Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 446 Counterattack Without Suspense

"Xiaobing, this is Carlo, a wandering merchant in the universe, who belongs to the 'Dirty Clan' of the sixth-level civilized race." Chen Qiang ignored the chattering alien, but introduced Carlo to Mu Bing. He has been very distressed during this time. The generation gap between civilizations cannot be explained clearly in a few words. This is a difference in thinking that cannot be corrected by simple introductions.

"Hello, Carlo." Although Mu Bing was a little scared of this fat man with pointed ears, she still suppressed the fear in her heart and stretched out her hand.

Carlo obviously had done some research on human etiquette before coming here, but when Chen Qiang saw the big mouth ready to kiss the back of his wife's hand, he felt very uncomfortable, but he still endured it. In fact, this is also a kind of human psychology, that is, no matter what they face, they will think that their race or ethnic group is the best, and all other people or people in the ethnic group must restrain themselves according to all the norms belonging to this civilization.

After a cordial meeting, Chen Qiang started to prepare for work. He appreciated the military's battles these days very much. It is not easy to survive under the tide of mutant beasts, so he temporarily put aside his love for his children and introduced Carlo to Zhukov and MacArthur in the military. He hopes to put these Carlo's powers into the entire battlefield as soon as possible, so that the casualties of the soldiers will be reduced.

"Mr. Carlo, since you have reached an agreement with Mr. Chen, I hope that your fleet and soldiers will join the battlefield as soon as possible. After all, each of these mutant beasts is worth money. If they are killed by our military on the spot, it will be a bit of a loss." " Zhukov's art of speech is obviously better, he directly put down the fact that the army is a little bit unable to hold on at this time, and put the whole topic on money, after all, businessmen are always after profits.

"Yes, Marshal. But I hope you can send some people to be guides on my spaceship. After all, they are coming to Earth for the first time. It would be bad if they collided with some secret places." Carlo naturally knows every civilization They all have their own secret bases, that's why he said that, obeying other people's rules on their territory is the most basic principle of their universe businessmen.

Carlo likes this planet very much. The rich source qi alone makes his body function stronger quickly, but he dare not open it to absorb it, so he can only do it slowly. So he began to look forward to the profits those so-called mutant beasts would bring him.

Rescue is like putting out a fire. After obtaining Carlo's consent, Zhukov quickly sent people into every ship of the fleet as guides. The size of the spacecraft is still very large, but it did not suffer any damage when it passed through the atmosphere, which made all the designers and builders of Starspace very envious.

Because whether it is a star-class space shuttle or a beluga-class space transport ship, their power systems are simply not enough to allow them to get rid of the gravity of the earth and re-launch after landing on the earth. Therefore, the only means of transportation for humans to enter space is this small space shuttle.

It is really inconvenient to do this, just like this time, nearly a million people were transported from the earth to the moon in a short period of time, which made all the space brigade of the Star Group tired. Although they only fly for one time from the ground and then through the atmosphere, thousands of take-offs and landings a day make them very tired.

"Captain, you see a spaceship has entered the battlefield." A man in his twenties suddenly shouted. Carlo's battleship seemed to be a savior who fell from the sky, and landed vertically from the clouds into the mutated herd. Because there was a strange existence, the mutant beast began to attack this strange thing under the command of the beast king.

"We won, we won, we won... woo woo woo," the team leader murmured to himself looking at the huge spaceship at this time, but he began to cry as he spoke. He didn't understand why the military had brought out such a powerful weapon in advance. The members of his regiment had been changed eight times. He was the third supervisor of the regiment, and the first two died on the front line with guns because the casualties of the soldiers he accepted were too high. He was still a soldier when the first regiment commander was there, but he had already become the battalion commander when the second regiment commander was there, and he became the regiment commander immediately after that.

Watching the huge spaceship begin to devour those mutant beasts continuously, it seemed like a bottomless pit. The mutant beast king started to move, it was a giant python. I saw it quickly flew to the top of the spaceship, and began to attack the box and the same things frantically, but all its actions had no effect. Afterwards, the soldiers just saw that the huge snake king was suddenly sucked in by something.

"We won, we won, long live Star Group." The soldiers on the third line of defense were all ecstatic, and there were tears on their faces celebrating. The feeling of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is still very good. When they were called, they came with the determination to die. Even the relatives who sent them to the battlefield had no confidence that they would survive.

This kind of situation appeared outside the defense walls all over the world. This time, Carlo brought a total of 130 spaceships, and all of them were scattered. Because this is indeed a good opportunity, 30% of the mutant beasts in the world are here, which can well prevent these spaceships from running around the world.

The mutant beast lost, and it was a miserable defeat. This happened almost in a day. Humans also regained the original land within a day. At this time, the people who were transferring in North America also stopped transferring, because at this time, human beings were already invincible, and everyone began to celebrate wildly.

Of course, the people can celebrate, but the soldiers can't. They start to reorganize, because this time the army has been wiped out again. Although it is not as miserable as the last few times, it is almost the same. The reorganized army will go to the original first line of defense. After all, these more than 100 warships can't take care of many places, so some places still need the army to clean up and guard.

Now that the affairs on the military side have been dealt with, it's time for Chen Qiang to deal with the businessmen's problems. So he held a business meeting in Starry Sky City. No one dared to refuse this call. In just ten hours, everyone arrived, and they all came in advance.

"Convening this meeting today, I only have highlights to say. First, you just keep what I give you. If I don't give you, then don't be so perverted. Second, human beings are now capable of a full-fledged counterattack. So you can participate in the recovery work after the war." Everyone saw the anger in Chen Qiang's eyes, so every businessman was like a quail at this time.

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