Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 463 The Gradually Downsizing Star Group

Time is slowly approaching the day of April 5th. During this period, the Government Affairs Council and the military have frequently mobilized machines, especially the military has begun to take over the starting point space station. This will be the military's temporary base, and the Space Command has been fully incorporated into the military at this time. In addition, the leadership of all the base cities on the side of the Government Affairs Council has undergone a major change of blood. This was a place that the Government Affairs Council did not dare to move at all before, but under the pressure of strong force, the entire official system was checked.

People are very happy to see these people being arrested, so they are not very concerned. Now they are concerned about when the time will end on April 5th. Some private TV stations directly set a countdown to cater to the mood of the public. This method is quite effective. The ratings of the first TV station to eat crabs have risen in a straight line, which has attracted more and more TV stations to set countdowns.

Of course, these are just carnivals for the people. The Government Administration Council, the military, research institutes, Star Group and other institutions are now undergoing large-scale changes and reforms. The purpose is to put all the officials in place before the founding of the country and to exercise the departmental rights immediately after the founding of the country, so as to maintain the operation of the entire human society.

"Anderson, what are your plans?" Chen Qiang asked Anderson beside him while walking on the shore of Xingkong Lake.

"I don't know. Actually, I still want to stay in Xingkong Creatures. Xingkong Group will become history after the founding of the country this time. I am a bit reluctant." Anderson said with some emotion. He has been here since Chen Qiang established the company. It can be said that the entire Xingkong The group was established in his hands.

"You can't keep the starry sky creatures. If you do, it will harm you. After this reform, the starry sky creatures will become the family property of the Chen family. It's not good for you to participate." Chen Qiang directly refused. It seems that Anderson's ability is far from that. It would be a crime to stay in the small family business of Starry Sky Creatures.

"But didn't the siblings stay with the star creature?" Anderson was a little emotional.

"It's different. In the future, Xing Kong Bio will become a scientific research enterprise, and you, an administrative staff, will be a bit rich and useless." Chen Qiang continued to refuse.

"What is my position?" Anderson had already guessed this situation. The current Starry Sky Group has been completely dismantled, leaving only one starry sky creature. For example, Star Security has directly become an internal guard force affiliated to the royal family; Star Space has also become the empire's aerospace research unit, which is affiliated with the Strategic Research Institute; Star Bank has also become a family business belonging to the Chen family. It can be said that this time the reform After that, the Star Group will live up to its existence.

"There are two positions. The first one is to work in the Institute of Strategic Studies and become the director of the Institute. The other is to serve as the deputy director of the Council of Government Affairs, and to succeed the director of the Council of Government Affairs in fifty years' time." In Chen Qiang's opinion This is the best arrangement, not just Anderson and all Star Group veterans have arrangements this time.

"I'll go to the Government Affairs Council and leave the Strategic Research Institute to someone else. I think it's better for you to take over directly." Anderson made the final choice. He knew that this so-called Strategic Research Institute would be abolished sooner or later. Chen Qiang asked him Going to the Government Affairs Council.

"Okay, that's pretty good." Chen Qiang nodded with satisfaction. At this time, he arranged these old cities of the Star Group into various institutions. Very good control. This time it is not a simple layout, this time he arranges people of all ages, so as long as Wu Aiguo completes this term, then within the next five hundred years, the Government Affairs Council will be firmly controlled by the starry sky tied hands.

Perhaps this is the best destination for these people in the Star Group, Chen Qiang said silently in his heart as he watched Anderson leave. In fact, the reform this time is unfair to the employees of the Star Group as a whole, because a company employee who suddenly becomes a member of the system will not adapt for a period of time, and the biggest problem is welfare. The benefits are definitely not as good as those of the Star Group. You must know that every employee of the Star Group can receive a free intermediate cell activation solution every month, and its price on the market is as high as 100,000 star coins.

Therefore, in this major reform, the turnover of Star Group's employees is very serious, basically half of the employees do not want to work in the system. This has also caused many companies that lack technical personnel and workers to completely get enough employees this time. Of course, there are also some people with more active minds who gather a group of people and start their own businesses directly. Of course, Star Bank is fully supporting these companies with funds, so the market has started to explode again after this technology release.

Things are easy for the employees, but difficult for the top executives of the Star Group. Although they will get Chen Qiang's full support if they start a business, their enthusiasm has been wiped out by so many years of administrative work. If you don't have the blood and courage to enter the mainstream of the market economy, even if you are ahead in technology, it will have no effect. They are a little unfamiliar with finance now, and now they are technical management talents, so all high-level executives have accepted the arrangement.

"Mom, why are you back? Are you done with the orphanage?" Seeing his mother open the door and come in, a young man asked in surprise.

"The orphanage has been taken over by the Government Affairs Council, so I didn't stay. After so many years, I'm a little tired, and there are not many orphans now, so the orphanage near our house will be abolished." The mother sat Talking on the sofa, it can be seen that she really doesn't want to leave those children.

"Mom, since you quit, then rest well. I will take care of you, my son." The young man said with his arms around his mother's shoulders.

"Hey, talk about it. If you don't do such a good job at the Academy of Aerospace Sciences, you have to come out and start a business. Is there any result now." The mother nodded her son's head and complained with hatred.

"Mom, don't you support me very much. Although the research institute is very good, I always feel free and motivated without the Star Group, so I came out. My product has been developed, I take it Let me show you." The young man hurried back to his room and took out a blueprint to introduce.

Although human beings can already carry out paperless office, many things in Xingkong Research Institute first appear on paper, and then supplement the details in the virtual system. This 'bad habit' that appeared in the Xing Kong Research Institute has been spread over the years and now it has appeared in the teaching of factories, research institutes and schools all over the world.

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