Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 494 Ceres

The entire empire's top management is very troubled by the lack of currency circulation in the empire, especially now that the amount of private capital is too high. So after careful consideration, Chen Qiang made a very difficult decision, which was to issue bonds.

"Your Majesty mean to issue national debt?" Su Yan is the governor of the central bank, so she wanted to ask clearly.

"It's not national debt, but a large-scale project bond, which can be repaid with the profits of these projects." Chen Qiang explained.

"Does Your Majesty plan to issue Venus construction bonds? What is the approximate amount?" Wu Aiguo understood Chen Qiang's plan immediately.

"My plan is to issue 3 trillion energy blocks, which is about 90,000 trillion based on star coins." Chen Qiang's calculation method is based on 30% of the current memory currency in the market. The concentration of this number of star coins will not cause a shortage of money in the market, and it is good to kill two birds with one stone.

"Your Majesty, there are too many, this number is too small, and your calculation method is wrong. Because you undercalculated the funds of various banks. These bank funds do not have many investment channels at all now. In the past, the bank's profit It is obtained through the purchase of national bonds of various countries and currency transactions between banks. If the central bank releases national bonds now, about half of the amount will be eaten by these banks." Anderson, the vice president of the State Council, is in charge of finance and business , so he has a good understanding of the situation among the people.

"Indeed, there are very few private investment channels now, so they can only be placed in banks to earn interest, but the interest rate on our central bank's side is afraid to raise it because of the lack of capital circulation. Not much money." Su Yan said again, in fact, she had already reported to the Imperial Council and Chen Qiang about the national debt, although the empire was very supportive, but it was not approved by Chen Qiang.

His idea is very simple, that is, the current empire is poor and has no strength to repay this debt, and because the empire's budget has already been calculated at that time, there is no place to spend money at all, so It was delayed.

"Then how much do you think is appropriate?" Chen Qiang could only ask helplessly. His current number is already high enough, but he didn't expect that these people would dare to think more than him.

"I think the 200,000 trillion star currency is almost the same. Such prices can be satisfied with the public, major companies, and banks." Su Yan directly said the figures in the planning book.

"I think this amount is about the same. The market is very hungry now, and the construction bonds of Jinxing are basically profitable. The nature of the energy blocks produced by Jinxing alone determines that the appreciation prospects of this bond are great, and We can allow free trading of bonds, which can also serve the purpose of activating the financial market." Wu Aiguo has also thought about the plan to issue bonds for a long time, and yesterday he received an order to reduce the number of policy housing construction, and slowly At the beginning, the real estate market was left to the market to decide, and the Government Affairs Council only played a regulating role.

Wu Aiguo has always been worried about the free and open nature of the empire's market. Although he knows that the empire intends to break the rules and re-establish a second system, the current consumption of the empire's powerful funds does not allow the market to be turbulent. The current empire does not have high-tech companies and monopoly companies like the Star Group, and all sources of funds can only rely on taxation. If it weren't for the huge legacy left by the Star Group to the empire during the reform, Wu Aiguo would not be sure whether so many huge constructions could be completed.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance of the Empire, the tax revenue of the empire in the last quarter was 0.8 trillion star coins. If this value is used as an average, the tax revenue of the empire in four quarters of a year is only 3.2 trillion star coins. Even the Venus construction plan cannot be completed, let alone the Mars transformation plan to be carried out next.

"Then the 200,000 trillion star currency, some of the Imperial Central Bank came to take charge of this matter. And the Political Council, I have ordered the construction of policy housing yesterday. Guarantee that everyone has a house to live in." Chen Qiang finally concluded that many final decisions in the empire are still in his hands, so as more and more affairs have made him more and more busy, now he is considering Do you want to let go of some more efforts to the Government Affairs Council, the Strategic Center, and the military.

After the meeting, Chen Qiang did not go back to his office, but directly took the anti-gravity flying vehicle to the new airport in Star City. Because of the expansion of Star City, the management of Star City headed by Chen Shun moved the original airport to the headquarters of ALSYQ. Fortunately, there are anti-gravity flying vehicles now, otherwise such a long-distance airport would become very deserted.

The current airports are all used for the take-off and landing of space shuttles and military aircraft. As for civil aviation, this past product has long since ceased to exist. Because the current anti-gravity flying car can fly around the world, and when the house is being built, each family has its own anti-gravity flying garage next to their room, which greatly facilitates people's travel. Moreover, the anti-gravity flying car is not very expensive compared to the current income of every human being. Every family can buy one with a one-year deposit.

"Your Majesty, after five years of crustal impact activities, lakes and magma have begun to appear on Mars. Now we need a water-filled planet or a meteorite to complete the final step, and the rest will take time. Catalyzed." Feng Zhengming is now the implementer of the entire Mars project, and Chen Qiang originally asked him to take a break, but he was rejected.

"Are you thinking about Ceres again? This planet has been included in the empire's construction plan, and the construction company is Musk's Space Technology Exploration Company. You don't know about this, right? Be this villain." Chen Qiang said in surprise.

"I do have this idea, but I don't want your majesty to be a villain, but to discuss it with Musk. The ecological transformation plan of Mars is going very smoothly. According to our calculations, if Europa is used as the final impactor , will shift the orbit of Mars inward by five centimeters. And it will flood most of the land on Mars, which will not be worth the loss, so we plan to use Ceres, which is one size smaller than Europa." Feng Zhengming rubbed his hands and said, He doesn't have the bearing of a commander in chief now. He looks like a child who asks his mother for candy. He is a little embarrassed, but the temptation of hot makes him want to stop.

"Ceres, right? I'll go back and talk to Musk." Chen Qiang could only nod. After all, Mars will be another place for humans to live, so the more land the better, if most of the land is submerged, the empire Over ten years of investment will end up with something that will be greatly discounted.

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