There are only two technical routes for human beings to go into space. The first is to make human life long enough, and the second is to make the spacecraft fast enough. In terms of current human technology, it is very difficult to increase life expectancy, because the current method of absorbing vitality has reached its limit. There are no more on the Internet. Although this 'limit' has increased the lifespan of human beings to 800 years, only a few people can practice the kung fu to the limit. So the average human life expectancy is only two hundred and eighty years old.

Maybe this number is very high, but it takes thousands of years for human beings to go to Centaurus, the nearest galaxy to the earth, at the speed of the current ion engine, so the current lifespan of human beings is still small compared to the universe. This is a false proposition. Human beings should not consider these things now. After all, the development of history has certain laws. But today's human beings don't have the time to complete all these step by step, so a scientific and technological revolution must be carried out, and it must only succeed and not fail.

"Your Majesty, according to our inspection, a large amount of cell death occurred in Mr. Hu's body. The cause of cell death is the mutation of the end of telomerase, which then causes programmed cell death." Now the Star Hospital has become A scientific research institution has been established. Although some patients will be accepted, the status of these patients must reach a certain status.

"George, can these mutated cells be restored by using genetic modification." Chen Qiang asked Hu Yuanji who was undergoing examination in the ward. Things were not as simple as he thought, and the report from Xingkong Hospital almost made him despair.

After the inspection by the Starry Sky Hospital, it was found that the aging of the bodies of the personnel who had undergone the remote shuttle this time was produced at the genetic level, and this effect was continuous. After research, it was found that the cell aging speed of these people was twenty times that of normal people, and the aging speed was reduced to ten times after using the cell activation solution.

"The risk is too great. This is the power of time, as if the energy in the cells of people like Mr. Hu is being evacuated. We have experimented with using instruments to inject energy into the cells of Mr. Hu. This method can reduce the energy of the cells. Aging is fast, but the cost is too high." George shook his head and said that the scientific research strength of Xingkong Hospital is already at the peak of human beings, so since they haven't found a way, it means that these people are hopeless.

"Then how long will they live?" Chen Qiang finally closed his eyes and asked.

"They can live to be eighty years old after using the advanced cell activation solution, and they can live to about one hundred and forty years old if they use the top-level cell activation solution." George said truthfully, this age was considered a long life in the past, But half of the average age of citizens in the present year is not enough.

"Understood, after three years, inject them with the top-level cell activation solution. These three years should be enough for these people to use." Chen Qiang finally gave the order.

"Yes." George was moved when he heard the news, because now that he has reached this level, there is no relationship between living 80 years old and 140 years old, and the top-level cell activation fluid is available in quantity. Its production process requires a lot of energy, and the current energy blocks of the empire can only barely maintain the operation of society, so there are very few energy blocks spent on making top-level cell activation liquid. Now it takes three years to make up the cell activation fluid for these people. The only way is to reduce the supply, and the Chen family is the biggest consumer of the top cell activation fluid.

"Your Majesty, can you let me go out? I have been in this hospital for almost half a year." Hu Yuanji saw Chen Qiang coming in and got up to greet him with a wry smile and asked.

"Master Hu, tomorrow, you can leave the hospital. As for the research project, let's put it down first. Your body is no longer allowed to conduct research." Chen Qiang took Hu Yuanji's hand and said.

"Mr. Chen, tell me how long I have left to live." Hu Yuanji asked calmly as if he knew his situation a long time ago.

"Eighty years, three years later I will inject you with the top-level cell activation solution, and you can live for 140 years by then. For these 100 years, you should put down your work and enjoy life." Chen Qiang Some couldn't bear to say.

"One hundred and forty years is quite a lot, so you don't need to feel guilty like this. I'll let go of the scientific research. Give me a professor at Xingkong University, and I can teach students." Hu Yuanji said with a smile , It seems that he is very open-minded.

"Okay, I will arrange it." Chen Qiang agreed immediately, and then left after chatting with Hu Yuanji for a while. After he left the ward, hissing and lung-piercing cries came from the ward.

No one is not afraid of death, especially knowing the date of one's death is the most terrifying thing in the world. This is cruel to the parties involved, but there is no way around it. George also discussed with Chen Qiang whether to hide this matter, but it was rejected in the end. Because everyone has the right to know, which is a right given to everyone by his monarch, and no one can take it away.

"George, Xingkong Hospital has set up a special research institute, and will spend a hundred years trying its best to find a solution, and will never give up until the end." Chen Qiang said, looking at George who was waiting outside.

"Understood, the project team has been established." George understood what Chen Qiang was talking about, so he replied directly.

"That's good, a hundred years should be enough." Chen Qiang left after speaking, but his heart was heavy. The biological field and the medical field are largely connected, and he certainly understands the difficulty of this matter. It is by chance that human beings have such a lifespan now, and it is not obtained by human beings through real scientific research and technology. To hinder a person's death is to fight against the sky. For the current human medicine, this is like the Milky Way all over the sky. It can only be seen from a distance but not in close contact.

The biotechnology that humans currently master is only superficial, and many of them are at the level of imitation. For example, to explore the formula of the full version of the cell activation solution, as long as one of the variables is changed, the resulting cell activation solution will reduce its effect or lose its effect directly. There is also energy block technology, the maximum energy acceptance is only so much, and it cannot be improved at all. Even some research teams have tried many other materials, but all failed.

Because of the entry of foreign technology, human beings' original technology system has undergone tremendous changes, and this change often takes a long time to adjust and adapt. This requires a lot of talents to fill in some new system things, but now many researchers on the Empire side come from the previous system, and their research thinking and ideas will more or less enter the previous one. system, so sometimes stuffing is practical but it doesn't promote the new system.

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