Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 520 Exploration Team Departs

After a large-scale volcanic eruption, Mars is followed by a large-scale storm. In the past, the global storm on Mars erupted every few years, but since the atmosphere of Mars has been thickened, this kind of storm has come almost every month. The stormy Mars looks gray, as if it is wrapped in super severe smog. The Mars project team can't even enter it with the probe, so all the consequences need to wait slowly.

So although the public now knows that Mars is about to be developed, their focus is no longer on Mars. Because a space voyage comparable to Magellan's circumnavigation around the world in human history is about to begin. For this voyage, the three major guilds still have arenas, which can be said to have done their best. The fleet that set off this time included four Beluga and 30 Star space shuttles, in order to send the staff of the supply point up, and to start the first human voyage. This time their ultimate goal is Pluto, a planet located in the Kuiper belt, where they will eventually complete the mission of Pluto detection.

The four Beluga Whales were directly taken out by the military from the active forces in order to support this civil exploration activity. This is a three-month expedition, and it is also the second time that humans have touched the edge of the solar system (the first was Voyager, which completely lost contact in 2020, but it had already broke into the Kuiper belt, if you are lucky enough, it should still exist now.), is also a great attempt of mankind, and perhaps the Kuiper belt will also become the core area of ​​mankind in the future.

"Mr. Wu, I will get rid of you in the matter of the guild. If there is any matter, you can directly make the decision. If someone makes trouble, just fire him." Cheng Yu, the new president of the mercenary guild, clasped his fists and said.

"President Cheng, the vice-chairman can handle the matter of the mercenary guild. If there is anything that cannot be resolved, I will take action. I will not let the mercenary guild have any trouble before you come back, so you can rest assured Right. Besides, President Cheng still has room for regret, after all, it is not appropriate for you to take risks as a dignified president." Wu Wudi also clasped his fists and said.

"No, I'm still going. If I don't do some things now, I won't have a chance in the future. The situation of the Mercenary Guild is not very good. I can't let the hard work of those seniors who threw their heads and blood down like this decline." Cheng Yu obviously made up his mind.

"Then I wish you a safe journey. Entering the Kuiper Belt this time is extremely dangerous. If something goes wrong, you must send a distress signal as soon as possible. After two days, the military will definitely return." Wu Wudi is not that kind of hypocritical person Besides, he doesn't have much friendship with the President Cheng in front of him, and the persuasion just now was just a kind of politeness, as for what he said now, it is some exhortations from him.

"Understood, Mr. Wu, Chairman Ding, I'm leaving." After Cheng Yu finished speaking, he stepped directly onto the battleship in front of him, followed by one team after another and entered the battleship.

For the new 'Xuanyuan' spaceport, the take-off of four Beluga transport ships and 30 star series space shuttles will not affect the current flight path, but today's 'Xuanyuan' spaceport has stopped directly The spacecraft took off and landed, leaving the entire airspace to the expedition and supply team.

"Depart." Cheng Yu is the supreme commander of this fleet, and he immediately gave the order to set off after the preparations were completed. His current strength is the lower level of King Wu, and he is already the top group of people with human strength. However, for the sake of all the families and the mercenary guild, he resolutely joined this team. Now he only hopes that when he returns again, he can bridge the rift between the empire and the mercenary guild.

The fleet lifted off slowly under the gaze of many people, then accelerated, left, and finally disappeared slowly from everyone's sight. It is very rare that the three major guilds and the arena did not conduct a global live broadcast this time. Because as the first human exploration operation outside the solar system, the merits contained in it are very great, but the dangers involved are equally present.

If none of the expedition members come back, then the image of the departure will be a heavy blow to those families and families, because this time the mercenary guild and many families behind them will focus on their own families in order to make up for the rift with the empire. The trained successors were dispatched.

They also understand that the current empire simply does not allow people who do nothing but enjoy themselves, especially families like theirs whose ancestors have made great contributions, are the ones that the empire focuses on monitoring.

"Your Majesty, the price paid by those aristocratic families is already enough, why do you want to kill them all?" Yang Zhicheng didn't expect that Chen Qiang would come to him. Although he later figured out the reason, he still spoke out what was in his heart.

"Old Yang, you are really comfortable now, teaching and educating people, and living as a hermit in the countryside every day." Chen Qiang did not answer this question, but said with a smile to himself.

"Actually, Your Majesty can do it too, but you can't let it go." Yang Zhicheng took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"It's not that I can't let it go, but I can't let it go. I think you should understand. Let your disciples be more stable. I don't want to kill people anymore. Now the empire has had no deaths for seven years. I don't want to break this Record." Chen Qiang picked up his teacup and said.

"Your Majesty, do you believe me when I said that I have no binding force on them now? Maybe it was a mistake for me to be a teacher here. Maybe I was too stubborn at the beginning. In fact, it seems that no system is important now, as long as Human beings are united, and the people at the bottom can live well. You have done a good job in this, and it can be said that it has surpassed all previous countries." Yang Zhicheng's face was full of shame at this time.

"This is nothing more than the improvement of social productivity, but people's desires are endless, and what they fear most is comparison. So your students began to plan to set off a revolution at the bottom, but they seem to have encountered setbacks, but they still give everyone The local government has caused some troubles, and the empire now needs a stable environment, I hope you can tell them to be quiet, I have not treated them badly." After Chen Qiang finished speaking, he put down the teacup in his hand and left.

At this time, Yang Zhicheng's whole spirit was also depressed. He didn't expect that the cause he had planted at the beginning had now borne fruit. When he was first invited by Peking University, he had some resentment in his heart, so he brought some of his own private goods during the class to the students, and then the students listened to it. Now these students have become democratic fighters one by one after graduation, and they are connected everywhere and some of the former people have a lot of power.

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