Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 527 Concealment and Announcement

But what he didn't expect was that at the orbital supply point of Jupiter, the existence of alien microorganisms was detected, but it was not confirmed. They have been here for almost two weeks now, but they can't go back because their home is close to them. Many people in the fleet are feeling overwhelmed, and some people even can't bear the pressure and are about to commit suicide.

"Report to Commander Wang, we have arrived at the Jupiter orbital supply point and entered the port." After more than a week of voyage, Wang Wenhao and others finally arrived at the destination.

"The 'Worm' battleship enters the port, and the rest of the warships surround the entire supply point. I will give you a signal. If I don't hear any news after half a year, immediately activate the hydrogen bomb on the 'Worm' battleship." Wang Wenhao looked at the front of him. The supply station took another look at the huge Jupiter Road not far away.

"Yes." The commander of the army saluted.

"General Mao, do we really want to attack our own people?" A colonel next to him said sadly looking at the "worm" warship slowly entering the port.

"You have not experienced the zombie virus back then. The current Minister of Commerce, Lei, suffered a lot from that virus. I was in the security team at the time, and the order His Majesty gave us at that time was that all those who rushed out Kill him immediately and hug him." Mao Yuan said with a serious face.

The "worm" battleship entered the port and was firmly moored at the supply point, and then the entire battleship was bathed in ultraviolet light, which was a necessary disinfection procedure before entering the port. The reason why the "worm" battleship is used is because there is a super clean area inside the battleship, where no microorganisms can survive. And Starry Sky Hospital has also developed another device that can isolate microorganisms through research on this device, and installed it on the latest battleship. However, the effect of this device is still somewhat different from the original one.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look." Wang Wenhao, who was wearing an isolation suit, looked at the opened battleship door and said, not very confident in his mind.

The Jupiter supply station is the midpoint of the entire expedition supply line, so another starting point was built here with the support of the military. And equipped with some top-notch equipment for arming, here is the early warning radar station of the entire supply line to provide position support and distress signal reception services for all expedition fleets.

"Wang" Cheng Yu led the crowd to greet him at the door, but he didn't know how to call someone when he saw this man in protective clothing.

"Wang Wenhao, the current director of the Starry Sky Biology and Microbiology Research Office, Chairman Cheng can call me Director Wang." Wang Wenhao obviously felt that the chairman was a little embarrassed, so he reached out his hand first.

"Director Wang, thank you for coming. The members of the expedition team really want to go home now. I hope your team can give us an accurate answer as soon as possible." Cheng Yu also couldn't hold it anymore, so he lost his previous stability He directly pulled Wang Wenhao's hand.

"President Cheng, we will go through it. I hope you can cooperate with us to complete some inspection work. I know everyone is eager to go home. But science requires a process, and I can't finish it immediately." Wang Wenhao can only do this Answered, because he didn't know anything about this microbe.

It is not easy to know that this kind of microorganism has not been detected in front of the microbiological testing equipment with a sensitivity of 80%, and it can break through everyone's vitality shield and enter the body. So he is not 100% sure.

"Director Wang, we will cooperate earnestly, please do your best." Cheng Yu was also in a hurry to go to the doctor at this time.

"Xiaojie, set up inspection equipment and capture equipment immediately. We need to find out why this is a mysterious thing." Wang Wenhao immediately ordered Liu Jie who was standing next to him.

"Yes, you guys come with me." After Liu Jie replied, she led everyone behind her into the supply station and looked for a room with better airtightness to set up inspection and capture instruments.

The so-called inspection is to conduct an accurate and unmistakable inspection on everyone to see the number of alien microorganisms carried by all expedition members. The purpose of doing this is to obtain the reproduction mode and infectivity of this heterogeneous microorganism. Only by determining its characteristics can it be possible to judge its harmfulness.

Time passed bit by bit, and Mao Yuan stayed in the command room every day except sleeping, eating, and going to the toilet, looking at the supply station in the distance. The order he got was to block all spacecraft that left the supply station without an order, but it has been a month since Wang Wenhao and other scientific researchers, and there is still no news. He is still very anxious in his heart. He understands the importance of these scientific researchers to the empire, and he paid astronomical figures for the empire of 300 researchers.

"Your Majesty, the return date of the expedition team is already forty-six days late. Now there is a lot of commotion outside, and the media's speculations have caused the enthusiasm for the expedition to drop to a low point. I think it is time to tell the truth to the public. They all Heroes, I believe the people have their own judgments." Wu Wudi and Ding Sanshi were persuading Chen Qiang's office at this time.

"If this alien microbial invasion is to be exposed, then the previous zombie virus will also be exposed. The people are suffering too much now, and we can't put more pressure on them." Chen Qiang thought for a while Still refused.

"Your Majesty, in fact, we still underestimated the acceptance of the people. Human beings were almost wiped out and they all survived. What's so terrible about a heterogeneous microorganism?" Ding Sanshi persuaded, and the expedition team that the Adventurer's Guild has registered now Some have already started to stop the spaceships that are being refitted, and their guild will have some cuts from this part of the profits. This is a way for the adventurer guild to recover its investment.

"Indeed, Your Majesty, we have tried our best to explain that the expedition team came back because of some things and did not return home immediately, but those expedition teams simply did not believe it. Instead of watching the craze for exploration cool down, why don't we just say it directly? Announce this matter. Let the expedition team face it by themselves, human beings never lack the courage to face danger." Wu Wudi also persuaded that the warrior guild does not have so many interests in it, but watching the expedition gradually cool down He was very uncomfortable.

"Let me tell you a bad news. So far, the inspection team still has no results, and these alien microorganisms have not been found yet, but the detection equipment shows that these alien microorganisms exist, so things are very serious. Simple. So now that you guys want to make an announcement, you can make up your own mind." Chen Qiang finally said something.

Wu Wudi and Ding Sanshi were also indifferent after hearing this news, but they gritted their teeth after thinking for a long time and said, "Announce."

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