Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 522: College Entrance Examination

It is another year of college entrance examination season. This year, there are about 130 million students around the world who are admitted to colleges, but the maximum capacity of all colleges and universities is only 41 million. So it means that the remaining 62 million students can only go to various technical schools or enter the society after graduating from high school.

This is a result of the Ministry of Education and underestimating controls because there simply aren't that many teachers these days. All teachers who teach in universities are basically doctoral graduates, and some majors will be reduced to masters. Of course, some people who have made some achievements in this field are not in this ranks. This greatly limits the number of teachers in colleges and universities, and makes sure that there is no excess. This is the rule originally formulated by the Ministry of Education.

The purpose of the Ministry of Education is very simple, that is to use the most concentrated resources to cultivate a batch of highly educated all-rounders who are good at many fields, and then enter the various research and development institutions of the empire or the research and development institutions of the companies below. Therefore, some students with the best grades basically enter various graduate schools, and only the students with the worst grades will enter the university to teach.

So now the Imperial Ministry of Education, major scientific research institutes, and major universities are in an antagonistic relationship. Universities want the top talents to stay and teach students at the front line, while major scientific research institutes need the top talents to complete one scientific research project after another. As for the Empire Ministry of Education, it has faithfully implemented the instructions from the top of the empire to ensure that the military Fang and Imperial Academy talent supply.

"Lolo, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you don't pass the exam, you can go to the city's technical college. It will be very promising if you graduate there." A woman said to her daughter who was about to enter the school with a writing tool.

"Mom, I will definitely pass the exam." Student Luo Luo was obviously very confident.

Many people are calling for the abolition of this written test method, but after many investigations by the Ministry of Education of the Empire, this system has not been abolished. Because this way of singing can test the various levels of thinking of students, and the whole examination process is also an aspect of the assessment. From the emotions of the students answering the questions, you will know something about the student's situation. This has become the first choice for major colleges and universities. a standard.

This is an era of just a big bang, which has led to an extremely heavy burden on the students. Although these children have received brain transformation since childhood, it also makes these children a little overwhelmed. If we compare the knowledge structure of these children with the previous ones, the knowledge structure of current high school graduates is already comparable to that of previous university graduates or even master graduates.

As for entering university, it is even more burdensome, because they will find that what they have learned before is very basic, but after entering university, the teachers of the university will not give them a buffer time at all. It doesn't matter how much you understand when you go directly to class, so college students nowadays are reading some academic books that they have never seen before, and they are even introduced to some project teams.

Of course, if you can’t keep up with the whole rhythm, you will be eliminated within a year at most. The current universities have an unlimited elimination system. That is to say, if a university enrolls 3,000 people that year, all of them will be eliminated after four years of graduation. It is also normal. The reason for this system is very simple. The current universities can only issue graduation certificates. As for degree certificates, college students need to take the exam themselves. Of course, this degree certificate is not a simple certificate, but a grade certificate for graduates to obtain recognition and identity.

There are only two kinds of certificates: scientists and engineers. Among them, the scope of engineers is relatively broad, so the requirements are relatively low. But scientists are basically looking for an all-rounder, so no more than 300,000 people get this certificate every year. Of course, obtaining this certificate does not mean that you can sit back and relax. It only means that the person concerned has the qualification to practice. Moreover, this certificate has a limited number of years. If there is no promotion within ten years, the certificate will be cancelled.

So going to school in this era is really not a very cost-effective thing, but this channel is still an upward channel for people living at the bottom. Moreover, the empire was founded on science and technology, so the status of scientists in society is very high, and everyone hopes that they or their children can become scientists.

Perhaps there is no way to refuse the exam in the human age, because it is the fairest way. Now many private universities can arrange a few students to enter the school as long as they have a high sponsorship fee. In fact, this is not against the law, because many schools rely on these sponsorship funds for their funding, and the current students are very smart. It's not that they are not strong enough to enter this university, but they failed when they competed with others.

Education has never been a fair thing. This was only realized after Chen Qiang formally understood many of the contents, so he has always turned a blind eye to these things. Now he is no longer the stunned young man he used to be. With his current status, a word may cause an uproar, but he is the one who cleans up the mess in the end, so he will not do such thankless things.

"Your Majesty, we expect to enroll three million more students this year than last year. This is the figure after strict calculations by the Ministry of Education, but the universities are still reluctant." Wang Peng, as the Minister of Education, was on the virtual screen the whole time today. Zhong monitored all the examination rooms, but he didn't expect Chen Qiang to come and ask some things.

"Three million is a lot. What we need now is the talents we have cultivated. Don't let the talents we cultivate be unqualified." Chen Qiang was also a little surprised when he heard the figure of three million, because last year the entire empire expanded its enrollment to only 800,000, a three-fold increase this year is indeed a bit much.

"Actually, this is the number after the Ministry of Education cut off a part. As of yesterday, the Ministry of Education of the Empire has received a total of 50 university establishment applications including Mars University. These universities alone can absorb nearly half a million people. We have allocated all the money for the expansion, and if we can’t see the results, we will be sorry for the hard work of the Ministry of Education over the years.” Wang Peng said with some pride.

The current education is indeed qualified to be proud. The entire educational environment has undergone tremendous changes in the ten years since the establishment of the empire. This is the biggest achievement of the Ministry of Education in these years. The current empire has formed a new type of education system and scientific research system, and the effect of this system is much better than the previous one. Cramming education is no longer suitable for the current empire, what is needed now is the kind of all-around talent with both knowledge and creativity.

"You should keep an eye on this matter. Education is a thousand-year plan. Up to now, we have only digested one-tenth of the information we have obtained from Carlo. I hope that after fifty years, the level of human technology will have reached With earth-shaking changes, we can no longer rely on our old ways." Chen Qiang sighed a little.

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