On March 25th, eleven days before the Starry Sky Technology Empire was established, a news from the Starry Sky Research Institute made Chen Qiang put down his work and rushed to the Institute. The current Starry Sky Research Institute is a special research institution affiliated to the Strategic Research Institute, an institution comparable to the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

"Mr. Chen, we have succeeded. We have completely established the data model of Jinxing, and formulated three sets of plans for obtaining power." Jin Zhanqiang is the person in charge of the construction project team of Jinxing Power Plant. do research. Now that he succeeded, he couldn't help but burst into tears. You must know that his junior brother Chen Qiang's son is almost ten years old, but he still doesn't have a child. Although the average life expectancy of human beings has increased to about two hundred years, the birth of children has also been delayed by thirty years. But as people from the previous era, they still have the traditional concept that the best time to have children is between thirty and forty years old.

"Okay, what's your estimated output." Chen Qiang was going crazy with the matter of fuel. The wandering businessman Carlo almost took away all the energy blocks accumulated by the earth over the years when he left. As a result, the fuel for the space shuttle has been in a state of tight supply, because the technology of the two previous technology exchanges has diffused the technology of the space shuttle. As a result, the current space shuttle is designed and built with energy blocks as fuel. According to the registration data of Xingkong, there are tens of millions of registered space shuttles in the world, which means that at least hundreds of millions of energy blocks are needed every year.

"It's about 100 billion pieces. The crust of Venus is not very stable. So far we can only find three relatively stable areas as the installation locations of the lead-in devices." Jin Zhanqiang replied with some embarrassment after thinking for a while. .

"If we directly stabilize the crust of Venus, what is the annual output?" Chen Qiang asked again. He now needs to hoard some energy blocks, otherwise Carlo will not have enough when he comes next time. Money to get what you want.

"This number is very huge, because the surface of Venus is basically rocky, and it is very hard. It will probably exceed trillions of trillions, but this is basically impossible, because we simply don't have that many resources for construction. There are so many electric devices, and if we take away the lightning in the atmosphere of Venus on a large scale, it will cause the atmosphere of Venus to disappear slowly, and finally it will become useless." Jin Zhanqiang directly stopped it, exhausting the water and fishing He still doesn't want to do the same thing, after all, Venus is the second immigrant planet in the plan.

"Then what is the safe range?" Chen Qiang asked a little irritably. He has already suffered from a lack of money, so he is a little anxious about money.

"Fifty trillion yuan, this is the most amount." Jin Zhanqiang replied directly, some things must be realistic, even if the person in front of him will become the emperor of the entire empire in more than ten days.

"Then redesign the plan according to the stability of the Venusian crust. You write an application document to the Strategic Research Institute, and I will ask the Strategic Research Institute to review your plan and mobilize the entire Imperial Research Institute to join this plan. , I hope there will be results in a year." Now it is the era of countries with rules and regulations, so we still follow the rules, so Chen Qiang did not issue orders directly, but passed through the Strategic Research Institute first.

"Okay, I'll prepare now." Jin Zhanqiang agreed directly.

"Brother, let's take a break after this matter is over, and have a good baby with Senior Sister Mingyue. The elders in the family are a little anxious." Seeing that the matter was over, Chen Qiang talked about some personal matters.

"Junior brother, I'm sorry to trouble you." Jin Zhanqiang didn't expect that his parents would find Chen Qiang here, so he was a little embarrassed.

"Uncles and aunts are also a little anxious. To be honest these years, because there are no scientific leaders, you have been forced to push you up. You have done better. But you have neglected your family. This is also my fault. Now The scientific system on the earth has been fully established, so you don't have to work so hard. After the work is done, go home with Senior Sister Mingyue to have a baby and have a good rest, and I will say hello to the Mars project team." Chen Qiang took a photo Feeling guilty for patting Jin Zhanqiang on the shoulder.

At the beginning, the Star Group was a little too big. The construction of the space station, the construction of the moon base, the Mars project, the Venus project, etc. are not projects that require a lot of talents. In the absence of a very professional leader, these scientists who have long been with the Star Group can only be forced to push up, and the remaining talents are all drawn from the school and various basic project teams. It can be said that they are studying while doing research. Fortunately, the development of the brain domain of human beings is relatively large, especially the development of the brain domain of these top scientists has exceeded 20%, so it is still very fast to learn something.

In fact, Chen Qiang didn't have a deep understanding of the Star Group, so when the group was liquidated and merged into various institutions of the empire, he was completely frightened. He was even a little fortunate to have a group of excellent managers such as Anderson and Lei Jun. Otherwise, the entire group company would have gone bankrupt long ago. Now the Star Group's annual income is decreasing, but its expenditure is increasing. This situation started five years ago, but it survived with the support of Anderson, Lei Jun and others.

He also got a number, that is, the current construction cost of a Beluga is 1.5 billion star coins, and now the Star Group owns a total of 20 Beluga ships, with a total value of 30 billion star coins. This number is one ten-thousandth of the tax revenue of the entire earth, and this is only the construction of transport ships, and there are only twenty ships. This made him have the urge to give up the warship construction plan. You must know that he only agreed to the military's five fleet construction plan of tens of thousands of spaceships not long ago, which is a huge number.

So after merging these projects into the empire, he suddenly felt a sense of relief, because the strength of a Starry Sky Group simply cannot compare with the strength of the entire human race. Now the top ten companies in the world's top 500 have the qualifications to challenge the Star Group. Of course, this is from the perspective of revenue, but from a technical perspective, it is a fantasy.

The Ministry of Strategic Resources is now reviewing all projects, and then delegating some less important projects to private companies. This can greatly reduce financial pressure and enhance the technical strength of private companies. The scientific and technological atmosphere in the whole society is very good now. Most of the college students who have graduated in recent years have entered private enterprises, and the Star Group has not received much, so the scientific research strength of the society is still considerable.

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