"Has the battle started to become anxious?" Mu Bing asked after hearing the large-scale attack of the mutated beasts and understood the general's thoughts in front of him. She knew it when the mutant beasts invaded on a large scale, but because she was worried about things in space, she handed over the command to Zhukov.

"Basically, the defenses we have built are fighting against the tide of mutant beasts. I think it may be that the lethal potions we sprinkled in Australia, South America, and North America have taken effect, forcing the mutant beasts to have to fight us. The plan was early on. It has been formulated, but we did not expect such a thing to happen, so now our preparations are not sufficient. I need a large number of strong people to go to the front to help the army resist the first wave of mutant beasts. Fight for us. Some preparation time." Zhukov originally didn't plan to use Longya, because the last European war and Longya suffered heavy losses, and a real brigade was directly disabled.

However, there is nothing he can do now. Because the high-level fighters recruited from the people suffered a lot. Even though these people are armed to the teeth by the military, they are still far from enough compared to the dragon tooth army that is specially used to fight mutant beasts. And more importantly, this time the mutated beast didn't have any methods at all, it was a direct exchange of life for life. Therefore, whether it is the army or the civilians, those high-level powerhouses fight very hard.

"Okay, I will hand over Longya to you, and I will also call out a part of the inner guard. You must guard it until Mr. Chen comes back." Mou Bing had a glimmer of hope at this moment, and his whole spirit was also restored. Some changes.

"Yes." Zhukov saluted directly. It is the highest honor for a soldier to die on the battlefield, and Zhukov has already made preparations for this.

Chen Qiang didn't believe that there was only such a passage in such a huge battleship, but they had been walking in one direction under the leadership of the guiding robot during this time. It was about three hours after Earth time that they arrived at the main control center of the giant ship.

At this time, a guy with a height of more than three meters came into view. Chen Qiang had already guessed about Carlo's height, but when he really faced this Carlo, he had to lament the greatness of life. From a biological point of view, the human body cannot be too high, if it is too high, it will affect the transportation of blood and the growth of bones. But the guy in front of him is more than three meters tall, and he is still alive and well. Life is indeed strange and great.

"Hello, Mr. Chief, nice to meet you." Carlo has been paying attention to everyone's actions since he entered the bridge from the Beluga. He had a good feeling for this unruffled leader. At least he ranked first among all the low-level civilizations he encountered.

"Hello, Mr. Carlo, you can call me Chen Qiang or Chen." Chen Qiang also replied. This is the first close contact between humans and aliens, and he has been controlling his emotions.

"First of all, sir, why don't you let your subordinates go to the spaceship for a while, I think they are very interested in this ship." Carlo said that a humanoid as big as Chen Qiang and the others appeared on his leg The other Carlo, this Carlo said and took everyone away, leaving the entire control room to two people.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qiang's eyes were wide open. This is simply impossible in the human cognition view. This is equivalent to a clone.

"Mr. Chen, don't be surprised. From your understanding, we should belong to the reproductive mode of fission. The number of our entire ethnic group is not too large, but our life span is extremely long, so we don't care about our offspring. It's so heavy." Carlo obviously saw Chen Qiang's astonishment, and explained after sending him to a position equal to his own through a chair.

"I made you laugh, Carlo. We are the first to contact alien galaxies, so we will use our own cognition to explain and judge everything in front of us." Chen Qiang also knew that he was a little rude, so he apologized.

"You are already very good. I have been wandering in this turbulent river for tens of millions of years, so I have encountered many civilizations. Some civilizations are too greedy, so I can only use some means. Still Some civilizations are very afraid of aliens disturbing their lives, so we don’t have any good feelings when we have no contact, but as a businessman, I want to make a fortune.” Carlo said to himself in a very excited tone years of experience.

However, while Chen Qiang was listening, he saw countless bloody smells. The civilization with too much greed must have been in this universe long ago, and the closed-door civilization would definitely not end well. And he also heard demonstrations and inquiries from this benign-looking alien population.

The purpose of a businessman is to seek profit, especially a wandering businessman like Carlo who can do anything for profit, and sometimes they will play the role of an interstellar pirate. Maybe it was because of the aliens, Carlo would not use some euphemistic tone to say his purpose, although he had tried his best.

"Mr. Carlo, is the scope of the Chaotic River Territory very large?" Although Chen Qiang knew that the other party was telling him that he could offer products for trading, he asked another question. He didn't believe that the other party didn't collect information on the entire earth, and he was happy to do things like whet his appetite.

"This question is difficult to answer, because there is no very accurate standard. And I have been wandering in the universe for tens of millions of years, and I have never heard of anyone or that force that has explored the entire chaotic area. But I can tell with certainty that You, the place where you are the Milky Way is just a galaxy in the turbulent flow region, and I have encountered more than a thousand galaxies in the turbulent flow region." Although Carlo was a little impatient, he understood that business should not be rushed, So I can only explain patiently.

"Oh, is Chaotic River Territory a very rich place?" Chen Qiang grasped the word "power" in Carlo's words, so he asked insincerely.

"This is not necessarily the case, because when technology develops to the top, all materials can be synthesized, which is what you call operations at the atomic level, and even some super civilizations can operate at the quark level. Operate." Of course, this is the title of your civilization.

"You have a lot of this kind of information here, how to sell it." Chen Qiang said directly, but there is no doubt that it will always be the greatest wealth. If possible, he would like to buy all the knowledge-related information of this businessman.

"It can be sold, as long as there is a price that makes my heart beat, even if I sell this ship to you." Hearing that the leader of the civilization in front of him finally said the business, Carlo couldn't help but burst into tears, and quickly patted his chest Guaranteed.

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