Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 502 Supply Line

Compromise is an art, just like the upper echelons of the empire, they still compromised in the face of reality. Rapidly growing port demand and space development have put the Government Council's plan to demolish five major airports and two residential areas on hold. The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. After the Government Council announced the construction of the top ten airports, all private aerospace companies began to gear up. But to their disappointment, the companies that won the bid for these top ten airports only have the right to operate but not ownership, and the ownership belongs to the imperial military.

Moreover, even the construction drawings were designed by the imperial military, and engineers from the imperial military participated in the construction. However, this is not a big problem for many companies, because the time of operation is signed for a hundred years, and this hundred years is enough to make a profit. Of course, this is bad news for those companies with a strong desire for control. After all, there are certain things that officials of the empire cannot do blatantly.

Much of the primitive accumulation of capital in the world is bloody, and some things simply cannot be shown to others. For example, the competition for the right to operate the top ten space ports this time was originally due to the backlog of bonds some time ago, so the Government Council made a big concession on the price, but what I didn't expect was that the price rose in a straight line during the auction. Far exceeded the expected figures.

The amount of private capital retention obviously exceeded the expectations of the high-level empire. You must know that at this moment, there are many large-scale outer space construction activities involving the private sector, such as the renovation plan of Venus, the construction plan of the moon, and the supply station plan for the asteroid belt. etc. With so many projects, in the eyes of Chen Qiang and other people in the imperial leadership, private capital has been almost squeezed out, but they did not expect such a large-scale fund to appear all of a sudden this time.

"Your Majesty, the ones entering the auction this time are not people from the business world, but the actions of some inherited families. It seems that they intend to really join the empire's plan this time." Wu Aiguo said for the first time after receiving the news. Immediately came to Chen Qiang's office to exchange opinions. He knew that His Majesty in front of him was not used to these families, and in recent years, the three major guilds, except for the Warriors' Guild, had more or less started to appear deformed. If this person wants to make trouble at this time, it is justified, but it is a very bad thing for the economy of the empire that has just taken off.

"Old Wu, I know what you think. Since they are safe and sound, I don't plan to do anything to them. How about using the name of the imperial military to announce the exploration of the 'Kuiper Belt' to the three major guilds, and the reward is three people. Top cell activation solution. What do you think?" Chen Qiang asked while watching the auction.

"Is it too early now? There is no supply point on the journey from the earth to Pluto, and the current technology cannot complete the long-distance voyage." Wu Aiguo said with some doubts, because this The person in front of this technical matter should know better than him, and he would say such a method at this time.

"No, the three major guilds will complete the construction of this supply line. After all, they have accumulated too much money over the years." Chen Qiang said with a smile, but his smile was full of murderous intent.

"Understood Your Majesty, I will talk to Marshal Zhukov." Wu Aiguo obviously understood this plan. Since these families are keen on the construction of a large space station, they will hand over this supply line to the three major guilds. You can pay to use it here. In this way, they can not only circulate the funds they have accumulated, but also start the exploration of deep space as soon as possible.

The immobility of funds is fatal to the current financial situation of the entire empire. There is not much money in the market, but the imperial central bank cannot increase the number of issuances in order to ensure that the currency does not depreciate. So circulating those accumulated funds has become the best solution, and the empire has been doing this during this time.

Through this series of large-scale projects, most of the private funds have begun to circulate, and the tax revenue on the empire's side has also begun to increase significantly. Originally, the construction of the top ten space ports was set to be constructed with private funds, and the ownership was also owned by private enterprises. However, due to the substantial increase in taxation, the surplus of a large amount of funds obtained from the previous bond issuance, and the opposition of the military, in order to quickly spend the money, the empire can only invest in the top ten space ports.

But because of the sale of the management right, basically 70% of the funds have been recovered. Seeing that there is a lot of money, the military intends to open up a supply line to explore the 'Kuiper Belt' and do some preparatory work for the subsequent transformation of the Kuiper Belt. However, if the military does this, it may cost a lot. . Because the military's so-called supply points are garrison points one by one, and in special cases, they will become spaceships to join the ranks of the war. Although the military can build ordinary supply points, it is not worth the calculation, because if the supply station is built by the military, all private space shuttles will be rejected, and the military's demand is actually not that high.

Although the military's needs will become huge in the future, at least for now it cannot afford to operate such a supply line. The supply of the long-range early warning radar station outside the solar system has already involved a lot of energy of the military, so Chen Qiang decisively rejected this proposal. But now that the three major guilds have this strength, it is better to let the people do these things.

"Let's talk about your thoughts, this time it looks like our mercenary guild is doomed." A middle-aged man looked at the dozens of people below and asked. These people are major shareholders of the mercenary guild and also have vested interests.

"President Wang, I think we can ignore this mission, because it is impossible to realize it with the current technology. If the empire intends to send us to death, then it is better to kill us directly." A man's voice came through the sound system spread throughout the venue.

"Director Chen, look at what the document I issued says that the empire is not wanting our lives, but our funds. I have a proposal here, using the guild fund account to join the warrior guild and the adventurer guild Make every effort to complete the construction of this supply line." Chairman Wang obviously had some considerations, so he directly put forward his own ideas.

"No, I object." President Wang, the money is our hard-earned money. Completing such a huge project is simply a dream. Even if it is finally completed and the entire guild is emptied, let's go with Xibeifeng. "A man sitting on the far side of the rostrum objected.

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