Ever since the Star Group ruled the earth, there has been an endless stream of things about this kind of bullshit. At the beginning, Chen Qiang didn't believe in all balances at all. He wanted to break the subconsciousness in the existing society and create a country with a new atmosphere. But failed after many attempts. It is impossible for him to complete such an idea with large-scale killings, so he can only lock this subconscious mind in a cage, and then subtly adapt the entire world.

So all the people caught this time were not killed, and all were sent to the labor camp. This is also his compromise after years of hard work and failure, and his compromise has also been approved by many people. The so-called tempering of people in the society is to wipe out the passion and uncompromising people of the past, because Chen Qiang was already the chairman of the starry sky creature when he first started, and he has arbitrary power in all matters of the starry sky creature , so his passion and uncompromising have always existed.

But after the Star Group took control of the entire earth, this character became the biggest unstable factor of the entire group. So he feels tired all the time, and the whole world is against him. In fact, this is not the case. The operation of the world is still the way it is, but in a high position, he has seen things that he could not touch before, and these things are the things he opposed in his heart, so a confrontation began. Of course The final result is also very simple, that is, there is no win or loss.

"Mr. Ma, come with me." A major from the Intelligence Bureau said directly after showing his ID in MCA's office.

"Are you still here? I thought no one would know my identity after the destruction of Moon City." Ma Hua said sadly.

"Mr. Ma, your manufacturing technology really scares us a little. Even special testing equipment can't detect it. If this technology is used by someone with a heart, we humans will be doomed." The major said expressionlessly.

"Let's go, but can you allow me to arrange some company affairs?" Mahua has been living in fear these years. Penguin has been silent for so many years. One is to develop the game "Universal Era", and the other is to avoid the intelligence department of the Star Group. probing. But now nothing can be hidden.

"Okay." The major is not worried about the person in front of him escaping now, because there are already three high-ranking martial arts people stationed outside the entire Penguin Building.

Moon City's human cloning technology is still hidden from the Star Group. After they obtained the manufacturing process of the Star Group's low-level cell activation fluid, they used this method to create several other cloned bodies. This time the clones were the same as before. There is a big difference in comparison with it, and the biggest difference is that you can practice cultivation. Moreover, after these clones have cultivated to the warrior level, they can completely cover up the cloning marks on their bodies, and the detection equipment of the Star Group uses this cloning mark to detect clones.

"Hey, have you heard that Mr. Ma was taken away by the inner guards of the Star Group? Did Mr. Ma do something wrong?" At this time, the whole penguin was in a state of panic. However, there is no one who is not worried about the chairman being arrested.

"A person as good as Mr. Ma should be fine. Maybe the Star Group is looking for Mr. Ma to discuss cooperation." Although he was very uneasy in his heart, he said an almost impossible situation in his mouth, because the current situation on the earth Everyone has their own strength and cultivation, so they can feel the aura emanating from the three martial spirits.

It is not easy to find a good job now, and MCA treats Penguin's employees at the top of the industry, so Penguin's employees are very loyal to the company, and no one left after the whole thing happened. They are all waiting for their boss to come back again and lead them to stand at the pinnacle of the human game world.

But their hope was doomed to disappointment. On the third day after MCA was taken away, his son Ma Baili officially announced to take over his father's chairmanship. Most of the equity of Penguin's entire company is in the hands of MCA, so the handover ceremony of Penguin's chairman was completed very quickly, and no one had any objections.

"Mr. Ma, we want to know what happened to Mr. Ma." Penguin's senior management was very puzzled. When Mr. Ma left, he only asked himself to help his son well, and didn't say anything else . For the past three days, they have been trying their best to maintain the stability of the entire company, and now there is someone who can speak, so they plan to ask together.

"My father died a long time ago. The horse leading you is always a clone." Ma Baili said haggardly. If possible, he would rather not know the news and let the clone continue to be his father.

"Ah." Penguin's top executives were all stunned, they were no strangers to clones. At the beginning, the Star Group conducted a large-scale investigation of human cloning around the world, and after that, the Government Affairs Council specially formulated a law to limit the application of cloning technology, and completely prohibited human cloning experiments. At the beginning, their penguins also experienced a large-scale inspection.

"Mr. Ma, did the Xingkong Group make a mistake in the test? Mr. Ma passed that test back then." An executive raised his own question.

"It's not wrong, I went to see it. He also admitted, you go down, Penguin is the effort of all of you, you can't just fall down like this, do it well." Ma Baili made it clear and issued an order to evict the guest, He is really tired now.

Penguin's boss was arrested, and the news spread quickly. There is no shortage of people in the world who add insult to injury, such as tax evasion, law violations and discipline violations. It can be said how bad it sounds, but Penguin didn't come out to refute it at this time, so the public opinion on the entire network became more and more turbulent.

Network construction was originally a relatively important task of the Government Affairs Council, and during this year, the boss Chen Qiang also gave some guidance to the Government Affairs Council's work in this area. He didn't like the keyboard warriors on the Internet at all, so this time when Penguin suddenly broke out, the Government Affairs Council immediately took action to arrest a group of people who made up things.

"I'll go, this time the Government Affairs Council can be regarded as a big one, I can't get used to these keyboard warriors for a long time."

"That's right, talking without thinking at all."

"Scattering flowers." Many people are not used to this group of people, so after the government administration council rectified this time, it immediately won the support of the majority of netizens.

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