Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 496: Coveted Bonds

The Imperial Central Bank released the news of the "Golden Star Construction Bond" when it was making plans, and sure enough, there were a lot of discussions among the people and enterprises. National debt has been an investment method with the least risk since it was invented, so people began to flock to major banks one after another, preparing to mobilize most of their spare funds to obtain bonds.

As for major banks and major companies, they have also begun to mobilize funds to purchase these bonds, and no one wants to let go of this kind of business that is sure to make a profit. And they also saw an advantage of this bond, that is, it can be traded freely. Bonds that can be traded will have a lot of room for the company to operate, and this will also promote the integrity of the financial market.

It will be a matter of course to issue corporate bonds at that time, and this is what these companies are most concerned about. Compared with stock financing, corporate bond financing can at least keep the company independent. Although the supervision on the stock market is very strict now, many companies will lose the initiative under the absolute money offensive. Moreover, the current trading volume in the stock market is very low, and even the people in the West have a distrustful attitude towards the stock market, so the way to go public for financing is not at all a company with technology but no money.

"Mr. Lin, how much do we want to buy the 'Golden Star Construction Bond'?" Wang Xin, the chief financial officer of Xiaomi, came to Lin Bin's office as soon as she got the news. As the manager of Xiaomi's investment department, she needs to find a good place for Xiaomi's circulating funds over the years.

The bosses of all companies know that money cannot be placed in bank accounts, and the current interest rate is too low to be worthwhile. Now, with great difficulty, a national bond with investment prospects appeared, and she would not let it go.

"Reserve enough of our research and development funds, and exchange all the rest into bonds." Lin Bin also got the news of the bond issuance by the empire, so he said directly. Moreover, as Venus is the 'coin minting machine' of the future empire, this deal is very cost-effective.

"Okay, I'll contact Mr. Zhang of Star Bank, and give us the Xiaomi quota as soon as the bonds come out." Wang Xin hurried out after getting the information he wanted, thinking about it like this Xiaomi is not the only company doing it, and Star Bank, as the predecessor of the Imperial Central Bank, will definitely get a little more money.

Zhang Zhengtao is very busy now, because today he basically calls every three minutes, and these calls are the ones that cannot be answered. He knew what the purpose of these people was, but what was the use of looking for him. In the past, the issuance of bonds was carried out through banking channels or major investment banks, but now it is different, because of the popularity of artificial intelligence and the "Starry Sky", an artificial intelligence that monitors the world, a cashless society has been completely realized.

It's just because of the large-scale popularization of energy coins and energy blocks. Although there is no paper currency, energy currency still exists. That's why the people of the empire did not form a cashless society, but the development trend is the same. He had just received news from the Chen Family Foundation that he had used bank funds to purchase a batch of bonds.

Now that the news has been passed on, it means that the bond issuance this time will no longer go through the channels of major banks, but will be issued by the Imperial Central Bank itself. According to Zhang Zhengtao's guess, the Imperial Central Bank will issue digital bonds and then sell them through online channels.

Many companies are at a loss for Mr. Zhang's rejection of Star Bank, because Zhang Zhengtao told them that this time the Imperial Central Bank will issue digital bonds, and all bonds will be sold on the Internet. They understand the form of issuing bonds on the Internet, but the term digital bonds makes people feel untrustworthy.

However, before they could react, the official website of the Imperial Bank of China had announced the issuance amount, date, and form of issuance of the 'Golden Star Construction Bond', as well as the channel for everyone to obtain the bond. The people are celebrating each other, but the major companies and banks have a completely puzzled expression. Because this issue is a digital bond, each IP that visits can only purchase bonds worth no more than one million stars, whether it is a corporate user or a private individual user, all are treated equally.

This is unfair to enterprises, because enterprises have basically been the largest acquisition users of bonds issued by countries in the past dynasties. But now this kind of advantage is gone, can the company not complain. However, in view of the cold side of the empire, those dissatisfied companies did not come out to object.

After all, there are policies and there are countermeasures. Many companies have started to hold meetings to plan for all employees of the entire company to join the battle on the day of release, and some companies have even begun to recruit some temporary workers.

"Mr. Ma, should we get all the employees of the company to take action?" the secretary said as he put a cup of tea on the table.

"No need, the figure of 200,000 trillion is enough to saturate the market. With the current capabilities of interstellar spaceflight, you can't buy much. After all, the construction of the lunar base is about to start, and there is also the experimental construction of Vesta. He is a big money-swallower." Ma Yun took a sip from her teacup and explained that he still likes this secretary very much, and it is okay to mention a few words.

"Since the empire has issued bonds, it means that the empire's fiscal revenue is not very large. This is our opportunity to send charcoal in the snow. If we miss this opportunity, we will lose more than we gain." The secretary asked his doubts.

"Although the plane is lively, you find that there are no noisy people. They are all ordinary people and some small and medium-sized companies. Look at that large company with such a big fanfare, because everyone knows that the last big head of the 200,000,000,000 trillion It still needs to be sent to everyone through the bank." Ma Yun said with a smile.

This is indeed the truth, because there are not many companies that can afford so many bonds, and no miracle will happen even if the private sector has great explosive power. But obviously they thought wrong this time, the power of the people did create a huge miracle.

On the day of the bond sale, the first batch of 50 trillion issued in less than ten minutes was robbed. This surprised everyone, especially the management of those big companies who started to mobilize the company's people to buy these bonds. But they were too late, so only a small part of the 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 worth of bonds issued earlier was taken away by companies, and the rest were all acquired by private capital.

"Husband, how much did you grab? I got three million here?" In the personnel department of Interstellar Aerospace, a man was quietly talking on the phone in the toilet, and the other end of the phone was his newly married wife.

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