaolu will get sick." Chen Qiang knelt down and scratched his daughter's nose, which was his way of communicating with his daughter.

"I heard from the teacher in the school that we can fight mutant beasts when we grow up, so I thought that practicing should help us grow up faster, so I took my younger brother to do it. Dad, see if I grow taller Already." Chen Lu said while comparing her height with her squatting father.

"Okay, okay, my Xiaolu is very powerful, and she has grown a centimeter taller today." Chen Qiang said with a smile, but the tears in his eyes flowed down involuntarily.

"Father, why are you crying? Did Xiaolu make you angry?" Chen Lu asked while wiping her tears when she saw her father crying.

"No, Dad didn't sleep well last night, so his eyes are a little bit dry today." Chen Qiang can't even tell lies now. He pulled Chen Yi, who had been watching quietly, over and embraced Chen Lu together.

And in the corner on the side, Mu Bing, who was following Chen Qiang home, covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face. Why didn't she hope that her husband would not go, but since some people have reached a certain position, they should Be prepared to take on some of the responsibilities of this position. Her husband is now the de facto leader of mankind and the decision maker of the future destiny of mankind, so she cannot be selfish.

Sometimes she even thought how good it would be to stay with Chen Qiang as a professor at Liancheng University. Teaching research, leisure time, husband and children, all these things are now far away from this family.

At dinner time, the whole dinner table is full of joy and happiness, because this time dinner is a dinner for the whole family. Including Mu Bing's parents Mou Jianguo and Tang Li, as well as Chen Jun and Catherine and her parents. However, there is an unconcealable sadness on the happy dinner table. But everyone at the table smiled and ate happily.

Mou Bing was very gentle that night, and Chen Qiang was also very cooperative. Because both of them knew that this trip would be bad or bad, and this trip might turn into a farewell.

Chen Qiang got up very early the next day. He didn't wake up everyone, but left quietly. But the moment he left the room, there was a heart-piercing cry in the room. And Chen Qiang's parents also watched their son leave with red eyes.

At the Xingkong Airport, there were already many people, and they all came to see Chen Qiang off.

"Mr. Chen, let me go, I am more familiar with these things." Anderson made the final persuasion, he knew that the current human beings cannot lose this one in front of them. Up to now, the appearance of aliens in space is still in a state of blockade. Since yesterday, the Government Council and the military have jointly issued a notice to suspend space mining with the Space Command of Star Group, in order to prevent these mining companies from getting This news.

Today's media is free and dares to report anything. So it’s better to hide some things. You must know that in the previous national era, the West was the spokesperson of democracy and freedom, but every Western country will control public opinion more or less.

"Let me go, some things are not suitable for you to go, take good care of Star Group, and I will come back." After patting Anderson on the shoulder, Chen Qiang got into the space shuttle under the eyes of everyone. Now the tool for human beings to go into and out of space is still the space shuttle, but the popularity of the space shuttle is very high now.

Just after Chen Qiang got into the space shuttle, Zhang Jian, who was guarding beside him, also got into the space shuttle together.

"Zhang Jian, I regret coming back now. I heard that you have grandchildren. It's not that I didn't leave a place for your family to leave. It's better to have grandchildren on the spaceship than to die." Chen Qiang sighed After taking a breath, he said.

"Mr. Chen, I have been your bodyguard from the very beginning. My mission is to protect you. Even if I die, I will die before you." Although Zhang Jian said this in a nonchalant tone He said it, but his eyes were full of determination.

"Okay, let's go then. We will be back." Chen Qiang signaled Zhang Jian to find a seat and sit down. The space shuttle does not have a pilot, the pilot is the starry sky, originally there was a pilot, but it was rejected.

The space shuttle Xiaolu soared into the sky under the attention of everyone and then disappeared into the sky. Everyone looked at the sky with a kind of hope in their eyes, and no one wanted to leave their hometown. The Beluga-class transport ship is not big, but this time the number of people to be transported has reached one million, which means that each Beluga will take away 100,000 people. Therefore, the space for each person is extremely small, and all the designs are very compact except for the necessary activity space.

Many people who are used to living in big houses are not used to this at all, so after seeing the living environment on the transport ship, many people in the know have great expectations for Chen Qiang's actions this time.

Human nature is good, this is human nature, so when you meet a stranger, you will not judge the other person as a bad person first. Everyone hopes that the person they meet is a good person, even if it is not a good person. Be a passerby Not bad.

Compared with ordinary people, the superiors consider a lot more things, such as what kind of impact the aliens will have on the entire earth after their arrival, how should humans deal with all this if a war breaks out, and so on. But from the point of view of nature, everyone hopes that people who look stronger than themselves are relatively well-behaved and good people.

Sometimes a good person card is really the best criterion in some people's minds. Humans now hope to send a big good person card to this alien who suddenly visits the earth. If the good person card is not sent successfully, then I hope this A huge spaceship has become a footprint on the beach of human beings, leaving a little thing behind but it will no longer exist after being washed by the sea. Of course, the premise is that this huge spaceship will not take away or destroy the entire beach.

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