Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 526 Alien Virus

Cheng Yu and others came back, but they were intercepted when they were at the supply point above Jupiter's orbit, because some microorganisms were found on their bodies. This made the entire empire feel like a big enemy, because before that, human beings and the earth were invaded by foreign pathogens. At that time, Lei Jun and other management personnel were infected with bacteria. At that time, human beings have already suffered great trauma.

Microbial invasion can be small or large, because there are hundreds of billions of microorganisms in the environment where human beings live, and we have strong adaptability and resistance to these microorganisms, which is what we call drug resistance. However, so far, human research on the microorganisms outside is still at the stage of the 'zombie' virus, and there is no research on other microorganisms at all.

"Liu Jie, what's the matter? How aggressive is the virus on Cheng Yu's body? How's the infection situation?" Chen Qiang came to the biological laboratory of Qidian space station as soon as he received the news. The front line of the empire's resistance to alien microbes.

"I don't know. The information sent by the supply station in Jupiter orbit does not clearly indicate the characteristics of this microorganism." Liu Jie motioned Chen Qiang to look at the file on the screen.

"It seems that some specialized equipment and personnel are needed to test this kind of microorganism in the past. There is very little information in this document." Chen Qiang completely understood after taking a look at the document.

Because the outbreak of the zombie virus last time frightened Chen Qiang and others, since then all space vehicles must be disinfected and inspected in a specially constructed sterilization plant after a flight. Moreover, after the establishment of the empire, several sampling surveys of microbial samples were carried out in the solar system, and finally it was found that the number and types of microorganisms in space are very similar to those on the earth.

This result was originally good news, but Chen Qiang was not happy, because there is another possibility that these microorganisms were brought by humans during space activities, and after entering space, reproduction and biological invasion occurred.

"I've already formed a team, and now I need an order from His Majesty, and deploy the army to conduct all-round monitoring. If we find that this microorganism is beyond our control, I hope the army can open fire without hesitation." At this time There was no fluctuation on Liu Jie's face, as if he was speaking a statement.

"What about Senior Brother Wang, what should he do?" Chen Qiang hated this kind of time the most. Although life and death were normal things, he just couldn't accept it, especially after such a situation happened to the people around him.

"Your Majesty, I will go with her. The child has grown up now and does not need our care. Besides, there are his grandparents." Wang Wenhao came in with a silver box at this time.

"Then go. If you have any problems, I will take care of them at home. And this time, you will be the leader of the operation team, and you will also be in command of the army. I hope you can come back safely." Chen Qiang also Nothing more to say, some things must be done by someone.

"I'll do my best." Wang Wenhao didn't expect that he would be given command of the army, and he said after hesitating for a long time.

"Okay, just do your best." Chen Qiang patted his brother on the shoulder and left. He needs to look at the other personnel who entered this operation group. Although he can help very little, at least he must let them know that he, the emperor, has not forgotten them, and the empire will not forget their achievements.

The biological laboratory of Qidian is already the most advanced laboratory of all mankind. There are many latest inventions and some scientific and technological solutions from alien civilizations. So if this laboratory's investigation of this microorganism turns out to be more pessimistic, then the only thing the empire can do is to include those people's names in the list of martyrs.

In fact, this is a big worry for Chen Qiang, because microorganisms are extremely adaptable to the environment. In addition, now the Empire has been able to detect many kinds of microorganisms in space, even if these microorganisms are brought up by human space activities, who can guarantee that no new microorganisms will appear.

"President, can't we go back?" A very young woman asked Cheng Yu with a haggard face.

"Xiaoman, you really shouldn't have come here. Although your Ma family has fallen, there is a guild and no one bullies you. But why do you want to fight for this reputation together?" Cheng Yu looked at the person in front of him. Little girl, he is really a pity. Because this person is younger than his daughter, it is too cruel to leave this world at such a young age.

"President, can we go back alive?" The woman obviously has her own stubbornness.

"We have to trust the empire, they have enough strength to solve this matter." Cheng Yu sighed, the lack of confidence in his tone was evident.

"I believe the president, we will go back alive." The woman showed a bright smile, but this smile was a bit forced.

Looking at the departing beauty, Cheng Yu was filled with emotion at this time, but he didn't regret it at all and even hoped that they could die here this time. Because as long as they die here, the barrier between the mercenary guild and the high-level empire will be eliminated. Even if it is not eliminated, at least the life of the mercenary guild will be much easier in the future.

Cheng Yu has always held important positions in the mercenary guild, and once fought against the mutant beasts with Chen Qiang, so he knew that His Majesty was a nostalgic person. Otherwise, the mercenary would have died many times over the years, and would not have stayed until now. During the war against the mutant beasts, the mercenary guild has changed a few times at the top, and even the president has changed three, so the current mercenary guild was bought with the blood of these seniors. If he can now use these people's Life is exchanged for the reconciliation between the mercenary guild and the high-level empire, all sacrifices are worth it.

Sometimes the survival of human beings is so difficult, especially in these aristocratic families, as long as they face the interests of the family, everything can be sacrificed. The president of Cheng Yu actually came very simply, because the president's leadership of this expedition is an internal decision of the mercenary guild, so no one will grab the position of president at all, and no one will think that he has lived long enough now up.

Cheng Yu finally took over the position, and he also had the determination to die. After leaving the Kuiper belt, half of his hanging heart was relieved, because the most dangerous time had passed. They also disinfected and inspected the supply point outside the Kuiper belt, and his other half was relieved after no danger was found.

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