Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 523 Foundation

For the current human science and technology, the earth is relying on the old, and some theoretical things have not been updated for almost a hundred years. The four basic theories of modern science and technology are quantum mechanics, gene theory, relativity and system theory. Among them, quantum mechanics has fundamentally changed human understanding of the structure of matter and its interaction. It was born at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Gene theory mainly allows human beings to have a microscopic perspective on their own understanding. It was born at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century; the theory of relativity changed human beings' common sense concept of the universe and nature, and proposed new concepts such as simultaneous relativity, four-dimensional space-time, and curved space-time. It was proposed by Einstein The time was also at the beginning of the 20th century; the system theory was put forward by Qian Xuesen in the middle of the 20th century.

Judging from the above signs, human science has almost fallen into a state of stagnation. In the 21st century, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Clay Mathematics Institute in the United States selected seven "Millennium Prize Problems", but now humans have only solved three of them, namely the Riemann Hypothesis and the Hodge Conjecture , P (polynomial algorithm) problem to NP (non-polynomial algorithm) problem.

Among them, the P (polynomial algorithm) problem is Chen Qiang's conclusion to the NP (non-polynomial algorithm) problem, because this is a very simple fuzzy algorithm problem, and there is only one possibility for fuzzy algorithm in a computer with only 0 and 1 expressions That's artificial intelligence. As for the other two conjectures, they have been proved by two students of Star University, but the others have not made any progress so far.

In fact, Chen Qiang is most concerned about the Yang-Mills (Yang-Mills) existence and quality gap, which is a bridge leading to the unification of mechanics. As long as this problem is solved, human beings will not be far from the unification of mechanics. But until now the question has remained unresolved, even with those extraterrestrial sources.

"Increasing investment in basic science research requires human beings to be armed with more advanced theoretical knowledge." Chen Qiang said.

"Understood, but I think it is not suitable for basic knowledge to be placed in colleges and universities, because some top students entered this field when they entered school, but they were recruited to another project team after graduation, and those who do basic research Once again, the project team is handed over to others, so there will be no output at all." Wang Peng mentioned a huge problem in current scientific research.

"Why did those students leave?" Chen Qiang frowned and asked.

"Because other projects of the empire need them, these years, first-rate talents will basically enter the empire's research institutes, second-rate talents will enter the research institutes of various companies, and only third-rate talents will stay in various universities as lecturers. Professor." In fact, there is a policy for a certain period of time. In the past ten years, the purpose of all the universities to cultivate talents is to transfuse blood into the research institutes of the empire. This is beyond doubt. Wang Peng also understood this truth, but now he said it directly because many of the current scientific research projects in the empire actually need the support of these universities.

"Then change it. You, the Minister of Education, are a little dereliction of duty. I'm afraid you have known about this for a long time. Why don't you report to the Government Affairs Council to make some policy improvements." Chen Qiang said in a calm and authoritative manner.

"Your Majesty, the empire really needed those talents in the past, and the students who stayed in various colleges and universities also had great potential. The main task of the most important colleges and universities during that time was to train students, and there were not many scientific research projects. Even if there are projects, they are just some exercise projects given by the empire, but it is different now. Many schools have begun to undertake some important research projects of the Seven Empires, and the Academy of Sciences has also begun to put some basic scientific research in universities. "Wang Peng said bitterly.

"Since the Academy of Sciences decentralizes basic scientific research, the Ministry of Education will assume this role in series. Build a basic scientific research center in all qualified universities, and the funds will go to the Academy's account. And tell each university as long as they have As a result, points will be added to the selection of vitality nodes at that time." Chen Qiang waved his hand directly, and then the funding of the Academy of Sciences was reduced by one-third.

"Then our Ministry of Education needs to come up with a rigorous plan, otherwise what will happen when the universities fight each other." Wang Peng said with a wry smile.

"It's good to fight, so they will have motivation." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

The college entrance examination is finally over. The entire college entrance examination requires seven basic subjects, namely language, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, and history. Among them, history can be a selective exam. There are nine papers in total. Choose one of them A single answer will suffice. There is also a professional question. This kind of question needs to be completed on the virtual device after the students go home. Of course, this is the content of another exam.

The grading of the college entrance examination is very simple, because all the papers are basically some objective questions, that is, questions with accurate answers. There are relatively few subjective questions, so there are not many questions that require teachers to mark the papers. Basically, the results will be released a week after the test. After the results come out, all the candidates can do is wait, because all their test materials will be classified by artificial intelligence according to the conditions set by each university, and then each university will determine the final result. list.

After the list of colleges and universities is determined, the next step is the interview. Of course, sometimes a student may face interviews from several schools, but he needs to make some choices at this time, otherwise there may be no results in both aspects. Although this method has been criticized by many students who failed the list, it is already the fairest admission method that maximizes the talents of each student.

Of course, there are some special cases, that is the talent assessment by the Ministry of Education, this kind of assessment is simply an inhuman assessment. All the questions are almost enough to take the engineer's exam, and the average student really can't pass. Of course, as long as he can choose from all the universities in the world, this is his own right.

Another way is supplementary enrollment, that is, some schools find that these students are not suitable for their school after interviews, so they will release supplementary enrollment information. Of course, most schools still like the students they choose. Generally, as long as these students enter the interview process, it means that they have entered the university. After the founding of the empire, the largest supplementary enrollment was released by West Lake University. At that time, the number of supplementary enrollments exceeded 500, which made many outstanding students who failed to enter the university at that time.

As for those who use money to get in, let’s not talk about it. This method is feasible in private universities, but it is strictly prohibited in public universities. Moreover, private universities are basically a talent training base for a certain consortium or company, so there are a lot of emphasis on teaching, and there are not many comprehensive ones. However, except for some characteristic universities, public universities are comprehensively developed, so public universities are very popular.

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