Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 458 Restoration Organization

"Isn't this the tradition of the army? As a senior general, if the troops below don't have his own cronies, who should he command?" MacArthur seemed to take it for granted.

At this moment, Chen Jun led a group of people directly into Zhukov's office, looked at MacArthur coldly and said, "Chairman of Staff, come with us, Mr. Chen wants to see you."

"Let's go, I don't believe what else can be done to me." After finishing speaking, MacArthur adjusted his clothes and followed Chen Jun to leave, while Zhukov couldn't help sighing seeing all this. There is a reason why MacArthur is so calm. You must know that all the trainees who have come out of the training courses of the General Staff over the years are his students. If something happens to him, the entire army will mutiny.

But what he didn't expect was that after he left the headquarters, a team of internal guards directly surrounded the headquarters and took some people away. This happened in military camps all over the world at the same time. And after the head of the army is taken away, a new head will be replaced immediately, so this scene seems to have been prepared for a long time.

"MacArthur, how have I treated you these years?" Chen Qiang asked without raising his head. Now he can already hide his emotions, so his tone is very flat.

"Mr. Chen, that's how things are in the army. You need the power you can control to have combat effectiveness. Obedience is a big taboo in the army." MacArthur was still very calm at this time.

"Then you plan to directly control the army. You have a lot of ambitions." Chen Qiang raised his head and asked with a half-smile.

"I don't have this idea. This army was built by Mr. Chen, and their supporters will always be Mr. Chen." MacArthur also replied with a smile. His smile made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Do you know that what I hate the most now is the aristocratic family, especially the unscrupulous family." Chen Qiang didn't bother with this question, and directly changed the subject.

"Then why does Mr. Chen hold all the vitality nodes in his hands? I think the royal family is the biggest family in the world when the empire is established. Aren't they all for the benefit of their own children and grandchildren? What's the difference? "MacArthur directly exposed the essence of the whole thing.

After hearing this, Chen Qiang was not angry, and said directly: "Our Chen family doesn't like vitality nodes, it's just that the vitality is stronger. I plan to distribute 30 of these vitality nodes to various universities, and the rest It will be opened as a place for the whole people to practice. This time you really touched my bottom line."

"Mr. Chen, you are the one who promoted the family system again. I don't know why you did it at the beginning, but what I can be sure of is that you made a bad opening. A family has to consider all aspects. If you want to To maintain the prosperity of a family requires excellent family children, and the cultivation of these family children requires a lot of resources. The essence of all wars in history is the competition for resources. Do you think you can control the outbreak of wars? .” MacArthur reminded that he strongly opposed the birth of this system at the beginning, because it would create one chaebol after another. And the current situation is very different, because personal strength has begun to grow rapidly, and a martial artist at the martial spirit level can support a medium-sized family. The strength of technology and individuals is infinitely reduced, so the deterrence of the army has been slowly declining.

"Are you trying to justify your stupid actions during this time? What I hate most in my life is the abuse of private power, you should know it. Tell me why you did this, I don't think a small family can stop you .Do you want to be the emperor?" Chen Qiang asked with a sneer, but this time he didn't leave any room for it.

"No, I have always felt that the implementation of the imperial system is a regression of human society." MacArthur's pupils shrank suddenly but recovered quickly.

"In fact, power is really fascinating, and even I lost myself for a while. Go back and hand over all the duties, and take your family to settle in the newly established Shanghai City." Chen Qiang has already gained his own I wanted the answer, so there was no entanglement, and the final trial result was announced directly.

"Mr. Chen, are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?" MacArthur was a little anxious at this time, so he stood up and retorted loudly. Beads of sweat dripped down his face at this moment. But at this time Zhang Jian came to MacArthur's side quietly and directly grabbed the person who dared to yell at his boss with one hand.

"There is no need to delay, you want to use the method of mutiny to get me to compromise. I know that your idea is to restore the earth to its previous form, but it is impossible. Your subordinates have long been captured by the inner guards sent out Now, it may be on the way to bring it back." Chen Qiang directly dispelled MacArthur's last hope.

"Mr. Chen, I was wrong, please let our family members go, they are innocent. I was obsessed with wanting to be emperor, and I encouraged those people." MacArthur saw that the matter had reached the point of no return, so Kneeling directly, intending to take over everything.

"To be honest, MacArthur, when I received the news from the Intelligence Bureau, I couldn't believe that you were the head of the Zionist Organization. You hid deeply and well. What I'm curious about now is that you are How did you escape the surveillance of the surveillance watch? Finally, I figured out that the one who accepted the watch for you was not you, but a clone. Am I right? The current one is not real. MacArthur." Chen Qiang smiled and raised the head of the cloned MacArthur and asked.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that you have really investigated clearly. Yes, those aristocratic families left three forces on the earth after they left the earth. My one is the most secretive, and of course it is also the one with the strongest support from those families. But your unreasonable playing of cards caused them heavy losses, so you slowly put me in cold storage. I was really happy at this scene. But after you directly destroyed Moon City, I was awakened again. This At that time, I couldn't get off the ship anymore, because I became the leader of all the people left on the earth." MacArthur slowly told the whole story, and Chen Qiang also listened slowly.

When Chen Qiang heard this, he suddenly answered: "So from then on, you have placed various people into the army, and put them into the front-line combat troops within the allowed range to start cultivating your own cronies. In my plan When you set up a constitutional monarchy, you have the idea of ​​wanting to replace it."

"Yes, almost. But I belong to the yellow robe, and I know the existence of the intelligence agency, so everything is done in a watertight way because I am afraid of being discovered. Everything is arranged by those people's think tanks." MacArthur began to slowly Pick yourself out from that group of people. After all, he is a person who has made great achievements, so he may have a chance to survive.

"Then hand over the lists of those people, and you can continue to live in Shanghai City for the elderly." Chen Qiang is not a cruel person, so he upheld the original judgment in the end.

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