Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 499 Bond pressure

Sure enough, there was a problem with the bond issuance of 100,000 trillion in the end, plus the previous 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The small and medium-sized enterprises were already saturated when the 150 trillion bonds were issued last time, so most of the bonds purchased this time were major banks and large companies. However, the purchasing power of these enterprises is also certain. A total of 130 trillion bonds have been issued, but there is still a backlog of 20 trillion bonds. Although there was a small amount of private absorption, it was still a bit stretched compared to this huge number, so the star creatures finally ate all the remaining 1.83 trillion bonds.

"Chen Qiang, it's really reckless to issue additional bonds this time. The last 1.83 trillion almost took out the working capital of Xingkong Bio. There are some experiments with large investment in Xingkong Bio now. I I want to use that part of the family fund." Mu Bing asked during the meal, she did not expect that there would be so many bonds left this time.

"Did you buy all the bonds with Xingkong Biology's funds? I didn't mean that you bought all the funds in the family fund into bonds, so as not to worry about those people." Chen Qiang hated iron for not being steel. In fact, the Chen Family Fund is an independent unit. Although Starry Sky Creatures belongs to the family fund in name, it is independent. As for the family fund, it only controls the shares of some peripheral companies, including the shares of game companies.

"It's hard for me to do this. Although we are the main family, we still need to take care of these offshoots. It's hard to say on my father's side. And people from these families also helped us a lot, and there were no special ones when the empire was established. The family fund has now become the first choice of financing for the children of the Chen family to start a business, so it is not good to spend money all at once.” Mu Bing explained that she is not good at making decisions about this matter. Better.

"I'm going to talk to the uncle right now, and exchange all the funds in the family fund into bonds. As for those children who want to raise money to go outside, what is it to stay under my wings? If anyone is unwilling, then they Throw it to Australia to fight mutant beasts." Chen Qiang directly made up his mind.

"Then you go and tell me, I'll ask the Starry Sky Creatures to prepare. If you don't do this, many research projects will run out of food next month." Mou Bing gave Chen Qiang an elbow and said.

"Okay, I'll tell."

It is difficult for an honest official to decide on family affairs. Now that Chen Qiang has become the monarch of a country, he should take care of these clans. After all, since ancient times, the concept of one person attaining enlightenment and ascending to heaven has been deeply implanted in the concept of Chinese people, and in the current society, clans have begun to revive, but compared with the ancient clans, the clans formed now are more like gathering together Entrepreneurs with the same surname.

"Dad, didn't I ask them to buy all the funds into 'Golden Star Construction Bonds' from the family fund? Why didn't they take any action?" Chen Qiang strolled into his parents' house after dinner, and chatted with his father Chen Shun When I got up, it was better to talk to my father about some things. In fact, he didn't have any impression or deep connection with these fellows and relatives. The main reason is that he transferred to the county seat when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school, and he seldom went home after that. A lot of things will be diluted in more than ten years.

"I was going to tell you about this, but I forgot about it. The main reason is that a few children of the family are doing business outside. They bought a piece of land at the lunar land auction to support the construction of the empire. This development requires a lot of money, so they set their sights on the family fund. The manager of the family fund agreed with the thought of not letting the money go to outsiders, so they didn’t buy it.” Chen Shun explained, this The matter was very accidental, after all, the children of the family were also kind.

"So that's the case, but Starry Sky Biology has consumed a full 1.83 trillion bonds this time and has exhausted its working capital. Many experimental projects will fail if there is no continuous capital injection." Chen Qiang also agreed. A little lamented that God tricked people.

"Then let those children go outside to raise funds, and the family fund will try their best to eat up the bonds. The experiments on the Starry Sky Creatures cannot be stopped." Chen Shun immediately decided when he heard that Starry Sky Creatures' capital chain was short. He knew that The research in these laboratories of starry sky creatures is mysterious things, and they are all projects that determine the future of mankind.

"Let the children of those families who own the land on the moon come to my office tomorrow, and I will meet them." Chen Qiang said with some struggle.

"It's really time for you to meet these children, they are excellent." Chen Shun said with something in his words.

Sometimes it is a kind of sadness in a big family, let alone in a family that determines the direction of a country. It is their duty to make way for national interests, and this duty comes from the trust of their families and people.

"Your Majesty, your fellow clan has already gone outside, should you call in now?" Chen Qiang's secretary entered the office and said.

"Let them in, go and make a few cups of tea." Chen Qiang put down the documents in his hand, then got up and said.

Not long after the secretary left, four men and a woman entered Chen Qiang's office. They looked a little nervous.

"You guys are here, come and sit down, today I am your fellow clan, not the emperor of the empire." Chen Qiang said with a smile, he still has some influence on these people, they are all his juniors, you want to call him brother .

"Third brother, did you ask us to come here for something?" The oldest man asked after taking a sip of the tea handed over by the secretary. Because Chen Qiang is the third eldest in their branch, that's why they are called the third brother.

"I've read all the information about the five of you, and it's pretty good. It's rare for a company in its twenties to be able to achieve this level, at least better than me. I called you here today to meet our Chen family first. Elite, the second is the land of the moon in your hands." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

But before he finished talking about the only girl, he asked directly: "Third brother, you don't want to take back these lands, do you? We absolutely disagree with this." As for the other four men, their expressions were not very good, because of this matter If the person in front of them really spoke, they would not be qualified to speak at all.

"Xiaofang, don't be in a hurry, wait until I finish. In fact, you all know the information about the issuance of bonds by the empire this time. In the end, the bonds were overissued, and your third sister-in-law ate all the rest with the funds of Starry Sky Creatures." Come down. There is a problem with the capital chain of Starry Sky Creatures, and I plan to use the money in the family fund to buy these bonds. Therefore, the financing for your development of the moon base cannot be raised in the family fund." Chen Qiang quickly explained.

"I agree." The oldest man said directly. And the rest of the people also agreed. They had already discussed today's conversation, as long as they don't deprive them of the land in their hands, everything is easy to talk about.

"That's good. Actually, I've wronged you, but there's really nothing I can do. I have five top-level cell activation fluids here. You can take them away as compensation." Chen Qiang asked the secretary to bring in five boxes as he spoke.

"Third brother, you don't need to do this. Since you are the monarch of this country, we have already prepared for this to happen." As the only woman, Chen Fang directly refused.

"Take it, at least I feel more at ease." Chen Qiang smiled and pushed the box in front of everyone.

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