Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 447 Treasury

On the way back, Chen Qiang talked with Carlo a lot, including the issue of the national system. Through Carlo's explanation, he also roughly understood something, that is, as long as the civilizations that can gain a foothold in the universe, their regimes have a very distinctive feature, that is, centralization. Because every civilization is confused about its own path, and everything needs to be tested. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is not something everyone can make up their minds about.

And if you want to break out of this labyrinth, there is only one thing and that is the centralization of power. Only when the power reaches its peak can you have absolute deterrence to carry out one thing. Of course, this person with rights will become a hero in this civilization, no matter what his final result is, but at least he will use such courage to create a way for his own civilization.

All the prosperous times in history have one thing in common, that is, the prestige of one person in the official circle at that time has reached its peak. Of course, this person is sometimes the emperor and sometimes the prime minister, but no matter which of them is in charge of the country, the final result is the prosperity of the country.

So after careful consideration, he finally made a decision, intending to finalize the political system of the earth as soon as possible. Because the problem of mutated beasts has been completely solved, people will focus on space next, and it will be a life-and-death struggle here, and human beings cannot lose.

Holding a business meeting this time is also an observation. No one in power wants to have some discordant voices in their own country. There is nothing wrong with being greedy for life and fearing death, because it is everyone's instinct, but it is beyond the scope of his tolerance to disturb the public order and cause extremely bad effects. Even if some people have a good relationship with him, from another kind of From a perspective, it can be regarded as a company under the Star Group, and he didn't show any mercy.

The results of the businessmen who participated in this operation and officials from various places were announced at this meeting. All the participants have entered the labor force for a hundred years, and after giving their families enough living expenses, all remaining assets are frozen. Returning to the treasury, etc., all the businessmen were very surprised, because they all saw two items from this document-the treasury.

The treasury is the most important part of a country, and only the state can set up this institution, which is only the right of the state. So after this word came out, all the businessmen on the venue were very surprised, and they still had a kind of luck in it.

They are actually very afraid of this duckweed-like life, because the information they have collected from various sources shows that Boss Chen has no idea of ​​establishing a country and becoming king, but what makes them strange is that the Star Group has not given up the idea of ​​going all out. This gave them a bad feeling. There is never a shortage of people in the world who realize their utopian dreams, but those people are just playing around, but this one is different, he is the leader who controls the entire human race.

Reform and conservatism will always be a pair of spears and shields, and a series of conflicts will occur throughout the dynasties. In fact, in essence, both factions were trying to maintain their dominance at that time, so from a legal point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. But in this age of advocating innovation, if you put forward conservative opinions, the possibility of being adopted will not be very high.

And all those who understand the situation hope that the leaders of this earth civilization will be more conservative and not make large-scale changes to the current system. Because it is not easy for a mature system to mature from birth to maturity. The current system has matured. Even if there are some incomplete parts, it is indeed very effective in maintaining social stability. It is almost a law that a system needs not only time but also blood baptism from inception to maturity.

Chen Qiang's indifference made many people feel unreal, but after the word treasury came out, everything became very simple. As long as the country is officially established, all duckweed will become the strongest islands in the sea.

"Old Ma, as the leader of our business community, this time you think Mr. Chen will not really establish a country. To be honest, it is a bit strange to use the name Starry Sky Group all the time." After the meeting, the former Russian oligarch Sergey Shale whispered asked, but many of the people next to him heard it.

"I don't know, we can't figure out this guy's temper at all, but this is a good sign. In this world, you can't escape the word rules. Mr. Chen has always been outside the rules, but now I can It is very clear that Mr. Chen is working hard to change." Ma Yun did not dare to be full of words, because he was facing a person who never played cards according to the rules.

"Chen, to be honest, I admire you very much. In the name of a so-called company, you have mastered your entire civilization for nearly seven years without causing a large-scale mutiny. This is a great thing." Carlo said as he said Said while stuffing all kinds of food. Ever since he tasted a little food from the earth, he has fallen in love with this kind of thing. In fact, as an alien, he can't digest carbohydrates and fibers, but Carlo's race has a very magical function , that is to use one's own body to form various desired things, including various organs of human beings.

A very heaven-defying ability, this is Chen Qiang's intuition after knowing this. But he can only bury this matter in his heart, and he knows that there are some things that cannot be asked.

Hearing Carlo's question, Chen Qiang took a sip of tea and said, "Actually, my original plan was to establish a large company all over the galaxy, and from the very beginning, I planned to turn everyone on the earth into an employee of Star Group. But in After chatting with you about the systems of various civilizations in the universe, I found that I was wrong. No matter how good a company is in terms of systems, it will not make its employees believe in it, but a country can. If human beings want to be in the universe They must have faith to survive.”

"I just said why you dragged me to talk about the systems of various civilizations. In fact, you were thinking too much. I also understand your thoughts. It is nothing more than wanting to build your civilization into a neutral business empire. This kind of thinking is advisable. , because there are many civilizations in the universe that are in this form, but they are often affiliated civilizations of some super civilizations." Carlo looked at the face of this food and warned.

Chen Qiang didn't speak, but there was a fighting spirit in his eyes. What Carlo said is very clear, that is, this so-called business empire is attached to the super civilization, and it is just an appendage of another civilization. But he doesn't believe in this evil, because what he wants to build is a technological empire, a technological empire that stands above the civilization of the universe.

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