Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 529 Professor Hu's Advice

Over the years, many experts and civilian scientists have been investigating the reasons for the emergence of mutant beasts, but the various theories seem to make sense, so there has never been a unified answer. But there are three theories that make everyone more convinced: the first statement is that the virus that mutated the mutant beast came from the virus researched in Japan; the second statement directly refuted this view, and they believed that the virus that mutated the mutant beast It is a new type of virus, and the reason is that the nucleic acid of this virus is different from that of that virus; the third statement is more interesting, and it is believed that the virus that makes the mutant beast mutate may be a combination of multiple viruses.

The third statement would not be convincing at all if it were put in the past, but it is very convincing in this era, because the microbial clustering technology is now widely used under the popularization of the Star Group, and now many Biometallurgy uses this technique.

"Mr. Ma, doesn't that mean that all our human disasters are caused by the Star Group?" Zhang Yong asked such a question after thinking for a long time.

"It is true from the root cause, but the quality of science cannot be evaluated in such a simple way. Besides, His Majesty did not know that such a thing would happen. Minister of Commerce Lei Jun was the victim of the virus, and no one involved Any idea, what we can do." Ma Yun said with a sigh.

In fact, Ma Yun still has some puzzles about the current imperial policy, and he even feels a little disgusted in his heart, because the entire empire is expanding outwards recklessly. The expansion rate has increased and it has greatly increased the burden on these private enterprises. In his opinion, the empire is using the hard-earned money of the people to complete this project with no future in sight.

During the evening news broadcast, the Empire Central Television announced the matter about the alien microorganisms very seriously, and explained that the Empire had sent a team of hundreds of people to carry the most advanced instruments to investigate. As soon as this news came out, the whole world was in an uproar, because everyone has not recovered from the virus outbreak, so many people began to say on the Internet that human beings will face a crisis again.

This is the reason why Chen Qiang didn't want to announce this matter, because of the existence of private TV stations, the country's news public relations are not very strong, so a real example is needed to prove that the empire is capable of resisting it. So the virus invasion from Starry Sky City eighteen years ago was revealed again, because these pictures were all taken by various surveillance systems, so they were a bit messy. However, after watching this documentary, many people’s sense of crisis has been greatly reduced, but those who have experienced that action know that this matter is not so simple, because thousands of people in the virus directly was killed.

However, this matter has caused great fluctuations in the biology schools of various universities. It is said that the ignorant are innocent, but these people are students of biology, so they hold a very pessimistic attitude towards this matter. Some people even began to quote some pessimistic views on the Internet, but they were quickly overwhelmed or deleted by Xingkong. Although the powerful Xingkong cannot control various TV media channels, it can still control things on the Internet. of.

"Professor, isn't the empire a bit deceiving by concealing the people like this? If alien microorganisms enter the earth, they may cause extinction damage to the entire earth's ecosystem, and if there is a mutation in the current earth's environment, there will be a mutant beast." The war will begin." A man from the School of Bioengineering of CityLink University said that he stood up before the teacher put down his books after class.

"Yes, professor, can you report to the higher authorities, and we will support you when the time comes." These students are like fighters for justice now, but they still have some doubts about the previous large-scale mobilization. The shadow of the teacher, so the professor can only be the vanguard in the classroom.

"If you haven't learned how to embarrass yourself here, you have to go outside to embarrass yourself. When you go out, don't say that I, Hu Jiancheng, called you the students." The professor's face changed and he was very powerful.

"Professor Hu, then give us a reason." At this moment, a woman stood up and asked directly.

"It's better to have no books than to believe in books. In fact, the textbooks you use now are somewhat out of touch with reality. I asked you to read more latest research materials and you didn't read them. Just like this incident of heterogeneous microorganisms, the microorganisms have not yet arrived. Our earth is now in the supply station in the orbit of Jupiter, which is hundreds of millions of kilometers away from us. Although we have found some microorganisms in space, after research, we found that these microorganisms were brought up by humans. There is no threat at all." Hu Jiancheng obviously knew that this class would be impossible, so he simply turned it into a discussion class.

"Professor Hu, what about the virus incident seventeen years ago, human beings today simply cannot bear another disaster like a mutant beast." Another woman stood up and asked.

"You have watched the documentary, I know. But I want to tell you that the documentary is very beautiful. The number of people who died directly in that virus incident exceeded a thousand. If it weren't for the advanced cell activation solution, it would be the current advanced If the Foundation Building Liquid is used, nearly one million people in Starry Sky City will be killed directly.” Hu Jiancheng was a little disappointed with these students, he felt that the quality of college students has declined, and these things can be found in the school library and the Internet The National Library above is all to see, so he's going to give these kids some serious punch.

"Professor, since there is such a powerful hazard, why didn't the empire stop it." The silence in the classroom was finally broken by a voice.

"Because those who died did not die from the virus, but were killed because of robbery, mental breakdown, murder, rape and other things. Don't think that you know what others don't, the biological researchers of the empire They are all your ancestors, don’t they know about this, let go of your small thoughts, and study hard is the right way.” Hu Jiancheng said with a sigh.

"But professor, when you are in class, you want us to be an upright person and a person who can't lie." A woman in front asked timidly.

"Qu Zhiyun, can you tell me how many people were sacrificed in the 'Transformation Project'?" Professor Hu didn't expect these children to still be so unreasonable, so he asked a little angrily.

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