Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 439 Carlo

The Moby Dick slowly docked at the position of the bridge under the guidance of the brain of the Carlo spaceship. So far, the bridges of all human outer space buildings are exposed, so everyone on the Beluga was a little surprised when they saw the huge and outrageous bridge. Because this bridge can hold at least a thousand ships if the Beluga is placed on the bridge, and the spaceships that are several times larger than the Beluga parked in the bridge also make them envious.

"Okay, we will have these in the future, don't let the aliens treat us like a turkey." Chen Qiang emphasized when he got off the Beluga. Negotiation skills can be considered to be mastered after so many years of training. Looking at all the successful negotiators are people with power, and he is gathering power.

But when he set foot on this huge ship, Chen Qiang realized that what he said just now fell on deaf ears. I saw that everyone looked here and there like a country bumpkin after getting off the spaceship. Even more excessively, some people directly took some detection instruments developed by the Star Group and began to survey and map the giant ship in front of them.

"Old Yuan, this is a material we have never seen before. Its hardness has reached about five. This is our latest hardness standard. The hardness of the material on the Beluga is only about two." Afterwards, many of the original units could no longer be used, so the research institute corrected and re-formulated many units and measurement standards on the basis of the original ones.

Along the way, this group of technicians seems to have found a very interesting toy, and they are as excited as children. At this moment, Chen Qiang wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, although he knew that these people were so enthusiastic because they wanted to get more information and use it on their own large spacecraft in the future. But this has no reference meaning at all, because the construction of a civilized warship must be based on its own materials, and there is no reference meaning at all in terms of materials.

The only reference for this spaceship is the layout of the entire spaceship and the detection device, and after he entered the passage, he knew that the body of the fundamental owner of the spaceship was at least about three meters high. So he directly stopped these technicians from moving: "Don't detect it, this spaceship has no reference meaning at all. Every civilization's engineering and construction methods are different, so simple detection will not be obtained at all." anything."

"Mr. Chen, I found out. Our passage is a dedicated passage. I tried to leave this passage when I passed the fork, but it was blocked by a transparent wall. And I also saw this The air flow on the other side of the wall is not the composition of our air." A researcher said suddenly at this time.

"Isn't this normal? Old Yu, the existence of life is a miracle. They can adapt to various environments. In space, don't use common sense on the earth to measure everything." Another researcher stood up and said.

No one refuted it. At this time, everyone was still using some experiments and knowledge on the earth to analyze everything in front of them, but this episode greatly reduced their interest in continuing to explore. One of the things that scientists are most afraid of is the aging of knowledge, so as long as they have time, they will learn from the latest technological research results at that time.

Just when Chen Qiang was rushing to the command room with everyone, the signal sent back by the Beluga was received by the receiving system of the starting point. Zhu Jie, who was on duty at the starting point station, immediately sent the signal to command center on the ground.

Because of the arrival of aliens, all the leadership of the Star Group entered the duty room for combat readiness. These duty rooms go directly 100 meters below the ground, and even the nuclear bomb with the largest yield in the world cannot affect it. And the most important thing is that there is everything in this base. According to the design requirements of the research institute, the combat readiness duty room can be self-sufficient for at least one hundred years.

Of course, this set of facilities is available in every city, but it is called the combat readiness duty room in Starry Sky City, while in other cities it is called the Doomsday Shelter. Of course, the public does not know this news, only the high-level officials of the base city can know.

"Mr. Mou, Mr. Chen has sent a message." Wu Aiguo put down all the affairs of the Government Affairs Council during this period, and stared at the information receiving device all the time. He doesn't want human beings to disappear into history like this, you must know that he has spent too much energy to bring human society out of the original chaos.

"Play it, what is supposed to come will still come." Mu Bing was a little exhausted a long time ago. Although it was only a short period of more than a day, she was already in a bad mood and even broke down after receiving the news. a feeling of. It's not that she doesn't believe her husband, but that she has already learned about the huge ship through the information of the starting point space station. It is a spaceship comparable to half the moon's volume. No one will deteriorate in the face of such a huge weapon of war. Fight back.

"Yes." Wu Aiguo could only pray now. He didn't believe in religion, but at this time he made an exception and prayed to all the creatures on the earth. Then he motioned to the operator to play the message.

As a result, many words were placed on the virtual screen, and Mu Bing's browsing speed was very fast, and he finished browsing thousands of words in less than half a minute. The entire command center was completely silent, but at this time Mou Bing, who was already on the verge of collapse, burst into tears.

At this moment, the entire command center was full of crying, and even Wu Aiguo was already wiping away his tears. At this time, Zhukov and others who had just rushed over also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the text on the big screen. Ever since Chen Qiang, the big boss, left the earth, the mutant beast seemed to know about it, and began to carry out indiscriminate tentative attacks on various defense lines.

The so-called tentative attacks of mutant beasts are the endless attacks of beast hordes. The west and south of North America, the west and north of Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, the South Asian subcontinent, and the east of Asia have been fighting the tide of mutant beasts for ten hours now. He has been directing the war at the headquarters of the military. When the information came back from the Beluga, he and everyone in the headquarters rushed over immediately.

"Mr. Mou, at least Mr. Chen is safe at this moment, so the most urgent task now is to stop the escape plan according to Mr. Chen's order, and the mutant beasts have started a large-scale invasion now. You are our pillar now. You must protect your body." Zhukov comforted, but in fact he was asking the woman in front of him for the command of the Dragon Tooth Troop, and he didn't want to think about the Internal Guard Corps, because half of the troops have already gone to the moon. .

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