Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 473: Four hundred and ninety-seven

"But Commander, if the radars we have installed on the periphery operate at full power, we will need to replenish energy again. Now the military department can't afford that much money at all." The combat staff also kindly reminded .

"You have been expelled from the military. Don't you know what the mission of a soldier is?" Zhukov frowned, then said in a cold tone. Although he knew that this person was kindly reminding himself, the only action a soldier should take after giving an order is to execute it, not to question it. This is an iron law in the army.

Therefore, the military monitoring department of Lunar City immediately sent data to make the early warning radar just installed on the periphery work at full power. The earth is about 6.4 billion kilometers away from the edge of the solar system, and one light year is 9.4605 billion kilometers, which is equivalent to 0.00068 light years.

Human beings have explored the entire solar system after entering space, and finally stipulated that the Kuiper belt is called the solar system, and the outside is called the universe. And now the footsteps of human beings only stay in the Kuiper belt, and have not expanded outwards. The only expansion is the military's deployment of early warning radars beyond the Kuiper Belt. It's not because of insufficient speed, because if the current Beluga warship travels at its maximum speed, it only takes seven days to reach the 6.4 billion kilometers.

The biggest reason why the footsteps stopped is that the Kuiper belt is explained according to the accretion theory of planet formation, that is, they collide and attract each other during their orbit around the sun, and finally adhere to celestial bodies of different sizes. . Therefore, the speed and shape of stars in the entire Kuiper belt are very uncertain, and the risk is very high. Therefore, it is very difficult for humans to pass through this area until a complete passage is cleared.

As for how the military put the early warning radar outside the Kuiper belt, this is due to the hundreds of warships left by Carlo. Although these warships stayed in Australia and were not used, it is still possible for the military to borrow them.

"Report, no targets were found in area 3."

"Report, no targets were found in Area 1."

"Report, no targets were found in area five."

The radar at full power is very fast. At present, the military has placed a total of 50 early warning radars outside the Kuiper belt, which divide the earth's 360-degree direction into 50 parts. Although this arrangement of radars is not very correct. , but there is no way. Because according to the military's plan, at least 360 early warning radars must be installed, but there is really not that much money, and even if so many early warning radars are built, the military cannot afford to support them.

You must know that each early warning radar is equivalent to a small Qidian space station. The current Qidian space station still serves as early warning and scientific research tasks, with a permanent population of more than 100,000. This is also a further consideration of the military, that is, sooner or later these places will be included in the military's garrison range, and the space station carrying the early warning radar will become a natural garrison station. Can be an airport and fleet supply base.

These long-range early warning radars are not placed on the same level, so fifty seats are a drop in the bucket for the entire defense environment, but there is no way. Because according to the military's plan, if the entire solar system needs to be closely monitored and tens of thousands of early warning radars are required, even if the military agrees to it, other departments of the empire will not agree.

There is also a huge difficulty, and that is communication. At present, the farthest early warning radar from the earth is 12 billion kilometers, and it takes thirty minutes to receive and send a message with the current communication means of the empire. This is the maximum limit that the empire and the military can tolerate, and there is no benefit at all in going further. This is also one of the important reasons why the empire stopped its expansion in the Kuiper belt.

"Report, the target was found in the 13th area, 1.3 light-years away from our early warning radar." Zhukov finally heard the good news, and at this time Chen Qiang was also in the monitoring center.

"Can you contact them?" Chen Qiang asked eagerly.

"Your Majesty, it is possible, but the remaining energy at the radar station is only enough to transmit information once, and then it will completely lose the ability to work." The operator was a little confused,

"Zhukov, let Claudy, who is guarding Australia, bring up a hundred bug warships, load energy blocks and set off for the radar station immediately." Chen Qiang gave the order. The worm warship is the kind of warship that Kalou left behind that can capture mutant beasts. Although this kind of warship is very useless in Kalo's view, it is very powerful for the earth. The battleship has the ability to travel through space. When it reaches two light years, human beings are very flocking to it. It's just that he didn't use it because he was afraid that Carlo would leave some secret door when he left. With the exception of one used for research, the others are basking in the sun in Australia.

"Yes." Zhukov immediately issued an order to the first Australian Claudine. After experiencing the war of mutant beasts, Claudy got tired of the war, so he took the initiative to go to Australia to be the breeder of the mutant beasts. Now the scenery in Australia is very good, and some companies have started to organize human travel there. Although it is not inhabited here, it is still possible to see the scenery, and every tourist group that sees the scenery will be protected by the army.

"Report to the commander, there is an order from the headquarters to take all the worm-type battleships to the starting point for assembly." Claudine was basking in the sun on the sunny beach and drinking soda. At this time, the chief of staff of the Australian Command came to tell him a very bad news.

"What? Duck, are you sure it was an order from the headquarters." Claudie was a little surprised, because the military had no intention of enlisting these warships at all, and even if they were used on a large scale, they would only clean the Australian island. All the powerful mutant beasts.

"Yes, Commander. It is indeed the information from the military department. We have also checked it here, and it is an order issued by His Majesty himself." Dak also said helplessly. He actually likes this kind of life very much. Here at least he doesn't have scenes of soldiers dying every night in his dreams.

"Well, it looks like we have something to do, and I think we will run to a far away place this time." Claudie put on his sun visor, and walked not far away in floral shorts anti-gravity flying car.

The Australian Garrison Command is located in the Expedition City. The city that was razed to ruins by the mutant beasts was rebuilt after the mutant beasts subsided, because this was the place where the war between humans and mutant beasts started. A place where thousands of people are buried. A hero's grave always needs someone to guard it.

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