Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 474 Set Sail

"General Claudy, from now on, one hundred worm-type warships will be under the jurisdiction of the military department. General, you can lead them and will not go back." After Claudy brought the worm-type battleships to the starting point space station The staff officer appeared.

"General Staff Officer, may I ask what happened to the military headquarters?" Claudius asked with some doubts.

"General, this is a secret. You can use your authority to inquire about it." Staff Officer Chang said with a serious face.

Claudy was annoyed, but he was not angry, because it was indeed his negligence, because basically many items in the empire can be viewed with his authority. If he can't even inquire about items under his authority, then he won't ask any news in front of this permanent staff officer.

At this time, the monitoring center in Moon City is already very busy. These people need to work out a safe return route in the shortest possible time, and calculate the energy blocks needed for this operation. Because Carlo, the wandering businessman, almost took away the stock of the earth's energy blocks before, so there are not many energy blocks in the empire's treasury.

Moreover, the rapid development of energy technology has also led to an increase in the demand for energy fast in human society. Energy coins are slowly being launched into the market now, if it weren't for the value and linking with star coins, they would have been eliminated long ago. The application technology of energy blocks is very developed among the people, and now many technologies have developed a technology that can make energy blocks discharge slowly.

The Star Group first produced energy blocks. As for why they produced energy coins, it was because the discharge power of the energy blocks was too high, and ordinary civilian equipment that used electricity could not bear it at all. That's why energy coins are produced, so that the technology of energy blocks can be quickly popularized in the whole society.

After the Star Group traded out the energy release technology in the energy block, some private technology companies began to target the civilian market. You must know that the energy in the energy coin can only guarantee the use of a normal home for a week. If there are a few extra electrical appliances in the home, one energy coin will not be able to last for a week.

Frequent replacement of energy coins also makes many people dislike it, so the folk energy block energy very technology was applied. Now the mature technology has been developed to the third generation, basically one energy block can be used by a family for hundreds of years. This basically solves the situation that people need to replace the power supply device frequently, so it became popular in a short time after the technology was released.

Although the popularization of this technology is a good thing, after Carlo took away almost all the energy blocks, this matter is a huge test for the empire, because now civilian houses, factories, and various flying facilities Devices that use energy blocks to supply energy consume nearly one trillion energy blocks, but the current production speed of the empire is only 1.3 trillion, so the empire's current inventory is not much.

"Your Majesty, Commander, we have calculated the final result. It is about three trillion energy blocks. According to the load of the worm-type battleship, all the warships need to go back and forth three times before the delivery can be completed." This is a report from a technician in charge of developing the radar system. .

"Fortunately, there are so many in the national treasury." Chen Qiang thought with some gratitude, and then he ordered: "Immediately mobilize three trillion energy blocks from the national treasury and transport them to the No. 13 early warning radar station.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be less than four trillion energy blocks left in the national treasury. Would it be a bit risky to do so? Now that the undercurrent in society has begun to activate, if there are not enough energy blocks to preserve the value of the star coins, then we The newly established financial system will collapse." Zhukov obviously understood how dangerous the order was, so he hesitated before persuading him.

"It doesn't matter, these 300 people are our hope, we can't let them disappear in the universe like this. Otherwise, when the aliens come over, we won't even have a chance to escape." Chen Qiang said a little decadently, this is human A hope that cannot be given up so easily. In order to train these people, he has invested a huge amount of resources. The strength of each of these people is at the martial spirit level, and they are the first to enjoy the various stabilizing medicines developed by Starry Sky Creatures. It can be said that this A group of people represent the top scientific research talents on the entire planet.

Perhaps it was because of fear that such a crazy move took place. Chen Qiang was putting all his eggs in one basket, because after Carlo took away 100,000 trillion energy blocks, the private star coins began to depreciate slowly under the operation of caring people. The bank and Star Bank took heavy blows to suppress these operators, but that action had already emptied the entire treasury. And now the only way to solve this situation is the establishment of the Venus transformation plan. By then, the production quantity of Venus alone will be more than enough to supply human society.

However, the current Venus renovation plan has just begun, and the infrastructure projects for this year have not yet started, so it is far from being able to quench the near thirst. But this time, Chen Qiang transferred 80% of the few energy blocks in the national treasury. If those with malicious intentions found out, then 99% of the value of the star coins would be depreciated.

Sometimes the government has nothing to do with these market behaviors, because although the Government Affairs Council sometimes intervenes in the market over the years, the number of interventions is very small. Moreover, the current enterprises are doing all kinds of edge balls within the scope allowed by the law, which also makes the Government Council very tired.

"This matter adopts the highest level of secrecy, and you keep an eye on it yourself." Chen Qiang had no other choice, so he could only issue a secrecy order.

"Yes." Zhukov's greatest strength is to obey orders, which is why Chen Qiang appointed him as the highest officer of the military.

There are three treasuries of the empire in the entire control area, and the treasury storing the energy blocks is on the starting point space station, so the military ordered Claudine to bring the worm-type battleship to the starting point. Now that the order of the military department has come down, the treasury staff on the starting point immediately opened the warehouse and watched boxes of energy blocks being loaded onto the worm-type battleship by the transmission device.

"Report, the transport fleet has been loaded, please set sail." Staff Officer Chang is the leader of this operation.

"Set sail." Zhukov directly issued the order. So a huge fleet began to slowly leave the airport of the starting point. Now the starting point has been built into the largest airport in the outer space of the earth, and it is very busy every day.

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