Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 441 Genesis Qi and Origin Qi

Chen Qiang didn't intend to have this spaceship at all, because if he showed any thoughts about this spaceship, the whole earth would suffer catastrophe. He didn't think that a wandering businessman who could enter the realm of chaos had only this hole card. The best news he got from Carlo's words is that the region where the Milky Way is located is considered a fierce place in the universe, so there is relatively more time for human development.

"Mr. Carlo, I don't want your ship. If I really buy this ship, you will have nothing to eat. Besides, we may not have such a huge amount of money to buy this ship. A boat. So I just want all your information about the outside world, introducing a variety of technologies and a series of words." Chen Qiang took out a bottle of water in his pocket and took a sip before saying.

"You are a wise lord, I admire your vision. In fact, my storage here is very good, and there are even all the scientific and technological materials of several civilizations. But the price is relatively expensive, in terms of your planet. , knowledge is priceless." Carlo immediately entered the role of a businessman at this moment.

"Let's talk about the price. I think you have already explored our planet. How much will it cost to buy all the written records on your ship with what we have?" Chen Qiang said directly, he didn't want to be here Waste of time on questions.

"Actually, there are quite a lot of special products on your planet. According to my investigation, the energy block technology you use can already be used as a common currency among civilizations in the universe. So I don't mind you using energy blocks as payment currency. Also, the air on your planet has reached the highest level, and I can calculate it at the price of one million energy blocks per cubic meter; and you can also exchange your biotechnology materials with me, and I can give you A set of all the technical materials of the third-level civilization, and the rest can be paid with the animals on your earth, and the price is also negotiable." Carlo is very interested in this civilization that is only at the peak of the second-level civilization, so The price he gave was much more generous.

In fact, after Carlo got the information about the earth, he was very surprised. Because this civilization, in addition to the kind of source qi that all cultivators dream of, also has energy technology and that kind of unique biological science and technology. This is not in line with the development trajectory of cosmic civilization at all, because most civilizations can only break through energy technology and issue their own energy currency after reaching the fifth-level civilization. Only by issuing its own currency can it become the overlord in the universe.

In addition, the biological science and technology are even more remarkable, because only civilizations above level 8 can conduct research on the race itself. But the second-level civilization in front of him has reached the point where it can transform itself, which is simply beyond his expectations, so he is very greedy for this technology, although it cannot be fully used in his race, but It is still possible to learn from it.

"Mr. Carlo, you need to have a good understanding of energy blocks, because energy is a node that all cosmic civilizations cannot avoid. But what I can't figure out is why you want the air and animals on our planet. As for those technologies Don’t think about the information, because that’s what we live on. You may not know that there is a saying on our planet that the law should not be passed on lightly, but it’s impossible here.” Chen Qiang first said My own doubts, and then I expressed my rejection.

"Chen Qiang, in fact, I only want your technology for collection. The third-level civilization information I exchanged with you was also obtained through trading. Such things are very common in the universe, after all, technology is always changing. Innovative." Carlo did not expect that his wisdom of thousands of years would be destroyed at this moment, because this civilization surprised him so much. And his goal is all the data of biotechnology, and according to his speculation, that very special way of communication may also come from this technology.

"Mr. Carlo, please answer my question directly. I'm thinking about the technical information." Chen Qiang also found that the alien seemed to have a strong interest in biotechnology information, but he didn't want to put this information in the public domain. Go out, because after years of collation and induction, the civilization data he received has been completely incorporated into the new scientific system of the earth. If you hand over this information, it means handing over all the scientific information on the entire earth. So he decided to procrastinate as long as he could.

"Chen, you are a monk. In fact, your civilization is very strange. In the universe, all civilizations will be divided into two camps, that is, cultivation civilization and technological civilization. But your civilization seems to be a combination of the two. , and they all developed well, which surprised me." Carlo's expression was strange at this time, half of him was surprised and the other half was gloating.

But now he really wants to persuade the human being in front of him to sell their information to him, so he intends to reveal something as a sincerity, so he continued: "The so-called cultivation of civilization, they use their own body and pass some strange There is a way to absorb the energy of the outside world into the body. Cultivating civilization takes a long time to grow, but as long as it can grow to a certain stage, this civilization will directly become the overlord of one side in the universe. And the air on your planet is called the source Qi' is the purest energy in the universe, and it is something that all cultivating civilizations crazily pursue."

"So that's it. Then, Mr. Carlo, if we take away the vitality in large quantities, will it affect the recovery of the vitality?" Chen Qiang asked after thinking for a while. He had actually put vitality and mutant beasts into tradable objects, but he suddenly thought that in many online novels he had read, aura would gradually decrease with time and consumption, so he asked this question.

"Yes, the source gas is a special kind of energy emanating from the star core in terms of its origin. The star core of each planet will have an explosive period and a dormant period. This kind of source gas appears in the explosive period. This energy will dissipate slowly after the explosive period is over, but this process is long. So you don’t need to worry about the exhaustion of your vitality.” Carlo felt like hitting a wall at this time, because He found himself doing something stupid again.

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