Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 501 New Spaceport

There is also a tree species that can take root in the lunar soil. Although it does not look green, the flowers that bloom are very beautiful, and even have an amazing feeling. After visiting the entire moon base, everyone understood their company and empire, or more precisely, the technological gap with Star Group. You must know that the current moon base has existed for several years.

"Old Ma, to be honest, I don't want to invest any more money in aerospace companies this trip. Our nearly ten-year struggle is not as good as their technology ten years ago." Ren Fei said a little frustrated.

"What are you going to do with the technological strength beyond the empire? Do we have any need? The empire and we consider things on two levels, is that the same?" Ma Yun said with a smile, but his eyes kept Look towards the huge building in the center of the city.

"Do you think the empire will also release these technologies? If this is released, the cost of our construction on the moon will be greatly reduced." MCA also interjected.

"No, the construction of the moon base this time is a test of the empire's technological strength. If we fail to build it, we will lose the right to land on the moon." Ma Yun said thoughtfully. After saying this, he left directly, leaving everyone with doubts on their faces.

The ongoing construction plan has been started, and it has all been calculated by artificial intelligence. So everything is in order, but the construction plan for the moon is really just beginning. Because the Venus project took up most of the transportation capacity, many companies lacked space shuttles to transport various materials during the construction of the moon. At this time, Interstellar Aerospace released a new series of space shuttles, and this series was docked with the "Star" space shuttle of the Star Group, which was named "Dragon King".

This news is not the most exciting, because Interstellar Aerospace directly announced its commitment to sell 100 planes on the spot at the press conference, and started the snap-up system on the spot. This is also the largest snap-up project since the construction of the virtual Internet, and the amount of funds for the entire project has reached three trillion star coins. What everyone didn't expect was that all of these space shuttles were sold out in less than a minute, which made many aerospace companies start to take action in this market.

In fact, the number of space shuttles is simply not enough compared to the current demand, and the current Academy of Aerospace Sciences, the former Star Space Aerospace, still holds a lot of orders. Originally, the empire planned to withdraw from this market, because the research and development of a new generation of warships required a lot of workers. However, due to market demand, the empire still retained two production lines of the star series of space shuttles, with an annual production scale of only a thousand. This amount simply cannot satisfy the current hungry market.

And because these companies have a series of problems in materials and other issues, the service life of the space shuttles they manufacture is one-third less than that of Star Group. This has accelerated the replacement of space vehicles, and has also led to a situation in which the entire market is in short supply.

To everyone's disbelief, on the second day of the Interstellar Space Technology Conference, the American-based Space Technology Exploration Corporation also held a press conference for a new generation of new series of space shuttles. At this conference, they announced the "Poseidon 'series space shuttle, and its docking is still the star series space shuttle.

This is what the public is happy to see, because it has a lot of room for imagination, and when talking with friends, they can boast that they have got inside information. The two series of "Dragon King" and "Poseidon" can feel the smell of gunpowder just from the names, and the two new series of space shuttles have received soft orders after their release. And it is very interesting that the two space shuttle manufacturing factories are both on the "Tsar" spaceport.

The five major space ports are now the busiest human-made installations in space, and of course the starting point space station must be excluded. More than one million people stay here every day, and the space shuttle exceeds tens of thousands of searches. The acquisition points of many metal smelting companies are also here, so the land of the five major airports is becoming more and more expensive.

Since it is profitable, the area of ​​the space port will be expanded, but the speed of construction is far from meeting the needs of the people. And more importantly, the five major airports used the previous aerospace technology when they were built. Their core cabins have a certain lifespan, and now nearly 20 years have passed. Therefore, many companies began to apply to the Government Administration Council and the military to open up the construction of large space stations.

"Abdullah, you still enjoy life. With the blue sky, white clouds and green grass, I will die here if I am you." Chen Qiang said while lying on the chair, drinking Coke and looking at the scenery.

"Don't the Han people have a dialect, that is, people will get rusty if they don't struggle." Abdullah also said leisurely while drinking a glass of Coke.

"Old man, it seems that you represent a large group of people and invited me to play." Chen Qiang asked with a smile.

"Indeed, the empire is changing every day, especially in outer space. The 'Tsar' is already operating at overload, and it will be scrapped in less than three years. I want to repair a bigger one, what do you think? " Abdullah said after handing a cigar to Chen Qiang and lighting it.

"This issue has also been discussed by the high-level executives of the empire, but the location of the five major airports is too close to the earth. If the volume is too large, it will cause blockage of the waterway, and it is not very safe." Chen Qiang explained some of the issues discussed by the empire. It was released directly.

"Actually, we have had some discussions on this issue. Our decision is to put the construction of the new spaceport on the same orbit as the starting point. However, this requires the imperial military to relocate the meteorite interception facilities outward and add additional facilities. Already." Abdullah was already prepared.

"However, compared to the position of the space station of Qidian, if a spaceport is built on this orbit, then its operating cost will be greatly increased. And this distance is indeed a bit far in terms of the flight distance of the current space shuttle." Chen Qiang He also expressed his doubts.

"Actually, we don't plan to decommission the existing spaceports. As long as they are repaired, they can still be used for a long time. The construction of new spaceports is just for drainage. At that time, these old spaceports can be used as midway supply stations. facilities.” Abdullah also knew that the chances of the upper echelons of the empire passing through this matter were very small, if it weren’t for the current space shuttle’s voyage being too short and the survival system’s maintenance time not enough, their airports would have been forcibly decommissioned long ago.

"How about this? It doesn't need to be built on the track of the starting point, but on the track of 200,000 kilometers. The Imperial Government Council will release ten places, but these old space ports need to be decommissioned." Chen Qiang was thinking. It took a long time before he agreed. He had exchanged opinions with many people on this matter, and everyone agreed to build a new space port. This has become a consensus among the upper echelons of the empire.

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