Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 503 Guild's Resistance

"I remember that there was a saying on the Internet before, that is, the most painful thing in a person's life is that the money is not spent when the person dies. I want to ask Vice President Wu, do you plan to keep the money and bring it into the coffin. "A director who supported President Wang retorted at the venue.

Many people on the venue began to attack each other, and they were all representatives of various families. The mercenary guild is a condition for these families to settle down, and many things of these families are done through the mercenary guild, so their loyalty to the guild cannot be doubted. However, there is no doubt about their toughness in defending their own interests. This is just a simple meeting, and a formal meeting will be terrible.

"Stop arguing, I'll just ask you one question, you still need money." President Wang was in a bad mood today, so he yelled loudly.

For a while, the whole meeting place fell silent instantly, but at this moment, a man with yin and yang eccentricity said: "President Wang, I have some doubts about your position, such a large project is a big pit for us by the people of the empire." , You actually wanted to jump in with us, what kind of heart are you, I asked you if you are a member of the guild."

"Hehe, it's not a good thing you idiots did. The auction of the top ten airports yesterday was a breeze, and you got three unplanned ones at once. Do you want to get another one from those companies? In order to increase the circulation of currency on the market, the high-level officials of the empire have used all kinds of means. During that time, you hid your property and were unwilling to release it. Now that you see what you want, you will ask for it crazily. Prestige Very well. Now that the empire has finally set its sights on our families, you are satisfied now. I will put my words here today. If you continue to treat the empire like this, I think the families in front of you will be your models. If If you think you have the relationship between the Pearl Group and His Majesty, then go and die." President Wang said with a sneer, and there was a kind of resentment in his voice that made everyone present very uncomfortable.

Chairman Wang's words made all the representatives present couldn't believe it, because they had indeed violated various policies of the empire some time ago. But during this period of time, the empire's support for business was very strong, so they began to slowly brandish a large amount of funds in their hands to acquire some companies with good assets, and began to use financial means to invade some large companies.

Although some methods of these families cannot be used now, they have gradually mastered some relatively high-quality resources, so they still have many ways to infiltrate some enterprises. But it was obvious that they had misjudged the minds of the high-level empire, and more accurately, they had misjudged Chen Qiang's minds.

"Teacher, the upper echelons of the empire have taken action against those families. Among the three major guilds, the mercenary guild is the private land of the aristocratic family, the adventurer guild is the private land of the new type of family, and the warrior guild is the spokesperson of the upper echelons of the empire. The task of taking 'indicates that the high-level empire has reached a consensus on this matter, shall we gather this group of forces." A man asked an old man.

"Uncle Xiang, you are too thoughtful. Every action of the high-level empire has its own considerations. Don't think about going against the empire. The empire's exploration of the 'Kuiper Belt' is to prepare for outer space travel. After all, it is the biggest obstacle for human beings to leave the solar system." The old man put down the textbook in his hand and said.

"Teacher, all people are created equal, and imperial countries are moving against the trend of history. What mankind needs now is a democratic country, not an imperial country. Why are all of our lives controlled by one person. "Xiang Bo said excitedly.

"This is the reason why you are connected everywhere. Don't treat the empire as a fool. Their monitoring is everywhere. Stop, your brother was assigned by the empire because of such thoughts. Human beings today cannot withstand big fluctuations Now, the threat of aliens is right in front of you. If you do this, you will cause disaster sooner or later. As your teacher, this is the last time I advise you. Don’t come to me again. Okay, I’m going to class That's it." The old man stood up, took the book and left the office.

"Mr. Yang, you are not reconciled. Otherwise, why would you talk so much about the previous state system and the history of ancient emperors in class?" Xiang Bo shouted loudly, his voice could be heard on the whole floor, causing many teachers to All probe out. Because this old man is Yang Zhicheng, the former dean of the Government Administration Council, and now he is a professor of the History Department of BJ University.

"Silly boy, people will change. History always needs people to remember, but any obstacle in the face of the general trend will become irreversible, and what we have to do is to conform to this general trend." Yang Zhicheng's voice was sonorous and powerful.

No one knew whether Yang Zhicheng's words were true at this time, but his somewhat desolate back showed vividly the intention he had given up. Sometimes one wrong step can lead to eternal doom. If he hadn't been too anxious to bet on the wrong bank at the beginning, the position where one person is above ten thousand people must be his now. But there is no medicine for regret in the world, no matter how regretful it is, it is useless.

While the Mercenary Guild was meeting, the Adventurer's Guild also held a meeting. Compared to the Mercenary Guild's meeting of dozens of people, the Adventurer's Guild's meeting of thousands of people seemed a bit huge. Because these people are from the business world and emerging families, they are a group of people who are not accepted by those established families.

"Hello everyone, the reason for holding this meeting today is very simple, that is, the empire intends to establish a supply line to explore the 'Kuiper Belt', and this supply line has been handed over to our three major guilds. If there is no accident, this supply line will be in the future It has been in a monopoly position for hundreds or even thousands of years, and it will become the only channel for humans to enter and exit the solar system, so it is still profitable." Ding Sanshi said directly as the president of the Adventurer's Guild, because he stayed in the Starry Sky Group system. It's been a long time, so I don't like those twists and turns.

"President Ding, I think this matter should be carefully considered. Those old guys in the mercenary guild were too showy this time. Some time ago, they were obsequious to the empire and cheated the empire on the bond. This supply line may It's a trap specially prepared by the empire for those old families, so I think it's better for us not to participate." A man sitting in the front row below said.

"Wang Tao, this matter is not a question of whether we participate or not, but a question of how we participate." Ma Yun said directly as the vice president.

Now that Ma Yun, who has a keen intuition for the policies of the upper echelons of the empire, has said so, many people below have become silent.

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