Perhaps there are only interests and no hatred in the mall. Although the matter of Baidu and Musk besieging the Pearl Group is very secret, as long as someone with a heart investigates, they will get some news. After all, such a large-scale operation would have been messed up without a unified commander, and it is impossible to cause the Pearl Group to almost go bankrupt.

The news that the moon land in the hands of Mingzhu Investment has found a buyer was quickly spread, which made those companies that were still raising funds stunned, because it took less than a week from the release of the news to the completion of the transaction. But when Pearl Aerospace announced the specific news of the negotiation, everyone gasped, because the price was too high, and even some things could not be bought even if they had money.

"Mr. Ren, I'm right. Musk will unite with Li Yan. It's different now. Regionalism is no longer feasible. The Ministry of Commerce of the Empire is also trying its best to eliminate these hidden dangers, so we can't go on like this." Ma Yun said to an old man opposite her that he seemed to have seen through all of this.

"You are not afraid that Musk's space technology exploration company will go beyond interstellar spaceflight. Now it is only the Ministry of Commerce that is regulating it, and the Government Affairs Council has not participated in it. Killing Baidu directly, killing us first and then playing the empire can't do anything to us. When the time comes, rice will be born It has matured, and it can completely achieve the purpose of deterring the entrepreneurs below." Ren Fei of Huawei Aerospace is obviously full of murderous intent. Obviously, because of the unfair treatment Huawei received in the past, now he needs to repay those Western companies double.

"I'm not worried at all about interstellar space being surpassed. One day I will accept it happily, because it shows that the technological strength of our human beings has reached a certain level. As for Li Yan's matter, this is just a It’s just a normal business cooperation, why should we reject it. The current form of private business is still very fragile, and the empire seems to be making some kind of plan, too much is a bit counterproductive, so we can’t fight among ourselves, we have to gather and influence the business community Otherwise, if the empire gives up its will, Starry Sky Group may revive again.” Ma Yun actually understands the idea of ​​the person in front of her very well, and Ali also encountered obstacles everywhere when he went international.

"What plan are you talking about, what backfires?" Ren Fei obviously heard such remarks for the first time. The prosperity and development of the business world these days made him feel like he was in a prosperous age.

"All the scientific and technological materials of the Venus transformation plan have been distributed to the relevant enterprises here in the empire, and the imperial central bank has also begun to lower interest rates and urge the banking industry to carry out large-scale lending. You said that this is not to backfire. According to According to statistics from the Ministry of Education of the Empire, there are less than 150 million college students in the Empire, and this year's graduates are only 30 million. Do you think such a small number of people can support the development of folk technology, like our interstellar Aerospace has been worrying about talents these days." Ma Yun persuaded that he still had a lot of grudges against Li Yan, but it was his duty as the president of the Chamber of Commerce to eliminate the barriers between the Eastern and Western business circles.

Because this matter is not only about his own interests, but about the entire private business community. If at that time the empire finds that the private business community is really a douchebag that cannot be supported and allows the Star Group to be re-established, then the business community will face a two-way blow. At that time, everything now will become a dream bubble.

Chen Qiang has nothing to do with government affairs. A lot of supervision is carried out by 'Starry Sky', especially in terms of funds. In addition, there is a special supervisory agency called the Ministry of Supervision, so the current empire can be said to be the most open era, and almost all fields can be entered as long as you have the strength. This is true even in the field of military industry, but because of the existence of the Starry Sky Group, the science and technology of the upper echelon of the empire and the people's are basically on two levels, so the people have no strength to participate at all.

"But where there are people, there will be groups. No one can stop this, and as long as there are groups, there will be conflicts of interest." Ren Fei obviously did not give up.

"Indeed, but we can't make any mistakes in the general direction. Our Majesty is not a person who follows the rules. If he didn't generally manage government affairs and slowed down the whole plan, I'm afraid our company headquarters would have moved to West, that one is the one who thinks out as soon as he thinks about it." Ma Yun sighed a little.

"Well, I can give up the idea of ​​killing Baidu, but punishment is inevitable. I remember that Great China Bank has 13% of Baidu's shares, let Li Yan quit directly." Ren Fei directly announced such a A decision, this is his final bottom line.

"Okay, let other companies spread the word." Ma Yun agreed after thinking for a long time.

In fact, Ma Yun is also very helpless now. The competition between the East and the West in business has become very fierce because of the inter-level "extraordinary trade war", and this form has continued until now. But the empire seems to hate this kind of behavior, and tried its best to promote the integration of Eastern and Western business circles. And he, the chairman of the Greater China region, needs to take the lead, so the Greater China Chamber of Commerce has more Western companies. Although he used his prestige to force it through, it is just a mere formality. There was no real integration.

"Mr. Li, the president of Greater China Bank called and said that the chamber of commerce needs someone to sign for the recovery of the bank shares held by Baidu." After answering the call, Li Yan's secretary rushed to report.

"Understood, let Mr. Ma from the finance department go and sell it at the current market price." Li Yan ordered very calmly, but when the secretary went out, he leaned back on the chair very tiredly.

Great China Bank is an investment bank established by the Great China Chamber of Commerce. Every member of the Greater China Chamber of Commerce can apply for part of the funds in this bank for financing. And his father is one of the founders of this bank. Originally, Baidu held 30% of the shares, but after breaking up with Interstellar Aerospace, 17% was taken back, and now they have all been taken back. After all, he still didn't keep what his father gave him.

"Hello, audience friends. Welcome to today's news. First of all, we want to talk about the piece of lunar land in the hands of the Pearl Group, which has been sold to the Space Technology Exploration Company. The price is the 'Poseidon' series of space shuttles. The second item of the complete set of design drawings is about Great China Bank, which is an investment bank established by the Great China Chamber of Commerce. Today, relevant personnel revealed that the last 13% of the shares held by Baidu have been withdrawn. As for Specific Reasons Preferential Treatment Investigation" is a national TV station, but because of the existence of private TV stations, it is very close to the people in form.

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