Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 521 Arrest

"Old Yang, let them come here. Your Majesty is much less angry now. If this was the case, these people would have been sent to life imprisonment long ago." An old woman handed Yang Zhicheng a bowl of Chinese medicine.

"Okay, let's go to the moon base after this matter is over. The empire over there has already prepared a house for me." Yang Zhicheng said after drinking the medicine bowl.

"Let's go, I just don't know when we will be able to return to Earth." The old woman said with a greedy look around.

"There will be a chance, as long as they listen to my advice, then we don't have to leave." Yang Zhicheng also looked around, the plot of the old man's hometown is still quite important, especially the old man. Although 80 years old is not considered an old man, the 60-year-old is deeply rooted in the traditional concept and has not changed since ancient times.

For this group of people who have been connecting Liberty and Pearl, the top management of the empire did not take it seriously at all, because there has never been a shortage of these talkative people in human history, and the empire now has a perfect control over public opinion, so It didn't even matter. But what Chen Qiang and the top management didn't expect was that these people planned to carry out a bloody revolution, which touched the bottom line of the empire a bit.

On the expedition team not long after the departure, three members of the expedition team used a small 3D printer to print out the gunpowder pistol that only appears in museums now after the spacecraft left the orbit of Mars, and then prepared to start killing. But what they didn't expect was that all the actions were noticed by the ship's artificial intelligence, so when they left the living area to find the target, they were controlled by the ship's personnel. This made Cheng Yu, the chief of the fleet, furious and then carried out a cleaning, but fortunately, except for these three people, no one was found.

The military department also got the news immediately, and conducted an investigation on these people. The results of the investigation surprised the intelligence department of the military department. Although there are not many people in this group, they have already planned many plans for a bloody revolution, and the expedition fleet is the first one. So Chen Qiang, the emperor, immediately came to Peking University to find Yang Zhicheng, the instigator.

"Comrades, we are fighting for our ideals. I hope that you can put your life and death aside for your ideals. We will become fighters for human freedom in the future and will be recorded in the annals of history forever." In the base city of Xiangcheng, a man The final mobilization is being carried out against the group of people below.

At this time, a group of people in military uniform rushed in from the windows of the room and the rooms, and pointed laser guns at the crowd who were gathering. At this time, the serious and solemn expression of the man on the stage suddenly changed into a charming smile, and he stepped off the stage and took out a pack of cigarettes to distribute to the soldiers.

"Don't move, put your hands on your head." When a soldier saw a man rushing towards him, he raised his gun and opened the safety channel.

"Comrade, do you have a misunderstanding? We are just a normal company meeting." The man put his hands on his head and asked with a smile. What are the consequences of being caught.

"Uncle Xiang, are you still stubborn now? It looks like you didn't listen to Mr. Yang's words." At this time, a man in the uniform of a major general walked in and said.

"Chen Jun, the nose of your intelligence agency is indeed very sensitive, but I don't think there is anything wrong with me. Human life should be in your own hands, not in the hands of a certain person." Uncle Xiang saw Chen who came in. After the army, I knew that there was no room for redemption. Although the public didn't know the name of this man, all the subordinate organizations were well known.

"You guys are really idiots. You were just noisy before. Now you are planning to carry out a bloody revolution. I don't know if all your electronic equipment is monitored by us, and you still use virtual equipment during speeches. I really do it for you IQ is urgent." Chen Jun said sarcastically, and waved his hands to let the soldiers take all these people away.

"Chen Jun, you can't catch them all. People like us will always exist as long as the empire exists." Xiang Bo calmly said to Chen Jun when he left. Otherwise, the heinous person would not execute the death penalty. The execution of the death penalty requires the Ministry of Justice of the Empire to propose a proposal, and then it will be immediately sent to hundreds of millions of people. Only if the approval rate of these people exceeds 75% execution.

So he wasn't afraid at all, at most he would go to Australia to feed the mutant beasts, where the family members of the criminals were allowed to visit and even live together. But he was wrong about this point. This time they are not in Australia but on the moon, where a huge project is going on, and they may never appear in front of people in this life.

For people like them with a lifespan of more than a hundred years, life is simply worse than death, and it can be said to be the cruelest punishment. In fact, they were supposed to go to Australia to raise mutant beasts, but because of some problems with the projects on the moon, a large number of people were needed to supplement them, so they naturally became "supplementary personnel".

"Mr. Chen, I'm going to the moon base to accompany those children. I killed them, so I hope you can give me the right to freely enter and exit that project. In order to ensure that I don't leak the secrets, I will wear your watch .” On the screen, Yang Zhicheng looked haggard, as if he was an old man in his dying years.

"Okay, send me a message when you leave, and I'll make arrangements for you." Chen Qiang hung up the phone after finishing speaking. It's not really a matter of hating the person in front of him, but he was in class It's unforgivable that the empire was almost in turmoil with private knives. If he didn't think about his previous achievements, he might be among the people arrested this time.

Although the news that Xiang Bo and others were taken away did not spread on a large scale, many people understood it. In particular, the leaders of the liberal arts colleges of various universities held a special meeting for this purpose, and urged the teachers not to bring too much private goods during class, and they would be expelled immediately if they were found out.

As the alma mater of Xiang Bo and others, Peking University is also in dire straits at this time. Because the competition for the latest vitality node is about to begin, this is another chance for Peking University to enter a top-ranking university, but now that it has been disturbed in this way, this competition has completely failed.

There are fifty-eight vitality nodes that humans currently control, of which thirty are occupied by universities, ten by the military, and the remaining eighteen have been opened up as training grounds for the whole people. Among them, the 30 seats occupied by universities were due to the competition of various universities, and finally reached an agreement to re-evaluate every 20 years. And these 30 places have become synonymous with first-class universities. Of course, the five universities directly under the military are not among them, so in the eyes of the people, there are only 35 top universities in mankind.

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