Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 497 Barter

"Honey, I snatched five million yuan, but isn't it a little risky to do so? After all, this money is the money we are going to buy a house." The man asked with some distress.

"Our current house is quite big, enough to live in. Besides, the president of our Star Bank asked each employee to buy a little more in internal meetings, so that we can make a profit without losing money. According to the national interest rate, the bonds will be released after three years. We can buy a house on the moon after the deadline.” The wife obviously knew some inside information.

"Okay then." The man and his wife hung up the phone after getting bored for a while, and then looked around guiltily, only to be relieved to find that there was no one there. The top management of the company is very unhappy today, he must not be caught, otherwise criticism will be unavoidable.

Such examples abound. Many people have bought almost their entire net worth into bonds. The interest rate of this bond is five times the current deposit interest rate. Moreover, the "Golden Star Construction Bond" can be exchanged for city energy blocks after it expires, and the gold in the golden age is an antique in troubled times. The current energy block is "gold".

"Your Majesty, our circulation is really too small. I think we can issue an additional 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000." Su Yan also I didn't expect that such a powerful force would erupt from the people. A total of 80 trillion bonds flowed into the hands of the people. Based on the current number of 8 billion people on the earth, the amount of funds borne by each person is at the level of 100 billion. Of course, the unit of the amount is It's stars.

"Impossible, there is no such strong capital left by the people at all. It is simply a fantasy for a person to have hundreds of billions of assets." Chen Qiang directly denied.

"Actually, Your Majesty, I = this number is normal. In the past, the selling price of the Starry Sky series of space shuttles developed by our Starry Sky Group was 8 billion U.S. dollars, which is 16 million star coins. But now the Starry Sky series of space shuttles The price is one billion star coins, and the price has doubled several times in ten years. The price of the Xingchen space shuttle has reached 50 billion star coins, so if the private sector does not have so much money, it will not be able to support the development of the aerospace industry. .” Su Yan explained.

"Then our issuance strategy this time seems to have a relatively big problem. If there are not enough bonds to circulate among banks, the goal of promoting the vitality of the financial market will not be achieved." Chen Qiang said to himself a little .

"So I applied to issue an additional 100,000 trillion bonds, and this time the central bank will allocate them to major banks for sale." Su Yan expressed his thoughts again.

"There are too many 300,000 megs. According to the design output of the current Venus energy block production plant, 200,000 megamies are already the limit." Chen Qiang decisively rejected the proposal.

"Your Majesty, the additional bonds we issue this time can extend the exchange period, say five or ten years." Su Yan explained.

"Five-year bonds? This is indeed feasible, but how we spend the money after we get it is also a big problem." Chen Qiang said very distressed.

"Didn't the military propose a plan for the construction of the four major space fleets? We can advance this plan, and it will take 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 star coins plus military expenditures for ten years." Su Yan wanted Chen Qiang to approve his proposal, The general was also brought in directly. He has already noticed the information about the military's lack of money. The large-scale construction of the military in the past few years is basically known to the high-level personnel of the empire, but no one has exposed these. Because the current earth really has no sense of security.

"Then issue another 100,000 trillion, and I will let the starry sky creature join the ranks of the acquisition." Chen Qiang could only choose to agree in the end, but in order to consume the 100,000 trillion, he planned to let the starry sky creature join in.

"I'll go get ready now." Seeing that Chen Qiang had agreed, Su Yan immediately stood up and left. Only Chen Qiang was left alone leaning on the chair, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Qiang, who came home at night, was always in a trance, and the two children were also absent-minded when they took him to play together. Mu Bing is also a person who can't hide things in his heart, so he asked before going to bed: "What's wrong with you today, you are absent-minded."

"Isn't today the issuance date of the Empire's 'Golden Star Construction Bond'? In less than two hours, a total of 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, At least I have hundreds of billions of net worth, and I foolishly planned to give it to the people." Chen Qiang said with a wry smile.

"I knew that was the case. You are the one who likes to be in the dark. You have been deaf to things outside the window these years, so you don't know anything about the outside world. In fact, the biggest increase in the market is not spacecraft, but Those medicines used for cultivation. Of course, those medicines that are supplied on a large scale are still very cheap, but those medicines that are very effective and have a low yield are sky-high prices. Take the top cell activation medicine we produced, which is now on the market The selling price is about one trillion star coins, and not all of them can be paid with star coins, half of which must be converted into various medicinal materials." Mou Bing said while applying a mask on his face.

"One trillion star coins, how is it possible?" Chen Qiang asked in disbelief.

"Is there anything impossible? The price of medicinal materials on the market is very expensive now. First, the development of various medicines has caused the supply of medicinal materials to be in short supply. Second, the current Xingkong Biology is not like the previous Xingkong Group, which has the nature of a state-owned enterprise. , so everything is based on the market. And now our cost to produce a top-level cell activation solution is around 600 billion, and we can earn 400 billion a piece." Mou Bing gave Chen Qiang a white look and said.

"Is this the same for other pharmaceutical companies?" Chen Qiang asked quickly.

"Almost, but because their technology is not very high, the cost is correspondingly high. So their profit margin is generally around 10%. Now the supply of medicinal materials for all pharmaceutical companies is supported by the private sector. You said How much money has the folks accumulated over the years, not to mention those outlaws who drive a space shuttle and dare to go to the asteroid belt to catch a meteorite and bring it back." Mou Bing said lying on the bed after applying the mask.

"Is this kind of barter transaction common?" Chen Qiang asked again.

"Many, many large-value transactions in the private sector are basically traded in the form of barter, and a small part of the fraction is traded using energy blocks. There is no star coin transaction at all. Because large-scale fund transfers need to be carried out Apply, and sometimes the big numbers dazzle your eyes, don’t you?” Mu Bing turned on the bedside lamp while reading a book and explained that she is just a scientific researcher now, and she is only responsible for upward feedback on these matters, as for the specific solutions. It should be handed over to the Empire.

And this matter is not easy to solve, because the value of the standard energy blocks produced now has been fixed, and each block is equivalent to 10,000 star coins. This system is now deeply ingrained throughout the empire, and it will be difficult to change.

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