Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 493 Discussion

"Baidu seems to be targeted by the Greater China Chamber of Commerce. According to some news on the website, the space technology exploration company acquired the land from the Pearl Group. Baidu is the matchmaker. This kind of commercial competition between the East and the West still exists." For the finance major of West Lake University, some students will discuss some major issues in the financial world before class.

"It does exist, but why doesn't the Greater China Chamber of Commerce directly remove Baidu? Isn't this more deterrent?" A student asked with some doubts.

"This matter is actually not that simple. Now Baidu is still a permanent member of the Greater China Chamber of Commerce. Without the consent of 90% of its members, this procedure cannot be implemented at all. Moreover, the original Greater China Chamber of Commerce and the Great China Bank were Baidu's first Advocated and established." This man is obviously a relatively active master, eager to tell all the news he knows.

"So that's the case, but as a non-governmental organization, the Greater China Chamber of Commerce should not have such a strong prestige." A blond woman also came over and asked.

"This has a problem with the management mechanism of the empire. The empire only uses extensive management in many aspects, and does not give too much restraint to many people. There is also the existence of the three major guilds. The interests of these guilds are very mixed. Sometimes it will affect the business world, and this Greater China Chamber of Commerce is an organization that competes with the three major guilds." The man obviously started to show off his knowledge again, but he obviously succeeded, and many girls liked it very much. This is an era that advocates knowledge, and everyone has a strong ability to accept knowledge.

"You can just say it's a war between the new generation and the old family. Why talk so passionately." A handsome man said disdainfully after he came in.

"Hey, this is normal. After all, the empire now needs such a group of people to check and balance these old families." The man laughed.

"Boy Wang, it's not that the empire needs such a group of people to check and balance these old-fashioned families, but that the empire simply doesn't have the energy to take care of these things. The main goal of the Government Affairs Council now is to let the folk technology explode on a large scale and ensure the life of every human being." Quality." A middle-aged man stood on the podium after entering the door and retorted with a smile.

"Mr. He, you can't let me play handsome for a while." The man muttered a little, but his voice was not low.

"You kid, it's embarrassing to go out at a half-baked level, just don't say that I'm your teacher then." Teacher He on the podium scolded with a smile.

"Teacher, tell me why Baidu withdrew from the Great China Bank. You must know that 80% of Baidu's funds are traded through the Great China Bank." The man asked directly. The current classroom is very open, because there is a lot of basic knowledge in the virtual game room. These students have already learned a lot, and the classroom has become a debate field.

"The reason is very simple. The cooperation between Baidu and the Space Technology Exploration Company violated the interests of some people, so this scene appeared. As for Baidu, it will not leave the Great China Bank and there will be no problems, because after it broke up with Interstellar Aerospace I will understand that there will be such a day when I was born." Mr. He said directly, he is very clear about the twists and turns of these businesses, because he has done some investigations on many companies during his Ph.D. stage.

"Ms. He, can you tell me more specifically?" A girl stood up and asked.

"This matter is very difficult to say. From the grievances of the country to the present, it is not clear at all. There is indeed a big gap between the Eastern and Western business circles. Many people understand this matter. However, the upper echelon of the empire has been making up for this gap. But it doesn't look very effective now." Teacher He said with a sigh.

"Why make up the gap? Wouldn't it be great to have two groups competing with each other?" The blond woman stood up and asked.

"If we humans have not encountered aliens so far, then this is indeed in line with the thinking of the upper echelon of the empire. But it is different now, and we humans will go out sooner or later. A divided business world, do you think the empire will rest assured? Do these merchants go outside to trade with various civilizations?" Teacher He is the first graduate of the Finance Department of Xingkong University, and then a postgraduate and doctoral student at Tsinghua University, and is now a lecturer at Westlake University. So his horizons are still very broad.

It was at this time that many people in the classroom opened up their chatterboxes and started today's classroom debate. And Mr. He also corrects the mistakes of some students from time to time. This kind of class has been popularized in many universities.

This kind of discussion is going on in many universities, because the current business and financial circles are very fragile, so there are not many cases for these students to analyze and practice, so this time Baidu's withdrawal from the Greater China Bank has become a Analysis cases of many finance students.

Speaking of universities, with the joint efforts of the Imperial Ministry of Education and private enterprises, a total of more than 100,000 universities have been built all over the world, and all of them have self-enrolled. The current universities are basically in the form of self-enrolment. Of course, 50% of the students in the imperial public universities are only recruited uniformly and then selected by each university. This is also to balance education in the future. However, after the emergence of the virtual network, education has long been balanced. Even if you don't go to college, you can complete all the courses through online learning, and the Ministry of Education of the Empire will issue corresponding certificates.

Now all the student levels in the empire are graded, especially for scientific research personnel. The general college graduates can only be the first level, the more outstanding ones will be the second level, and the best talents will get the third level. As for the rest of the high-level needs to be upgraded in actual work, but generally talented researchers can get the sixth-level treatment within a year, and the sixth level is a watershed, at this level will be If you become an engineer or a scientist, you will become a more sought-after talent outside.

In this era, knowledge is definitely money, but now people are not so keen on money. This is a very strange phenomenon, that is, money was not easy to earn in the past, so many people love money very much and make money Sometimes even unscrupulous. But now that the money is easy to earn, there are no such people who are desperate for money. Maybe there are still, but there are very few people.

This is an era of advocating heroes, an era of respect for knowledge, and an era full of ideals. The words on the cover of an issue of Empire Times Weekly.

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