Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 448: Era of Civilization

The information of the business meeting is disseminated after the meeting. Human beings have a very peculiar psychology, that is, hatred of the rich. No matter how the other party's money comes from, as long as he is richer than himself, it is his fault. The processing information about Han Hao and others was also disseminated at the same time. Even though these people had greatly promoted their lives, they still applauded.

And the report that appeared with the business meeting was also about the establishment of the state, which immediately generated a national discussion. Because this matter is indeed closely related to their lives. The most vocal ones are the previous system in Huaguo and the bicameral system in the West. Of course, some of them agree with the constitutional monarchy.

The first two systems are easy to understand. After all, these two systems are the most mature two systems for the time being. As for the people who talk about the constitutional monarchy, they are people with complete brains or bad intentions. Because no one except people with poor brains and bad intentions would think that President Chen would give up his rights. Moreover, the current strength of the Starry Sky Group does not allow him to give up his rights. Even if he agrees to those ministers of the dragon, he will not agree, and the earth will be bloody again.

"Mr. Ma, if we don't control the public opinion on the Internet like this, will the Star Group take action?" Ma Xiaolong asked with some concern, because the public opinion on the Internet is really a bit big during this time, and even Some netizens began to fight for that system on the Internet.

"No, don't forget that the starry sky is the mastermind of the entire human society. It hasn't acted yet. Why worry about it? The naivety is about to change. We just need to control the general direction." Ma Hua said with a smile.

Penguin was actually the first wave to enter the communication network established by the Star Group, but the development over the years has not been very good. At the beginning, Penguin missed the outlet of aerospace, so until now, Penguin Aerospace has only barely fallen to the end of the second echelon. And because everything about the new network is new, Penguin faced many competitors in the early days, and completely lost its dominance in the field of instant messaging. And because young people nowadays accept new things faster, they don't pay much attention to habits, so the loss of Penguin's previous users is very serious.

This time Penguin took advantage of this big discussion to quickly establish a lot of discussion groups, so it has a great sense of presence. In fact, for MCA this time, he is also taking a slant. He has been bringing Penguin to its former peak these years, but he has more energy than energy. Penguin, who missed several outlets, can only barely maintain the operation of the company.

Penguin used to make the most money from games, but the Star Group once integrated the game personnel in the entire Huaguo and the world, so there was a game company. Although this company Penguin has a certain share in it, it is not the one with the most say, and the game company has its own game distribution channels, so Penguin's game business has suddenly become tasteless since then.

Somatosensory games have now become the mainstream of games, and as the former leader in the game industry, if Penguin wants to enter this field again, he needs a good enough game, otherwise he will lose his wife and lose his army. MCA has been developing such a game for these years, and the ultimate goal of all Penguin projects is to ensure the smooth development of this game.

Today, five years later, Penguin has finally achieved results, and at this time, it happened to catch up with the upsurge of discussions about Jianguo, so he planned to use this opportunity to promote the game he had developed over the past five years. Although he knows that this public opinion must be guided by the Star Group, he still plans to make this craze even hotter, so that when he releases the game, it will be known to all women and children.

This is actually a very difficult goal to achieve. Even Star Group did not achieve this effect when it released "Freedom Village".

"Old Ma, you persuade Mr. Ma of Penguin not to get involved in this matter. People can discuss this matter, but we can't. But Mr. Ma directly fanned the flames on the Internet, which will cause big things. " Zach, who also does instant messaging, said to Ma Yun worriedly.

"Xiao Zha, the penguin's horse is always planning a big event. We can't stop it at all. The penguin has been disappearing all these years, and now it must be a big move when it suddenly comes out. But don't worry, it's so fierce on the Internet. The Star Group must have paid attention to it, and since they didn’t take any action, we don’t care about it. And I guess this information may be released by the Star Group.” Ma Yun is very open about this matter, because no matter what the final result is What kind of thing is it? At most, there will be some changes in the social structure of human beings, and there will be no major changes in other things.

"What. Thank you, Mr. Ma, for your reminder." Although Zach and Ma Yun are many years apart, they have always been friends, so they usually speak casually. But what he said just now shocked him very much, so he quickly thanked him.

Sure enough, when almost all the people were discussing the issue of the system after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Penguin Company, which had disappeared for a long time, released a virtual online game that had been in development for five years - "Civilization Era". In Penguin's release information, the slogan of the promotional slogan --- the result of the system dispute is here. At this moment, it is like a drop of ink dripping into hot water. The whole cup of hot water is in a short time Time has turned black.

MCA was in high spirits at this time, and I saw him standing on the stage of the press conference and said: "This is a game that integrates all realistic factors such as war, farming, management, and strategy. It has a powerful world view. If you have enough Powerful and excellent, you can build a tribe from an ax on the planet, then a country, then you can unify your planet, and finally fight against other planets in space, if you are strong enough, even if you unify the entire universe Yes." After saying this, Ma Hua opened his arms as if the whole world was in his arms at the moment.

There are actually such games on the market, but this Penguin game expands the entire battlefield into the universe, which is very in line with the current background, so many people have a refreshing feeling. But more people are insulting, but Ma Hua didn't pay attention to these, because his goal of making this game known to women and children has been achieved.

Looking at everyone at the press conference, Ma Hua wanted to shout loudly, "I'm back."

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