Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 491: The Lion Opens His Mouth

"Real estate has already been completely opened up. As for the policy-oriented housing on the side of the Government Administration Council, I will discuss it with Mr. Wu. Go down and get busy. The Ministry of Commerce will be responsible for the construction of the moon. If necessary, you can apply for the military. help." Chen Qiang took a sip of tea, not knowing what he was thinking, and then said.

"Okay." After Lei Jun finished speaking, he left the office, leaving Chen Qiang alone in a daze.

At this time, Han Rui was having a pleasant conversation with a man in the reception room of the Pearl Group, but was interrupted by an employee of the Pearl Group.

"Mr. Han, Mr. Li from Baidu will see you more, and he will be here in five minutes." The employee said after glancing at the time on his wrist.

"Oh, President Li Yan?" Han Rui asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes." The employee replied directly.

"Mr. Han, since you have something to do, why don't we talk about it another day?" The man obviously had a wink.

"Mr. Lin, it's actually Mr. Li from Baidu who wants to see me, and he's on his way now. Look?" Han Rui said without hiding anything.

"It looks like we can talk together. Mr. Han is really looking forward to this kind of situation." This man is Lin Hao, the former manager of Xingkong Construction and now the general manager of Tianfeng Construction.

"That couldn't be better, thank you Mr. Lin for your understanding." Han Rui thanked with a smile. She didn't expect that Tianfeng Construction would be interested in this land, because Tianfeng Construction already owns an 18-square-kilometer land share. .

"Mr. Han, hello. I didn't expect you to be here, Mr. Lin. I don't know why you are here?" Li Yan first greeted Han Rui after entering the reception room, but after seeing Lin Hao, he quickly said hello, And asked sideways.

"The purpose of your visit is the same as yours." Lin Hao didn't hide the slightest bit. Now Tianfeng Construction doesn't want to ask for help everywhere in the past, and it doesn't have any fear of Baidu, a top 500 company.

"Isn't Mr. Lin's Tianfeng building a piece of land? It's enough for construction." Li Yan wrinkled his head and said, he didn't expect things to be so difficult. He thought that many companies would come to strengthen the situation, but he didn't expect that Tianfeng Construction would come in to disrupt the situation. The background of this company is very deep, and there is no shortage of construction power. The name Starry Sky Building is its predecessor is enough to make many people let go of the idea of ​​​​confronting it.

"Tianfeng Construction intends to replicate a lunar base on the moon again. The permanent population is more than one million. According to the current land, it is indeed a little small, so I can only find Mr. Han with a cheeky face." Lin Hao said with a smile, on the moon It is his dream to recreate the moon base. If the Star Group hadn't been disbanded, the current moon construction would definitely be as beautiful as the earth.

But things will always deviate from his ideas. He has paid too much in the process from a construction contractor to a pioneer in human outer space construction. After Xingkong Construction announced that it was converted into a private enterprise, he cried bitterly on the spot. He couldn't accept this matter at all, so after declining the invitation of the ministerial level of the empire, he resolutely brought most of the employees of Starry Sky Construction to establish Tianfeng Construction, which was the name of his company when he first started.

The establishment of a new company must have a period of adaptation, and now the construction of the empire has slowly transferred to the military's construction corps, so Tianfeng Construction needs a stable profit point. So after analyzing many factors and some inside information he got from Star Group, he started his career in real estate business. This path is indeed correct, allowing Tianfeng Construction to be established quickly, and it began to slowly make a profit. However, his heart to build a city on the moon has not changed at all, so he directly bought a piece of land at the auction.

In fact, he still wanted to auction more, but because of insufficient preparation, the remaining funds of Tianfeng Construction after auctioning a piece of land were simply not enough, so he could only stop there. After the Pearl Group released this piece of land, he had the idea of ​​developing it together. After all, the current Pearl Group simply does not have the ability to build the moon, even if Pearl Aerospace is established again. You must know that in order to build the lunar base, 60% of the scientific research personnel of the entire Xingkong Group were directly or indirectly serving this project, and all the subsidiaries of the Xingkong Group have their own corresponding tasks.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Li, let's sit down and talk. Sister Song, bring in the three cups of Longjing bubble tea I brought over." Han Rui obviously sensed the awkward atmosphere in the reception room, so he quickly broke the atmosphere.

"Mr. Han, this matter is not negotiable. In fact, let me make it clear. Baidu and Space Technology Exploration Company are bound to win the land in Mr. Han's hands. You can offer your price first, as long as it is not too high We can all discuss it." Li Yan was also a little anxious, and he directly brought out all the big shots behind Baidu.

And Lin Hao and Han Rui also looked shocked, because they didn't expect that there would be such an ambitious person as Musk behind Baidu. Of course, the ambition in front of them is not ordinary, but it is relatively low-key. But after thinking about it in reverse, they realized that this matter is indeed normal, because the only company in the world that can compete with interstellar space is Musk's Space Technology Exploration Company, and it is in this auction of lunar land. Obviously, the Space Technology Exploration Company fell short this time, so the acquisition became their only channel. After all, if you miss this time, Musk will fall far behind interstellar spaceflight.

"Mr. Li, I don't know what price you can offer in exchange for this piece of land." Han Rui was obviously a little tempted, and now she has a very bold idea, that is to sell a piece of land and the remaining piece of land and Tianfeng Building Cooperative development, so that the Pearl Group will spare a lot of funds to develop the aerospace field.

"Mr. Han, do you have any ideas?" Li Yan also realized that he had made a big mistake, so he began to plan to regain the initiative in the negotiation. As for Lin Hao next to him, he couldn't care less, and according to his understanding, Tianfeng Construction didn't have that much money to buy this land. As for the most valuable employees of Tianfeng Construction, they couldn't even dig into Interstellar Space. He didn't believe that Lin Hao would trade these people.

"Mr. Li, actually I don't want much, I just need the full set of technology of the Space Technology Exploration Company's 'Poseidon'-class space shuttle." Han Rui offered his own price without consciously thinking about it, and it was still outrageous. s price. Because the "Poseidon"-class space shuttle is an aircraft of the same level as the "Star" space shuttle, it has only just been researched and mass production has just begun.

"Mr. Han, isn't your condition a bit too open-mouthed?" Li Yan admired the courage of the woman in front of him, and he could raise such a condition.

"Are you bargaining?" Han Rui said with a smile, and Lin Hao was very interested. He had seen such a fierce confrontation for a long time.

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